P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                     Monday 6 august 2018
            Texas Republicans squelch 'red flag' gun law prospects

            By JIM VERTUNO                                                                         —  later  clarified  that  he  policy when you base it off
            AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas                                                             was  only  suggesting  such  of emotion."
            schools  have  been  add-                                                              laws  be  part  of  a  broader  Abbott's   suggestion   af-
            ing  metal  detectors  and                                                             conversation about school  ter  the  Santa  Fe  attack
            armed  personnel  in  an  ef-                                                          security and that he thinks  that  Texas  should  consider
            fort  to  improve  campus                                                              there's  growing  opposition  keeping  guns  away  from
            security  in  response  to  the                                                        to  the  idea  of  gun  restric-  people  who  pose  an  im-
            deadly  May  attack  at  a                                                             tions.  Lt.  Gov.  Dan  Patrick,  mediate  danger  to  others
            Houston-area  high  school                                                             who presides over the Tex-   surprised  many  because
            that left eight students and                                                           as Senate, was even more  neither  he  nor  any  of  the
            two teachers dead.                                                                     forceful. "I have never sup-  state's  Republican  leaders
            Among the steps that Texas                                                             ported  these  policies,  nor  even suggested tightening
            apparently won't be taking                                                             has the majority of the Tex-  gun laws after last Novem-
            anytime  soon  is  tightening                                                          as Senate," he said minutes  ber's massacre at a church
            restrictions  on  gun  access                                                          after  the  last  in  a  series  of  in  Sutherland  Springs,  near
            for  people  deemed  dan-     In this May 18, 2018, file photo, law enforcement officers respond   state  Senate  hearings  on  San Antonio.
            gerous  to  themselves  or   to Santa Fe High School after an active shooter was reported on   gun violence.        Police  said  the  teenage
            others.                      campus in Santa Fe, Texas.                                The one-two punch by the  suspect  in  the  Santa  Fe
            In the aftermath of the May                                           Associated Press  state's   top   Republicans  shooting  took  his  father's
            18 attack at Santa Fe High                                                             drew cheers from gun rights  weapons  and  that  there
            School,  Republican  Gov.  ers,"  which  is  the  point  of  But  faced  with  criticism  advocates  in  a  state  that  hadn't  been  any  prior  re-
            Greg  Abbott  suggested  so-called red flag laws like  from gun enthusiasts in the  has  more  than  1.2  million  ports  that  he  may  have
            that  Texas  should  look  for  those  passed  by  six  states  country's  largest  conserva-  handgun  license  holders  been mentally ill. But a red
            ways  to  keep  guns  away  since  the  February  massa-  tive  state,  Abbott  —  who  and allows the open carry  flag law might have helped
            from people who pose "an  cre at a high school in Park-   gets  top  ratings  from  the  in public of handguns and  in the church shooting. The
            immediate  danger  to  oth-  land, Florida.               National  Rifle  Association  long rifles.                Air Force failed to properly
                                                                                                   While  they  vary  from  state  notify federal law enforce-
                                                                                                   to state, red flag laws gen-  ment agencies of the gun-
                                                                                                   erally  allow  law  enforce-  man's  previous  felony  do-
                                                                                                   ment  or  family  members  mestic violence conviction
                                                                                                   to  ask  a  judge  to  order  and the gunman had spent
                                                                                                   the  seizure  or  surrender  of  time  at  a  mental  health
                                                                                                   guns  from  someone  who  hospital in New Mexico.
                                                                                                   is  deemed  dangerous,  of-  Shortly  after  the  Santa  Fe
                                                                                                   ten  because  of  mental  school  shooting,  Abbott
                                                                                                   health  concerns  or  threats  held meetings with law en-
                                                                                                   of violence. About a dozen  forcement  officials,  edu-
                                                                                                   states  have  red  flag  laws,  cators,  mental  health  ex-
                                                                                                   including   Republican-led  perts,  attack  survivors  and
                                                                                                   Florida,  which  passed  its  victims'  family  members.  A
                                                                                                   law  following  the  Parkland  gun  control  group,  Texas
                                                                                                   school attack.               Gun Sense, got a seat next
                                                                                                   Texas can deny a handgun  to the governor. On his oth-
                                                                                                   license based on a person's  er side was the Texas State
                                                                                                   mental  health  history,  but  Rifle  Association,  the  state
                                                                                                   that  restriction  applies  to  arm of the NRA.
                                                                                                   the license to carry a hand-  Few  expected  major  gun
                                                                                                   gun,  not  buying  one.  The  control  proposals.  But  af-
                                                                                                   state  can  seize  weapons  ter  years  of  watching
                                                                                                   from people determined to  Texas  lawmakers  make  it
                                                                                                   be in a mental crisis in some  easier and cheaper to get
                                                                                                   circumstances.               a  handgun  license  and
                                                                                                   Some  gun  rights  activists  carry  weapons  in  public,
                                                                                                   worry  that  expanding  red  gun control advocates felt
                                                                                                   flag  laws  would  allow  the  like  finally  they  had  a  foot
                                                                                                   government to seize some-    in  the  door,  only  to  get  it
                                                                                                   one's  guns  based  on  the  crushed again.
                                                                                                   suspicion  of  a  threat  or  a  Advocates for red flag laws
                                                                                                   false  report  without  that  say they can help prevent
                                                                                                   person  having  acted  vio-  violence before it starts, un-
                                                                                                   lently.                      like  armed  teachers  and
                                                                                                   "Red  flag  laws  are  noth-  school  marshals,  who  can
                                                                                                   ing  more  than  ways  to  react  after  an  attack  has
                                                                                                   take guns out of the hands  already  begun.  Abbott's
                                                                                                   of   law-abiding   persons  43-page school safety and
                                                                                                   on  nothing  more  than  gun violence plan focused
                                                                                                   mere  suspicion,"  said  C.J.  on  getting  more  armed
                                                                                                   Grisham,  leader  of  gun  guards  and  personnel  on
                                                                                                   rights  group  Open  Carry  campus,  improving  gun
                                                                                                   Texas, which has pushed to  storage  safety  laws  and
                                                                                                   reduce  gun  restrictions  for  boosting  mental  health
                                                                                                   years. "You never get good  screenings. q
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