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U.S. NEWSMonday 26 October 2015

AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable 

STEVE PEOPLES                  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles as he                election polls, both have      a drop-off among the rest
EMILY SWANSON                  looks out on the crowd after taking the stage at the Jacksonville          used divisive rhetoric in re-  of the crowded 2016 Re-
The Associated Press           Landing along the banks of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville,            cent months that alienat-      publican class. None of the
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re-          Fla., on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015.                                          ed some minorities. Trump      other candidates is viewed
publican voters view Don-                                                                                 called Mexican immigrants      as electable in a general
ald Trump as their strongest                                   (Bob Self/The Florida Times-Union/via AP)  rapists and criminals during   election by more than half
general election candi-                                                                                   his announcement speech;       of Republican voters.
date, according to an As-      from Vallejo, California. “I  ning the Republican nomi-                    while Carson said he would     Carson and Trump are the
sociated Press-GfK poll that   think Trump is more elect-    nation are often very differ-                not support a Muslim presi-    candidates most likely to
highlights the sharp con-      able. He’s strong. We need    ent tasks. The Republican                    dential candidate.             receive positive ratings
trast between the party’s      strength these days.”         Party’s most conservative                    “Republicans think (Demo-      from Republican voters,
voters and its top profes-     Trump and Carson are con-     voters — a group that is                     crat) Hillary (Rodham Clin-    with 65 percent saying they
sionals regarding the bil-     sidered among the least       older and whiter than the                    ton) is weaker than she is.    have a favorable opinion
lionaire businessman’s ulti-   electable general election    nation as a whole — wield                    They are wrong,” said Re-      of Carson and 58 percent
mate political strength.       candidates by the Repub-      extraordinary influence in                   publican operative Katie       saying the same of Trump.
Seven in 10 Republican         lican Party’s professionals,  picking the nominee. Inde-                   Packer, who was deputy         Republicans are somewhat
and Republican-leaning         those who are in the busi-    pendents, moderate voters                    campaign manager for           less excited about Bush,
registered voters say Trump    ness of helping candidates    and minorities are far more                  2012 Republican nominee        with 48 percent giving him
could win in November          run campaigns and win         important in general elec-                   Mitt Romney. “They think       a favorable rating.
2016 if he is nominated,       elections.                    tions that draw many more                    we don’t need to win more      Trump and Bush have the
and that’s the most who        Experienced political strat-  people to the polls.                         women or more Hispanics        highest negative ratings
say so of any candidate.       egists note that winning a    While Trump and Carson                       to win. They’re wrong.”        within their own party: 37
By comparison, 6 in 10 say     general election and win-     are popular in primary                       Former Florida Gov. Jeb        percent of Republican vot-
the same for retired neuro-                                                                               Bush, who has embraced         ers say they have an un-
surgeon Ben Carson, who,                                                                                  a welcoming tone with His-     favorable opinion of Bush
like Trump, has tapped into                                                                               panics, tops the field of ex-  and 36 percent say the
the powerful wave of anti-                                                                                perienced political leaders    same of Trump.
establishment anger defin-                                                                                on the question of elect-      Their negatives are even
ing the early phases of the                                                                               ability, running about even    more pronounced among
2016 contest.                                                                                             with Carson and slightly be-   the broader electorate.
“It’s the lifelong establish-                                                                             hind Trump.                    The AP-GfK poll found
ment politicians on both                                                                                  Six in 10 Republicans say      Trump is viewed unfavor-
sides that rub me the                                                                                     Bush could win the general     ably by 57 percent of those
wrong way,” said regis-                                                                                   election and 54 percent        surveyed, the highest neg-
tered Republican Joe Selig,                                                                               say the same about Florida     atives of any Republican
a 60-year-old carpenter                                                                                   Sen. Marco Rubio. There’s      candidate. q
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