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P. 22


SPORTSMonday 26 October 2015

Minnesota Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders dies of cancer 

JON KRAWCZYNSKI               berwolves open the season        get into coaching and set                                          lege buddy, McHale, took        hammad and Karl-Anthony
AP Basketball Writer          Wednesday.                       about a long and winding                                           over the basketball opera-      Towns, brought in veterans
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Flip       Sam Mitchell has been            path to the NBA. He started                                        tions with the Timberwolves     Andre Miller and Tayshaun
Saunders, the longtime        named interim head coach         at Golden Valley Lutheran                                          and Saunders became the         Prince and helped design
NBA coach who won more        of the Timberwolves and          College just outside of Min-                                       team’s general manager.         a new $25 million practice
than 650 games in nearly      GM Milt Newton is heading        neapolis and served as an                                          When Bill Blair was fired 20    facility across the street
two decades and was try-      the team’s personnel de-         assistant at Minnesota and                                         games into the season,          from Target Center.
ing to rebuild the Minne-     partment.                        Tulsa before spending sev-                                         Saunders was suddenly the       As team president, coach
sota Timberwolves as team     Saunders went 654-592 in         en seasons in the Continen-                                        head coach of a struggling      and a minority owner,
                                                                                                                                  franchise that had never        Saunders grabbed a level
FILE - In this Sept. 29, 2010, file photo, Washington Wizards coach Flip Saunders laughs during                                   made the playoffs. But he       of influence within his or-
NBA basketball training camp at the Patriot Center at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.                                     teamed with a young Kev-        ganization that was un-
Saunders, the longtime NBA coach who won more than 650 games in nearly two decades and                                            in Garnett to turn the Tim-     matched in the NBA. His
was trying to rebuild the Minnesota Timberwolves as team president, coach and part owner, died                                    berwolves into a perennial      fingerprints were on every-
Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, the team said. He was 60.                                                                                  playoff team.                   thing, from personnel deci-
                                                                                                                                  Saunders led the Wolves to      sions to in-game strategies,
                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)  eight straight playoff ap-      even down to the pregame
                                                                                                                                  pearances, the last a trip      entertainment.
president, coach and part     17 NBA seasons with the          tal Basketball Association.                                        to the Western Conference       He liked to sneak up behind
owner, died Sunday, the       Timberwolves, Detroit Pis-       Saunders often credited his                                        finals in 2004. He was fired    unsuspecting visitors to Tar-
team said. He was 60.         tons and Washington Wiz-         stint in the CBA with instilling                                   the next season when the        get Center, clamp his hand
Saunders was diagnosed        ards.                            in him the work ethic and                                          team disintegrated thanks       down on a shoulder and
with Hodgkin lymphoma in      Philip Daniel Saunders was       breadth of organizational                                          in large part to contrac-       squeeze with a vise-like grip
June and doctors called it    born on Feb. 23, 1955,           knowledge that would help                                          tual battles with Latrell       that came from hours of
“treatable and curable,”      in Cleveland and was a           him as a coach and exec-                                           Sprewell and Sam Cassell.       massaging his polio-strick-
when the Timberwolves         prep basketball star at          utive in the NBA. He made                                          The Wolves have not been        en mother in his youth.
made the diagnosis pub-       Cuyahoga Heights High            stops in Rapid City, South                                         back to the playoffs since.     He would carry around au-
lic in August. But he took a  School.                          Dakota; La Crosse, Wiscon-                                         Saunders won 64 games in        tographed cards of himself
leave of absence from the     His mother Kay nicknamed         sin; and Sioux Falls, South                                        his first season in Detroit in  to hand out to fans, and
team in September after       him Flip after hearing the       Dakota, and would often                                            2005-06 and 176 in his three    playfully give them to me-
complications arose during    name at a beauty salon.          relay stories of his backwa-                                       seasons coaching the Pis-       dia members as well with
his treatment, which includ-  He played in college at          ter adventures in the minor                                        tons. But he couldn’t quite     a mischievous grin on his
ed chemotherapy.              Minnesota, teaming with          league and his affinity for                                        get a veteran-laden team        face.
This week, owner Glen Tay-    Kevin McHale and Mychal          the NBA coaches who fol-                                           over the hump and into the      Gregarious and outgo-
lor announced Saunders        Thompson as a senior to          lowed similar paths.                                               NBA Finals, so he was dis-      ing, he endeared himself
would not be back this        lead the Golden Gophers          He landed in the NBA in                                            missed in 2008.                 to a Twin Cities commu-
season and asked team         to a 24-3 record.                1995, when he wrote a let-                                         He coached three more           nity that viewed him as
employees to give Saun-       Not long after graduat-          ter to new owner Glen Tay-                                         years in Washington be-         a hometown boy done
ders time to heal. The Tim-   ing, Saunders decided to         lor asking for a job. His col-                                     fore returning to Minnesota     good, with his Gophers
                                                                                                                                  as president of basketball      roots overshadowing his
                                                                                                                                  operations in 2013. Again,      Cleveland upbringing. And
                                                                                                                                  he took over a franchise        Flip loved Minnesota right
                                                                                                                                  in turmoil and was steadily     back. When he returned
                                                                                                                                  bringing the Timberwolves       to the organization after 10
                                                                                                                                  back to relevance before        years away, he recounted
                                                                                                                                  he fell ill.                    a story about working for
                                                                                                                                  Saunders deftly handled         ESPN and being asked why
                                                                                                                                  the exit of disgruntled for-    he still lived in Minnesota so
                                                                                                                                  ward Kevin Love, trading        long after he was fired.
                                                                                                                                  him to Cleveland for a          “And I’d say ‘Well, you
                                                                                                                                  package including bud-          don’t really understand un-
                                                                                                                                  ding young star Andrew          less you’re from Minnesota.
                                                                                                                                  Wiggins and Thaddeus            You really don’t get it. Even
                                                                                                                                  Young, who was flipped          when it snows on May 3rd
                                                                                                                                  to Brooklyn in February to      you really don’t get it,’”
                                                                                                                                  secure Garnett’s return.        Saunders said. “And the
                                                                                                                                  Saunders also signed Ricky      loyalty and the passion
                                                                                                                                  Rubio to a four-year con-       that the people have here
                                                                                                                                  tract extension, drafted        is what always drives me
                                                                                                                                  Zach LaVine, Shabazz Mu-        back.”q

