Page 25 - ATD 17OCT,2015
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                                      Saturday 17 October 2015

Alibaba offers to buy rest of China’s Youku in $3.6B deal 

AP Business Writer               to China’s growing ranks of    to buy the remaining stock                                      a deal to collaborate with      ing sites, which attract a
HONG KONG (AP) — Aliba-          middle-class consumers.        for $26.60 in cash per share,                                   Paramount Pictures to pro-      young audience, have op-
ba said Friday it’s offering to  “Digital products, especial-   or 30.2 percent more than                                       mote “Mission: Impossible       erated with fewer of the re-
buy up the rest of Chinese       ly video, are just as impor-   the last closing price on the                                   — Rogue Nation,” the lat-       strictions dogging state-run
video streaming site Youku       tant as physical goods in      New York Stock Exchange.                                        est in the spy thriller series  TV broadcasters, allowing
Tudou in a $3.6 billion deal     e-commerce, and Youku’s        After subtracting Youku’s                                       starring Tom Cruise, and an     it to introduce more varied
signaling the e-commerce         high-quality video content     approximately $1 billion in                                     investment in a movie star-     and foreign content. Youku
giant’s intent to expand         will be a core component       cash on hand, Alibaba is                                        ring South Korean star Kim      has never turned a profit by
beyond its core business of      of Alibaba’s digital product   paying about $3.6 billion                                       Soo-hyun. Alibaba made its      standard accounting mea-
online shopping.                 offering in the future,” Al-   to buy the stake. The offer                                     initial investment in Youku     sures. Its loss for the most
The deal would give the          ibaba Group Holdings Ltd.      follows a series of moves                                       Tudou, which is seen as Chi-    recent quarter widened to
company, which has been          CEO Daniel Zhang said.         by Alibaba Group Holdings                                       na’s version of Youtube, in     342 million yuan ($55.2 mil-
expanding into films, a big-     The company, which al-         Ltd. to expand into the film                                    2014. The deal gives Aliba-     lion) from 142.3 million yuan
ger platform to broadcast        ready owns 18.3 percent        industry through its film arm,                                  ba access to a sophisticat-     in the same period in 2014,
content including Holly-         of Youku Tudou’s U.S.-listed   Alibaba Pictures Group.                                         ed, user-friendly operation.    according to its latest earn-
wood blockbusters directly       shares, said it’s proposing    Recent investments include                                      Youku’s two private stream-     ings report.q

GE beats Street 3Q forecasts as it refocuses on industry 

The General Electric logo is seen at a plant in Belfort, eastern France. General Electric Co. on Fri-                           making large, complicat-        The industrial conglomer-
day, Oct. 16, 2015 reported a decline in third-quarter profit, but strong performances from its core                            ed equipment for other          ate posted revenue of
units helped the company top Wall Street expectations.                                                                          companies — and shrink-         $31.68 billion in the period,
                                                                                                                                ing its other businesses that   though revenue from its in-
                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)  focus on finance. The larg-     dustrial and verticals units
                                                                                                                                est change involves selling     only reached $27.9 billion.
NEW YORK (AP) — Indus-           quarter profit, but strong     tions.                                                          most of GE Capital’s assets,    Eleven analysts surveyed
trial conglomerate Gen-          performances from its core     General Electric has been                                       including $26.5 billion in      by Zacks expected $28.67
eral Electric Co. on Friday      units helped the company       making a push to focus                                          real estate assets.             billion.
reported a decline in third-     top Wall Street expecta-       on industrial  businesses  —                                    The Fairfield, Connecticut-     During the quarter, the
                                                                                                                                based company said profit       company’s power and wa-
                                                                                                                                fell 29 percent to $2.51 bil-   ter division saw revenue rise
                                                                                                                                lion, or 25 cents per share.    1 percent to $6.46 billion.
                                                                                                                                Meanwhile, revenue fell 1       The unit, which makes pow-
                                                                                                                                percent to $31.68 billion.      er generators and related
                                                                                                                                Earnings, adjusted for non-     equipment, is the indus-
                                                                                                                                recurring costs and to ac-      trial core’s largest revenue
                                                                                                                                count for discontinued op-      driver. Meanwhile, revenue
                                                                                                                                erations, came to 32 cents      rose 5 percent to $6 billion
                                                                                                                                per share. Earnings includ-     in the aviation unit. Trans-
                                                                                                                                ing the GE Capital  busi-       portation revenue rose 3
                                                                                                                                nesses  that the company        percent to $1.59 billion and
                                                                                                                                is keeping amounted to          revenue rose 8 percent to
                                                                                                                                29 cents per share. That        $2.29 billion in the appli-
                                                                                                                                topped Wall Street expec-       ances unit.
                                                                                                                                tations. The average es-        The oil and gas unit contin-
                                                                                                                                timate of 11 analysts sur-      ues to be weighed down
                                                                                                                                veyed by Zacks Investment       by low oil prices. Revenue
                                                                                                                                Research for earnings of 26     fell 16 percent to $3.87 bil-
                                                                                                                                cents per share.                lion. q

Ex-Microsoft CEO says he’s taken 4 percent stake in Twitter 

MARLEY JAY                       for the Clippers, confirmed    make Twitter more acces-                                        afternoon trading.              its permanent CEO. Ballmer
AP Business Writer               that Ballmer had made the      sible and broaden its ap-                                       Ballmer also said he liked      tweeted that day that Twit-
NEW YORK (AP) — Los An-          investment.                    peal.                                                           that Saudi billionaire Prince   ter “is remarkable” and
geles Clippers owner and         The high-profile investment    The company’s shares lost                                       Alwaleed bin Talal and          called Dorsey an “impres-
former Microsoft CEO Steve       comes as Twitter is trying to  about half their value be-                                      his investment company          sive dude.”
Ballmer has bought a 4-per-      win more users and turn a      tween late April and late                                       bought more shares of Twit-     According to FactSet,
cent stake in Twitter, a vote    profit.                        August as investors worried                                     ter. The prince and his firm    Ballmer’s holdings would
of confidence in the strug-       This month, its co-founder    about Twitter’s disappoint-                                     said this month the stake       make him the third-largest
gling messaging company.         Jack Dorsey returned as its    ing financial performance                                       had doubled over a six-         individual owner of Twitter
That makes Ballmer one of        permanent CEO. Then the        and slowing user growth.                                        week period to more than        shares after company co-
Twitter’s largest sharehold-     company announced that         The nine-year-old compa-                                        5 percent.                      founder Evan Williams and
ers.                             it would lay off up to 8 per-  ny has never reported an                                        Dorsey was the San Francis-     bin Talal.
A Twitter account that           cent of its workforce and      annual profit.                                                  co company’s CEO during         Ballmer, who was Micro-
identified itself as Ballmer’s   unveiled a new feature,        The stock has recovered                                         its early years and became      soft’s CEO for 14 years end-
said Friday morning that he      “Moments.” Those packag-       some of those losses as the                                     interim CEO in July, when       ing last year, is also the larg-
bought stock in Twitter in       es of commentary, video        broader markets rose in                                         Dick Costolo stepped            est individual owner of Mi-
the last few months. Seth        and photos about major         October, and is up $1.51,                                       down. Twitter said on Oct.      crosoft stock with a 4.2-per-
Burton, a representative         events are an attempt to       or 5.1 percent, to $31.22 in                                    5 that he would become          cent stake. q
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