Page 8 - AD SEPT 29,2015
P. 8

8                                                                                                             Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 29 september 2015


BIOSCOPEN                             The power of                       LEZERS AAN HET WOORD                 mam, and so I did. I went im-                 HET WEER OP
                                                                                                              mediately and sat at a chair near             DE ANTILLEN                     positive thinking                  attended by another employee.        the gate place. Sometime later
Tel.: 435-5170                                                           After some minutes, I hear:          we were called to show up at the              Verwachting voor              N
                                      Recently I accompanied my          ,,Next!” This word was               gate. There she was.                          vanmiddag 12 uur      WO
   24 - 30 SEPTEMBER                  daughter Elizabeth to India        pronounced by the same BA-           She called me specifically and
                                      where she will follow a 2-year     lady-employee who had just           as she was handing me a boar-                 windkracht 3 - 5 bft          Z
 SICARIO                              program at the Mahindra Uni-       been insulted and who looked         ding pass with a seat place, she              golfhoogte 1 - 1.5 m
 Nieuw deze week                      ted World College in Pune.         quite upset. I thought, let me try   says to me: ,,Too blessed…
 Dagelijks: 17.45 20.30               Some days after dropping her, I    to uplift her, but she immedia-      yeah?….” ,,Yes exactly”, I res-               BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 15.00        was at the Mumbay Int. Airport     tely reacted... ,,Sir”, she says to  ponded and added: ,,Thank you                            Sint Maarten
                                      (officially Chhatrapati Shivaji    me, where is your Esta-visa to       so much.” Later in the plane I
 THE INTERN                           International Airport) to pick a   get into the USA? ,,It has to be     had to think...the power of                   Saba                  32Philipsburg
 Nieuw deze week                      plane back to London, then         on the system, I know for sure”,     positive thinking, the right
 Dagelijks: 18.00 20.45               USA, on my way back to Cura-       I responded. ,,I don’t see it and    attitude and the Lord….it                      The Bottom 31           Oranjestad
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 15.15        çao. The plane was leaving at      besides, the plane is full.”         works….but I might add…only if
                                      1.30 a.m. and at 0.15 a.m. I was   In a split of a second, I thought,   you believe!                                  St. Eustatius 31
 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2                 in a line for the check-out.       oh Lord, help me on this.
 Nieuw deze week                      I was second in line when, all of  As she decided to look a little                      Norberto V. Ribeiro,          BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN
 Dagelijks: 17.15                     a sudden, the one in front of me   further, I immediately reacted                                    Curaçao
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.00  started a verbal attack against    to her: ,,You know, I just saw                                                                   33 33
                                      the employee at the ticket-coun-   what happened. No lady should           Ingezonden brieven geven uitsluitend de
 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2                 ter of British Airways (BA). He    be treated like that.”                   opvatting van de auteur weer. Alleen het  Oranjestad      Willemstad
 Nieuw deze week                      was informed that he couldn’t      She: ,,Yay?” ,,Can I give you an     commentaar vertolkt de mening van de krant.
 Dagelijks: 16.45                     go on that flight. ,,I’m going on  advice?” She answered with:              De redactie behoudt zich het recht voor          Aruba           Curaçao
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 14.30        this flight and nobody is going    ,,Okay…” Repeat after me, I            ingezonden brieven te weigeren, dan wel te
                                      to stop me”, according to him.     said: ,,Too blessed to be stres-                                                        31                            33
 EVEREST                              He had an important meeting        sed, too anointed to be disap-                    redigeren of in te korten.
 Dagelijks: 19.30 22.00               the next day. This got so out of   pointed”….. and so she did.                                                        Venezuela             Kralendijk
                                      hand that the verbal attacker      Immediately after this she reac-      Antilliaans Dagblad
 MAZE RUNNER:                         had to be escorted by the airport  ted: ,,Sir, can you go to gate 78                                                                              Bonaire
 THE SCORCH TRIALS                    guards to calm down and be         and wait for me, I’ll see what I      Brieven (maximaal 250 woorden) voorzien
 Dagelijks: 19.00 21.45                                                  can do for you”. Thank you           van naam, adres en telefoonnummer sturen

