Page 18 - Aruba Today
P. 18
SPORTSMonday 26 October 2015
NFL Capsules Tampa Bay (2-4) was up won an NFC North game
24-0 in the second quarter, on the road for the first time
Now he’s the fifth interim before Cousins ran for an in three years.
coach of 26 since 2000 8-yard TD to get Washing- The Lions (1-6) had an
to win his first two games. ton (3-4) on the board. 11-point lead after Mat-
Since the firing of Joe Phil- Cousins hadn’t completed thew Stafford threw TDs
bin on Oct. 5, the Dolphins more than one TD pass in on their first two drives, but
(3-3) have gone from no- any game all season. But they blew it because they
torious underachievers to he got a pair of 3-yard couldn’t protect the quar-
contending for their first scores in the third quarter, terback.
playoff berth since 2008. sandwiched around an on- Minnesota had a season-
The Dolphins had been 0-7 side kick, to make things in- high seven sacks, which
previously against Hous- teresting. also was a season worst for
ton (2-5). Miami’s four long Then, trailing 30-24, Wash- Detroit.
scores in the first half were ington got the ball at its 20
the most in at least 75 with a little less than 2 1/2 FALCONS 10, TITANS 7
years, according to STATS. minutes left in the fourth NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) —
quarter. Cousins capped Matt Ryan threw for 251
REDSKINS 31, BUCCANEERS the drive with a 6-yard TD yards and a touchdown
30 toss to Jordan Reed. pass, and Devonta Free-
LANDOVER, Md. (AP) — Kirk man ran for 116 yards.
Cousins threw three sec- VIKINGS 28, LIONS 19 The Falcons (6-1) bounced
ond-half touchdown pass- DETROIT (AP) — Teddy back from their first loss by
es, including the go-ahead Bridgewater threw for a grinding out a road win and
score with 24 seconds left, season-high 316 yards and overcoming two intercep-
to lead Washington to the two touchdowns for Min- tions. Freeman notched
largest comeback in fran- nesota. his third consecutive game
chise history. Adrian Peterson rushed for with at least 100 yards,
98 yards as the Vikings (4-2) and Atlanta outgained
Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson (28) breaks
downfield for a 75-yard run during the second half of an NFL
football game against the Detroit Lions, Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015,
in Detroit.
(AP Photo/Duane Burleson)
Tennessee 378-256. The England’s national soccer
banged-up Titans (1-5) lost team. The Bills (3-4) were
their fifth straight overall. playing in the British capital
They played without rookie for the first time.
quarterback Marcus Mari-
ota, who was replaced by RAMS 24, BROWNS 6
Zach Mettenberger — in- ST. LOUIS (AP) — Rookie
tercepted by safety Ro- Todd Gurley rushed for
benson Therezie with 1:31 128 yards and his first two
left to seal the win. touchdowns, helping St.
Louis to the win.
JAGUARS 34, BILLS 31 St. Louis (3-3) had four
LONDON (AP) — Blake sacks and recovered four
Bortles threw a touchdown fumbles. The Rams scored
pass to Allen Hurns with 10 points off miscues on
2:16 remaining and Jack- Cleveland’s first two series,
sonville rallied in the game a 17-yard fumble recovery
at Wembley Stadium. by Rodney McLeod and a
Bortles’ second TD pass of field goal after the first of
the game came a short William Hayes’ two sacks
time after Buffalo safety and strips of Josh McCown
Corey Graham intercept- on the day. Johnny Manziel
ed a pass and returned got mop-up duty for the
it 44 yards to put the Bills Browns (2-5) after McCown
ahead. The Jaguars (2-5) left favoring his right arm
won their first game in Lon- with about four minutes
don after losing in each left.
of the past two seasons
at Wembley, the home of Continued on Page 19