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P. 3

                                                                                                      Monday 26 October 2015

Sanders, Clinton Set Tone
for Democratic Caucuses

KEN THOMAS                     side every step of the way.     Former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clin-
CATHERINE LUCEY                “He has fought passionate-      ton, walk back to the stage after the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson fundraising din-
Associated Press               ly for middle-class families    ner, Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, in Des Moines, Iowa.
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) —        and middle-class values,”
Bernie Sanders sharpened       she said.                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
the contrast with Hillary      Former Maryland Gov.
Rodham Clinton on a bevy       Martin O’Malley, who trails
of liberal causes, casting     both by a wide margin,
himself as a principled pro-   reached for a breakout
gressive before thousands      performance at the din-
of Iowa Democrats in an        ner, presenting himself as a
appearance that could          fresh face in the party, who
set the tone for the lead-     got things done in his home
off presidential caucuses in   state.
February.                      “We cannot move beyond
Sanders, the independent       today’s gridlocked politics
Vermont senator, never         by returning to the divisions
mentioned Clinton by           of our past,” O’Malley said.
name Saturday night at the     “I’m not about that.”
high-profile fundraising din-  The speech marked a more
ner but implicitly criticized  aggressive turn by Sanders,
her delayed opposition to      who struggled at times to
the Trans-Pacific Partner-     scrutinize Clinton’s record
ship and Keystone XL pipe-     during the first Democratic
line as well as her vote in    presidential debate in Las
favor of the Iraq war and      Vegas earlier this month.
passage of the Defense         In that encounter, Clinton
of Marriage Act during her     offered a full-throated re-
husband’s administration       buke of Sanders’ record on
that allowed states to re-     gun control, noting his op-
fuse to recognize same-sex     position to the 1993 Brady
marriages approved under       Bill that mandated federal
the laws of other states.      background checks on
Sanders vowed “not to          firearm purchases and his
abandon any segment of         backing of a 2005 law that
American society whether       shields gun manufactur-
you’re gay or black or Lati-   ers, distributors and dealers
no or poor or working class    from most liability lawsuits.
— just because it is politi-   This time, Clinton only
cally expedient at a given     made a passing reference
time.”                         to Sanders on gun control,
“I promise you tonight as      saying, “I won’t be silent”
your president I will govern   on the issue.
based on principle not poll    Clinton placed third in the
numbers,” Sanders said,        Iowa caucuses in 2008 be-
eliciting roars from his sup-  hind Barack Obama and
porters.                       has since built a formidable
Clinton did not respond        organization to power her
in kind, making the case       to victory here.
that she would be best         Clinton is now presenting
equipped to take on the        herself as Obama’s heir,
Republicans. “I hear Don-      warning that Republicans
ald Trump when he says         would seek to slash taxes
we have to make America        for the wealthy and repeal
great again,” Clinton said.    the president’s signature
“America is great — we just    health care reform law.
have to make it fair and       “I’m running as a proud
just.”                         Democrat,” the former
Clinton and Sanders sit        secretary of state said to a
atop a Democratic presi-       large cheering section that
dential field that was ef-     waved blue neon sticks.
fectively pared down to        “We need to defend the
two after Vice President       progress we’ve made un-
Joe Biden announced this       der President Obama and
week he would not seek         build on it until the recovery
the nomination.                is secure.”
Clinton made a direct ap-      But Republicans insisted
peal to Biden’s supporters,    Saturday that today’s Hill-
saying that the vice presi-    ary Clinton is the same one
dent has been at Obama’s       who ran eight years ago.q
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