 THE PERFECT GUY                                                                                                     aan: Redactie Antilliaans Dagblad,
 Dagelijks: 17.45 20.00 22.15                                                                                       Postbus 725, Willemstad, Curaçao,
 Late show vr.- en zaterdag: 23.15
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.15 15.30                                                                                             fax (9)7472257
 Dagelijks: 16.45 19.45                                                  Advertentie
 Late show vr.- en zaterdag: 22.45
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.45         ‡ Ž‰‡‡‡ ‡‡ƒ‡” —”ƒ­ƒ‘ ‹• ‡‡ ‘‘‰ ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ˜ƒ –ƒƒ– †ƒ– œ‹Œ „‡•–ƒƒ•”‡…Š– ˜‹†– ‹ †‡             VANDAAG
 THE TRANSPORTER REFUELED             ”‡…Š–ƒ–‹‰Š‡‹†‡†‘‡Žƒ–‹‰Š‡‹†˜ƒ†‡‹‘•–‡‡—‹–‰ƒ˜‡‡ƒƒ”Š‡–ˆ—…–‹‘‡”‡˜ƒ†‡ȋ‹–‡‰”‹–‡‹–            Licht tot half bewolkt en
 Laatste week                         ˜ƒ†‡Ȍ‘˜‡”Š‡‹†Ǥ                                                                                                    droog. De wind waait uit
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45                                                                                                                              oost- tot zuidoostelijke rich-
                                      ‡‡‡ƒ‡”„‡•…Š‹–‘˜‡”’‡”•‘‡Ž‡‘†‡”•–‡—‹‰†‹‡‹•‘†‡”‰‡„”ƒ…Š–‹‡‡”‡‡ƒ‡”•‡…”‡–ƒ”‹ƒƒ–Ǥ              ting en is matig tot vrij
 RICKI AND THE FLASH                  ‡ƒ„–‡Ž‹Œ‡•‡…”‡–ƒ”‹•ǡ†‹‡‹•–‘‡‰‡˜‘‡‰†ƒƒŠ‡–‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ǡ‰‡‡ˆ–†ƒ‰‡Ž‹Œ•Ž‡‹†‹‰ƒƒŠ‡–•‡…”‡–ƒ”‹ƒƒ–Ǥ‡       krachtig; windkracht 3 tot 5;
 Laatste week                         Ž‰‡‡‡‡‡ƒ‡”—”ƒ­ƒ‘„‡•–ƒƒ–—‹–‡‡‘ŽŽ‡‰‡˜ƒ†”‹‡Ž‡†‡ǡ†‡˜‘‘”œ‹––‡”†ƒƒ”‘†‡”„‡‰”‡’‡Ǥ                nu en dan uitschieters tot
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45        ‡”˜‡”˜ƒ‰‹‰˜ƒ†‡Ž‡†‡œ‹Œ‡”–‡Š‘‘‰•–‡†”‹‡’Žƒƒ–•˜‡”˜ƒ‰‡†‡Ž‡†‡Ǥ‡‡‡ƒ‡”Š‡‡ˆ––Šƒ•              mogelijk krachtig, wind-
                                      ‡‡˜ƒ…ƒ–—”‡˜‘‘”‡‡ǣ                                                                                               kracht 6. De zee is vrij rustig                                                                                                                                    met golfhoogtes tussen 0,5
                                                Žƒƒ–•˜‡”˜ƒ‰‡†Ž‹†˜ƒŠ‡–‘ŽŽ‡‰‡                                                                        en 1,5 meter.
24-uur hotline
Tel.: 465-1000                        ‡– ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ‘‡ˆ‡– –‘‡œ‹…Š– —‹– ‘’ †‡ ™‡”œƒƒŠ‡†‡ ˜ƒ Š‡– •‡…”‡–ƒ”‹ƒƒ– ˜ƒ †‡ ‡‡ƒ‡”Ǥ  ‡–               MORGEN
                                      •‡…”‡–ƒ”‹ƒƒ– ˜‘‡”– †‡ ™‡”œƒƒŠ‡†‡ —‹– ƒ‡• Š‡– ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡Ǥ ‡ ’Žƒƒ–•˜‡”˜ƒ‰‡†‡ …‘ŽŽ‡‰‡Ž‹† ™‘”†–
   24 - 30 SEPTEMBER                  „‡‘‡†˜‘‘”‡‡–‡”‹Œ˜ƒͷŒƒƒ”ǡ‘ˆ‘”–‡”‹†‹‡†‡Ž‡‡ˆ–‹Œ†˜ƒ͹ͲŒƒƒ”˜‘‘”†‹‡–‹Œ†‹•„‡”‡‹–Ǥ              Licht tot half bewolkt en vrij-
                                                                                                                                                            wel droog.