Rose holds off Bjerregaard to win Hong Kong Open 

HONG KONG (AP) — Justin       over the field, carded an        one,” said Rose, the 2013                                          that both of us played in-      then took over the lead by
Rose won his first European   impressive two-under-par         US Open champion whose                                             credibly well,” added Rose,     one.
Tour title in 15 months Sun-  68 for a 17-under 263. It was    last victory on the Europe-                                        who has now won in every        Rose, 31, went two shots
day, warding off a stub-      his eighth career title on the   an Tour came at the 2014                                           European Tour season dat-       ahead at the 16th and
born challenge from Lucas     European Tour.                   Scottish Open.                                                     ing back to 2012.               despite a bogey at the
Bjerregaard of Denmark to     “I’m very happy to get the       “Lucas played incredible                                           Bjerregaard’s attempt to        final hole, only his third
win the Hong Kong Open        job done. Last week I had        golf and I was thoroughly                                          win his first title was blown   dropped shot all week, it
by one shot.                  a chance to win in Napa          impressed. When you sep-                                           away at the 14th hole at        was enough to ensure vic-
The Englishman, who start-    when I was tied for the          arate yourself from the field                                      the Hong Kong Golf Club         tory as the 24-year-old Bjer-
ed the final round even       lead but I let that one flitter  like we did, it’s probably a                                       when he made a double-          regaard failed to force a
with Bjerregaard on 15 un-    away.                            tough one for him to lose.                                         bogey to let slip a one-        playoff and finished with 69
der and a four-shot lead      I wanted to hang on to this      But he didn’t lose it, it’s just                                   stroke lead over Rose who       for a 16-under 264.q
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