Page 6 - Aruba Today
P. 6


U.S. NEWSMonday 26 October 2015

Texas spared destruction from Hurricane Patricia’s remnants 

PAUL J. WEBER                 Eleazar Sanchez wades through high water Sunday, Oct. 25,                 in the Western Hemisphere      had drought conditions we
Associated Press              2015, in Houston. Drenching storms that the remnants of Hurri-            caused remarkably little       were dealing with.”
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) —          cane Patricia dragged into Texas finally cleared Sunday without           destruction, and what was      Lessons learned from the
Drenching storms that the     leaving behind the death or devastation of torrential rain and            left of Patricia by the time   May floods also seemed
remnants of Hurricane Pa-     floods that hit the state earlier in the year.                            the weakened storm strag-      to keep more drivers out
tricia dragged into Texas                                                                               gled into parched Texas        of danger, authorities said.
finally cleared Sunday                                          (Jon Shapley/Houston Chronicle via AP)  was greeted with both re-      Only roughly two dozen
without leaving behind the                                                                              lief and unease.               cars were towed from
death or devastation of tor-  len bayous around Houston     Henry, who had issued a                     A hot and dry summer in        flooded roads in Houston
rential rain and floods that  receded and closed roads      voluntary evacuation cov-                   Texas revived drought con-     and emergency crews re-
hit the state earlier in the  reopened in Austin, day-      ering roughly 4,000 homes.                  ditions that a wet spring all  sponded to only a handful
year.                         break also revealed scant     Patricia roared ashore in                   but wiped out.                 of rescues, said Francisco
Some parts of Texas have      damage.                       Mexico on Friday as a Cat-                  A deluge in late May over-     Sanchez, a spokesman for
been pounded by more          “We’re going to stand         egory 5 terror that barreled                whelmed saturated ar-          Harris County’s emergency
than a foot (30 centime-      down the emergency man-       toward land with winds up                   eas and caused deadly          management division.
ters) of rain since Friday,   agement operations and        to 200 mph (320 kph). But                   flooding, and nine inches      “The public responded
shutting down busy high-      call it a day,” said Galves-  the arrival of the most pow-                (22.5 centimeters) of rain     well.
ways and derailing a train.   ton County Judge Mark         erful hurricane on record                   dumped in parts of Houston     For the most part they
But relentless showers were                                                                             this weekend was the most      heeded our warnings,”
gratefully the only compar-                                                                             since those spring storms.     Sanchez said.
ison to storms in late May                                                                              But officials said months of   The soaking helped fire-
that killed more than 30                                                                                sweltering Texas weather       fighters near Austin fully
people in Texas and Okla-                                                                               made for a more manage-        contain a long-simmering
homa and stranded 2,500                                                                                 able drenching, which also     wildfire that had burned
cars around Houston.                                                                                    fell at a steady rate instead  7 square miles (18 square
One man remained missing                                                                                of in buckets.                 kilometers) and destroyed
near San Antonio after au-                                                                              “We had much drier             nearly 70 homes. Clearing
thorities say he was caught                                                                             grounds that could handle      skies also allowed a For-
by floodwaters, but no                                                                                  more of the rainfall and       mula One championship
deaths in Texas have been                                                                               soak it in,” National Weath-   in Austin to proceed after
confirmed.                                                                                              er Service Meteorologist       the rain washed out week-
By Sunday morning, as swol-                                                                             Scott Overpeck said. “We       end qualifying laps and
                                                                                                                                       threatened a race that
Alaska man stranded in Russia after flight canceled                                                                                    brings fans from around
                                                                                                                                       the globe.
RACHEL D’ORO                  iting friends and family on   money to charter a plane                    mately cut off.                On Saturday, a Union Pa-
Associated Press              the other side of the Bering  and bring him back home                     “I don’t know what kind of     cific freight train derailed
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP)        Strait.                       to Savoonga, a Yup’ik Es-                   trouble he’s facing,” she      before dawn Saturday
— Sivoy Miklahook booked      Now the 25-year-old Alas-     kimo village on Alaska’s                    said in a phone interview.     near Corsicana, about 50
his flight to Russia when     ka Native is stranded in a    Saint Lawrence Island                       Sivoy Miklahook has a Nov.     miles (80 kilometers) south
there were no scheduled       foreign country with no im-   near the Russian border.                    14 deadline to leave, he       of Dallas, because a creek
return flights to Alaska,     mediate way home.             His mother, Carol Mikla-                    said on Facebook, where        overflowed and washed
but he figured something      As his visitation deadline    hook, said her son called                   he talks about how help-       away the tracks, said Jeff
would come up while he        approaches, his friends in    recently, but their con-                    less he feels.q                DeGraff, a railroad spokes-
lived out his dream of vis-   Alaska are rallying to raise  nection was poor and ulti-                                                 man. q
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