 SICARIO                              ‡Žƒ‰•–‡ŽŽ‡†‡‘‰‡‹‡–‹Š‡–‰‡‘–œ‹Œ˜ƒ‡‡„‡Ž‘‹‰–‡Žƒ•–‡˜ƒŠ‡–Žƒ†—”ƒ­ƒ‘Ǥ‘‘‰‡
 Nieuw deze week                      œ‹Œ‰‡‡„‡Ž‘‹‰‘–˜ƒ‰‡˜ƒ‹•–‡ŽŽ‹‰‡†‹‡”ƒ…Š–‡•™‡––‡Ž‹Œ‡”‡‰‡Ž‹‰‹Š‡–Ž‡˜‡œ‹Œ‰‡”‘‡’‡Ǥ           7               9     5
 Dagelijks: 18.45 21.30               ‘‘”–•‘‡–‡œ‹Œ‹‹ƒƒŽ͵ͲŒƒƒ”‘—†œ‹Œ‡Œ‘‰‡”†ƒ͹ͲŒƒƒ”Ǥ‡•Ž‘––‡‹•˜‡”‡‹•–†ƒ–†‡„‡Žƒ‰•–‡ŽŽ‡†‡                     8
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.15 16.00  „‡•…Š‹–‘˜‡”†‡‡†‡”Žƒ†•‡ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ‹–‡‹–±™‘‘ƒ…Š–‹‰‹•‘’—”ƒ­ƒ‘Ǥ
                                                                                                                                                            Wega di
 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2                 Proϐiel
 Nieuw deze week                      ‘‘”†‡ˆ—…–‹‡™‘”†–˜‡”™ƒ…Š–†ƒ–†‡„‡Žƒ‰•–‡ŽŽ‡†‡„‡•…Š‹‡‘˜‡”ǣ                                               number
 Dagelijks: 18.15                     ƒ —‹–•–‡‡†‡ƒƒŽ›–‹•…Š‡‡…‘—‹…ƒ–‹‡˜‡˜ƒƒ”†‹‰Š‡†‡Ǣ
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.45 16.00  ƒ ‘ˆƒ…ƒ†‡‹•…Š™‡”Ǧ‡†‡‹˜‡ƒ—Ǣ                                                                             Kòrsou
                                      ƒ ƒƒ–‘‘„ƒ”‡‡‹•˜ƒ‘˜‡”Š‡‹†•ϐ‹ƒ…‹´ǡ‘’‡„ƒƒ”„‡•–——”‡†‡•ƒ‡Ž‡˜‹‰Ǥ
 EVEREST                                                                                                                                                    Maandag 28 september
 Dagelijks: 20.30                     ƒƒ”ƒƒ•–†‹‡‡†‡„‡Žƒ‰•–‡ŽŽ‡†‡˜‡”ƒ–™‘‘”†‡Ž‹Œǡ‹–‡‰‡”ǡ•–”‡••„‡•–‡†‹‰ǡƒ……—”ƒƒ–ǡ”‡’”‡•‡–ƒ–‹‡ˆ
                                      ‡’”‘ƒ…–‹‡ˆ–‡œ‹ŒǤ                                                                                                6  5159               4
 THE PERFECT GUY                                                                                                                                               9954               2
 Dagelijks: 17.15 19.30 21.45         Procedure                                                                                                            0  8625
 Late show vr.- en zaterdag: 23.15    ƒ‹Ž —™ •‘ŽŽ‹…‹–ƒ–‹‡„”‹‡ˆ ‡ …—””‹…—Ž— ˜‹–ƒ‡ „‹‡ –™‡‡ ™‡‡ ƒƒ” †‡ ‡…”‡–ƒ”‹• ˜ƒ †‡ Ž‰‡‡‡
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.00  ‡‡ƒ‡” —”ƒ­ƒ‘ ‹ˆ‘̷”‡‡ƒ‡”…—”ƒ…ƒ‘Ǥ…™Ǥ  ‘‘” ‡‡” ‹ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‡ ‘˜‡” †‡œ‡ ˜ƒ…ƒ–—”‡ —– —
 MAZE RUNNER:                         Ͷ͸ͳǦͳͲͺͲ‘ˆ„‡œ‘‡‘œ‡™‡„•‹–‡ǣ™™™Ǥ”‡‡ƒ‡”…—”ƒ…ƒ‘Ǥ…™Ǥ
 THE SCORCH TRIALS                    ‡•‘ŽŽ‹…‹–ƒ–‹‡‰‡•’”‡‡˜‹†‡’Žƒƒ–•‡–†‡…‘ŽŽ‡‰‡Ž‡†‡‡†‡•‡…”‡–ƒ”‹•Ǥ
 Dagelijks: 18.30 21.15               ‡ƒ–‡…‡†‡–‡‘†‡”œ‘‡ƒƒ–†‡‡Ž—‹–˜ƒ†‡•‡Ž‡…–‹‡’”‘…‡†—”‡Ǥ
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.00 15.45

 Dagelijks: 19.45 22.00
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 15.15

 Dagelijks: 19.45 22.00
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.00

 Laatste week
 Dagelijks: 17.15

 Laatste week
 Dagelijks: 17.30
 Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.00
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13