P. 2

                     Monday 6 august 2018

            European allies uneasy as U.S. restores Iran sanctions

            By SUSANNAH GEORGE                                                                                                  that  seen  on  the  heels  of
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  As                                                                                             the Syrian conflict.
            the  Trump  administration                                                                                          Pompeo laid out the strat-
            readies to re-impose sanc-                                                                                          egy  behind  the  sanctions
            tions on Iran that were lifted                                                                                      in his first major address as
            under the 2015 nuclear ac-                                                                                          secretary of state.
            cord,  America's  European                                                                                          "Iran will be forced to make
            allies  fear  greater  regional                                                                                     a  choice:  either  fight  to
            instability.                                                                                                        keep  its  economy  off  life
            President  Donald  Trump's                                                                                          support  at  home  or  keep
            withdrawal  from  the  land-                                                                                        squandering       precious
            mark  agreement,  signed                                                                                            wealth on fights abroad. It
            by  the  U.S.  and  five  other                                                                                     will not have the resources
            world powers, remains one                                                                                           to do both," he said in May.
            of  the  most  consequential                                                                                        Supporters  of  the  Iran
            foreign  policy  decisions  of                                                                                      agreement  have  long  ar-
            his presidency.                                                                                                     gued  that  the  U.S.  depar-
            Trump  administration  of-                                                                                          ture  would  alienate  Euro-
            ficials  say  the  sanctions                                                                                        pean allies who partnered
            are  being  restored  start-                                                                                        with the U.S. in the negotia-
            ing  Monday  in  an  effort                                                                                         tions.
            to  change  the  Iranian  re-                                                                                       We  "remain  firmly  commit-
            gime's  behavior.  "They're                                                                                         ted  to  ensuring  (the  deal)
            the  world's  largest  state                                                                                        is upheld and we continue
            sponsor  of  terror,"  Secre-                                                                                       to  abide  by  our  commit-
            tary of State Mike Pompeo                                                                                           ments,"  the  second  Euro-
            told  Indonesian  television                                                                                        pean diplomat said. "If we
            in  an  interview  Sunday.                                                                                          cannot fulfill these, this risks
            "That's what America is try-                                                                                        Iran deciding that it no lon-
            ing to get Iran to stop do-                                                                                         ger has to abide by the re-
            ing.  That's  the  behavioral                                                                                       strictions."
            change that we're looking                                                                                           Iran's   economy      was
            for from the Iranian regime."                                                                                       plunged  into  a  downward
            But many U.S. allies believe                                                                                        spiral   following   Trump's
            that  language  is  code  for                                                                                       announcement  that  the
            regime change, according                                                                                            United  States  was  scrap-
            to two European diplomats                                                                                           ping  the  nuclear  deal.
            involved  in  negotiations   In this July 30, 2018, photo, an Iranian street money exchanger holds a U.S. banknote in downtown   The  downturn  has  sparked
            with  the  Trump  administra-  Tehran, Iran.                                                                        waves  of  protests  across
            tion  over  how  sanctions                                                                         Associated Press  Iran.q
            would be re-imposed.
            The  sanctions  that  go  Iran's oil sector and central  cause  the  U.S.  lifted  sanc-  diplomats spoke on condi-
            back  into  effect  on  Mon-  bank — will be restored on  tions against Iran as part of  tion  of  anonymity,  as  they
            day  cover  Iranian  trade  Nov. 4. Iranian oil sales are  the agreement, it in effect  were  not  authorized  to
            in  automobiles  and  met-   a  crucial  source  of  hard  stripped Washington of one  brief the media on ongoing
            als, including gold. The U.S.  currency.                  of its most powerful tools to  negotiations.
            also  has  banned  imports  The  nuclear  deal  lifted  in-  penalize Tehran.          If the re-imposed sanctions
            of  Iranian  products  such  ternational sanctions in ex-  European  countries  say  caused  the  government
            as  carpets  and  pistachios  change  for  Iran  agreeing  they  remain  committed  to  in  Tehran  to  collapse,  Iran
            and  revoked  licenses  that  to restrictions on its nuclear  the agreement, seeing it as  would  likely  devolve  into
            allowed  Iran  to  purchase  program.  U.N.  inspectors  the surest way to safeguard  civil war like what unfolded
            U.S. and European aircraft.  said  Iran  was  complying  their national security.      in  Syria  or  radicals  would
            Iran acquired five new Eu-   with  the  deal,  but  Trump  The problem is: What next?"  assume  power,  the  diplo-
            ropean commercial planes  argued  that  it  didn't  do  one of the European diplo-     mat said.
            on Sunday before the sales  enough  to  curb  Iran's  ma-  mats said, referring to con-  A deepening of Iran's eco-
            were cut off.                lign  activity  in  the  region.  cerns  that  the  U.S.  is  eye-  nomic crisis could also lead
            The  last  and  most  signifi-  Trump  administration  offi-  ing  regime  change  as  the  to an influx of refugees and
            cant sanctions — those on  cials  also  argued  that  be-  sanctions'  end  goal.  Both  migrants  into  Europe  like
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