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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 6 august 2018
            Rescuers search

            for crashed plane in

            Alaska national park

            By ANDREW SELSKY             in the air."
            Peering through low cloud  Thunder  Mountain  is  a
            cover,  rescuers  aboard  a  knife-edge    ridge   rising
            military  aircraft  on  Sunday  about  3,000  feet  (915  me-
            were  attempting  to  find  ters) above two glaciers, 14
            a  sightseeing  plane  that  miles (23 kilometers) south-
            crashed with the pilot and  west  of  the  summit  of  De-  In this Aug. 26, 2016, file photo sightseeing buses and tourists are
            four  passengers  aboard  a  nali,  North  America's  high-  seen at a pullout popular for taking in views of North America's
            day  earlier  in  Alaska,  high  est peak. The plane was re-  tallest  peak,  Denali,  in  Denali  National  Park  and  Preserve,
            on a mountain ridge in De-   portedly  carrying  sleeping   Alaska.                                Associated Press
            nali National Park and Pre-  bags, a stove, a pot, food
            serve.                       and  first-aid  kit,  Belcher   downed  plane  can  help  nali  National  Park  are  like
            The  pilot  reported  on  his  said in a statement.       with  the  search,  Olmstead  no others in the world. Be-
            satellite  phone  Saturday  An  Air  Guard  HC-130  was   said.                        neath  the  towering  moun-
            that  there  were  injuries,  flying   over   coordinates   A  spokeswoman  for  K2  tain  peaks,  you'll  under-
            but authorities couldn't get  that came from the plane's   Aviation  said  she  had  no  stand  why  these  immense
            details  before  the  satel-  emergency  locator  trans-  comment.  The  company,  ice  fields  attract  people
            lite  connection  dropped.  mitter  and  were  offered    based in Talkeetna, Alaska,  from  all  over  the  globe,"
            Some  20  hours  after  the  by  the  pilot,  said  Lt.  Col.   offers glacier landings.  K2  Aviation  says  on  its
            de Havilland Beaver plane  Candis  Olmstead  of  the      "The  glaciers  found  in  De-  website.q
            went  down  around  6  p.m.  Alaska National Guard. The
            near the summit of 10,900-   plane's ELT beacon alerted
            foot  (3,300-meter)  -high  the  Alaska  Rescue  Coor-
            Thunder  Mountain,  there  dination  Center  around  6
            was  still  no  word  on  their  p.m. Saturday.
            condition.                   "Searchers don't have eyes
            The  tourists,  whose  identi-  on aircraft yet because of
            ties  and  nationalities  have  cloud cover between them
            not been released, and pi-   and the aircraft," Olmstead
            lot had to spend the night  said Sunday.
            on the mountain.             An  Air  Guard  HH-60  Pave
            "There's definitely low cloud  Hawk helicopter with a res-
            cover," park spokeswoman  cue  crew,  a  National  Park
            Katherine Belcher said in a  Service helicopter and an-
            telephone interview. "We're  other plane owned by the
            waiting for an update from  private  tour  company,  K2
            the  HC-130  crew  that's  up  Aviation, that operates the
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