Page 10 - ATA- AUG 10,2015
P. 10
Monday 10 August 2015
Residential Community Gold Coast Delivers Wow Factor!
--With 200% rental incre- tely deliver a wow factor
ase, brand new website, and provide for an extraor-
and expanded services; dinary stay in Aruba. These
new services include pre
MALMOK - Gold Coast, arrival grocery shopping,
Aruba’s newest resort-style the request for an In-house
residential community in chef, server, bartender or
Malmok, is on the move butler, personal laundry,in-
and making a positive house massage, a perso-
mark with enhanced guest nal trainer, Spa treatments
services, increased book- and babysitting services.
ings of their rental homes Marketing efforts of the
and the recent launch of a Gold Coast residential
brand new website. community were also en-
Guests of Gold Coast now hanced with the recent
have the option to choose launch of a brand new
from a wide variety of spe- website: www.arubaren-
cial requests and services, Functio-
in addition to housekee- nalities of this new website
ping and laundry services. include a chat room where
Prior to their arrival all Gold guests can immediately
Coast guests can arrange reach out with their ques-
for services that will defini- tions to a Front Office staff
member of Gold Coast. townhouses and villas. In again next year.
The website also features addition the occupancy Future expansion includes
an easy-to-use booking at the rental homes in this the construction of a Gold
engine for direct bookings residential community also Coast Clubhouse. This mul-
of the Gold Coast condos, increased by 200% com- ti-purpose Clubhouse will
townhouses and spacious pared to previous years. feature 2 tennis courts and
villas. Construction activities are large community pool, a
Lastly, Gold Coast shares its still ongoing at Gold Coast convenience store, busi-
results: Results have shows and it is to be expected ness center, restaurant,
a 200% increase in rental that their magnificent Spa and state of the art Fit-
business of their condos, growth will be doubled ness Center. q