P. 11
WORLD NEWS Monday 6 august 2018
Powerful quake rocks Indonesia’s Lombok island, 39 dead
By ROS IDIN ics Agency, Dwikorita Kar-
Associated Press Iwan Asmara, a Lombok
MATARAM, Indonesia (AP) disaster official, said fright-
— A powerful earthquake ened people poured out
struck the Indonesian tour- of their homes to move to
ist island of Lombok on higher ground, particularly
Sunday, killing at least 39 in North Lombok and Mata-
people and shaking neigh- ram, the capital of West
boring Bali, one week after Nusa Tenggara province.
another quake on Lombok The Bali and Lombok air-
killed more than a dozen. ports continued operating
The latest quake, which Sunday night, according to
triggered a brief tsunami the director general of civil
warning, damaged build- aviation.
ings as far away as Den- There had been a half hour
pasar on Bali, including a evacuation at the Lombok
department store and the airport following the quake
airport terminal, where ceil- because the electricity
ing panels were shaken went off. TV showed cry-
loose, authorities said. ing women consoling each
Video showed screaming other outside Lombok’s air-
people running in panic port.
from houses in a Bali neigh- Debris on top of a motorcycles after an earthquake in Bali, Indonesia, Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018. The island was already reel-
borhood and vehicles rock- Associated Press ing from a magnitude 6.4
ing. On Lombok, soldiers includes Lombok, told In- depth of 10.5 kilometers (6 I ran out into the dark be- quake on July 29, which
and other rescuers carried donesian TV the death toll miles) in the northern part cause the power cut off.” killed 16 people.
injured people on stretch- had risen to 39. Earlier, offi- of Lombok. A tsunami warning was Like Bali, Lombok is known
ers and carpets to an cials had said at least three “I was watching TV when I lifted after waves just 15 for pristine beaches and
evacuation center. people had died. felt a big shake,” said Har- centimeters (6 inches) high mountains. Hotels and
Muhammad Rum, head The quake, recorded at ian, a Lombok woman who were recorded in three vil- other buildings in both lo-
of the disaster manage- magnitude 7.0 by the U.S. uses one name. “The lamp lages, said the head of cations are not allowed to
ment agency in West Nusa Geological Survey, struck was shaking and people Indonesia’s Meteorology, exceed the height of co-
Tenggara province, which early Sunday evening at a were shouting ‘Get out.’ Climatology and Geophys- conut trees.q
Student protests surge in
Bangladesh capital
Associated Press last week by speeding Dhanmondi neighborhood.
DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — buses. The pro-government The protests have become
Thousands of angry young activists, members of a po- a serious embarrassment to
people took to the streets litical youth league, also the government of Prime
of Bangladesh’s capital attacked at least five jour- Minister Sheikh Hasina
again Sunday to demand nalists, including an Associ- ahead of a general elec-
safer streets, facing police ated Press photographer tion due in December. Her
firing tear gas and pro- who was briefly hospitalized party is blaming the main
government activists who with a head injury. Footage opposition, led by Prime Bangladeshi students participate in a protest in Dhaka, Bangla-
attacked them with clubs. of the attack on social me- Minister Khaleda Zia, for desh, Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018.
Protests have flared re- dia showed him surround- using the student anger Associated Press
peatedly in Dhaka since ed and beaten by nearly to create chaos for politi- between the two political Bangladesh’s politics for
two students were killed a dozen men in the city’s cal gains. Political feuding leaders has dominated more than a decade.q