P. 4
Monday 6 august 2018
Slow rollout, more fine print with Trump health care options
By RICARDO ALONSO- existing condition faded
ZALDIVAR away. So did worries about
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- being denied coverage
dent Donald Trump says for certain kinds of care,
insurers are "going wild" like substance abuse treat-
about his new health care ment. And insurers were
options and "millions and forbidden from imposing
millions" of people will be annual and lifetime dollar
signing up. limits on coverage.
But insurance companies Now concerns about such
say it will take time to de- fine print will be back, par-
sign new plans and get ticularly with short-term
approval from state regula- plans.
tors, and two major indus- Some consumers may be
try groups have actually willing to gamble, figuring
expressed concern about that if they get sick they
potential downsides for can always switch to com-
consumers. prehensive coverage at
For people who need an with an
individual policy and are ACA plan.
anticipating cheaper plans Not so fast, said Simon, the
this fall, the advice seems individual insurance expert.
to be: Look carefully and With some exceptions,
read the fine print. people can only sign up for
Short-term, limited-duration ACA plans during open en-
insurance— just approved rollment season from Nov.
— and association health 1-Dec. 15. If someone in
plans represent the Trump In this Sept. 26, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump responds to a reporter's question on your family later gets diag-
administration alterna- health care after arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. nosed with a serious men-
tives to comprehensive but Associated Press tal illness, for example, you
costly policies under the might have to wait months
Affordable Care Act. Both term plans, says compa- with pre-existing medical try's saying. to get them into a compre-
offer lower premiums than nies are behind the curve conditions, but they don't The Blue Cross Blue Shield hensive plan that will cover
comprehensive health in- on updating their plans to have to cover the full menu Association warned that that condition.
surance but also cover less. account for the greater of 10 "essential" kinds of "the broader availabil- "It's not simple to move
The plans won't be sold leeway provided by the benefits required by the ity and longer duration of back and forth," said Si-
through Trump administration. He's ACA. On the whole, asso- slimmed-down policies that mon.
Myra Simon of the industry forecasting "minor improve- ciation health plans have do not provide compre- Another potential sur-
group America's Health In- ments" in plans by Octo- more federal consumer hensive coverage has the prise: Gary Claxton of the
surance Plans said consum- ber but "a lot of change in safeguards than short-term potential to harm consum- nonpartisan Kaiser Family
ers are likely to see adver- 2019." plans. ers." Foundation says short-term
tising this fall for short-term Strictly speaking, short-term Speaking at the White And America's Health Insur- plans may turn out to be
plans but association plans and association health House last month, Trump ance Plans, the main trade more costly than Trump
may be harder to find, plans are not new. The almost made it sound like group, said, "We remain administration officials sug-
since they're not open to Trump administration has there's going to be a stam- concerned that consum- gest. The plans now cover
everybody. Policyholders broadened their poten- pede to get the new plans. ers who rely on short-term up to 90 days, but if insurers
must have a common link, tial reach, although some "So all of the insurance plans for an extended time expand them to offer up to
such as working in an indus- states may push back with companies are going wild, period will face high medi- 36 months' coverage, the
try like real estate. restrictions. they want to get it," he said cal bills when they need companies will be taking
"The short timeline may Short-term plans don't have of association health plans. care that isn't covered or on more risk.
mean that this fall we aren't to take people with pre-ex- "You're going to have great exceed their coverage lim- "You'll have to pay more up
going to see all the prod- isting medical conditions, health care at a much low- its." front because there's a lon-
ucts we are eventually go- or provide benefits like cov- er price." Under the Obama-era ger time during which you
ing to see," said Simon, an erage for maternity, mental As for short-term insur- health law, consumer com- could get sick," Claxton
expert on individual health health, prescription drugs ance, "somewhat differ- plaints centered on high said.
insurance. "We might see and substance abuse ent, result the same," Trump premiums, particularly for That's correct, confirmed
some more heavy mar- treatment. They can last said. "Much less expensive middle-class people not el- Smedsrud, the insurance
keting of products that al- up to 364 days and be re- health care at a much low- igible for its income-based CEO. "The longer you cover
ready existed." newed for up to 36 months. er price; will cost our coun- subsidies. somebody, the more likely
Jeff Smedrud, CEO of Pivot Association health plans try nothing." But the fear of being turned it is you are going to have a
Health, which offers short- do have to accept people That's not what the indus- down because of a pre- claim," he explained.q