Page 27 - ATD 17OCT,2015
P. 27

Day of Range                                                                 CLASSIFIED A27
                                                                                                                                                    Saturday 17 October 2015
                               stone-throwing clash to
                               get close to Israeli soldiers.  Classifieds DOCTOR
                               Wearing a T-shirt with the                                                      ON DUTY
                               word “press” in large letters                                                                               Oranjestad
                               on the front and back, the                                                       Dr. Samuels
  Continued from Page 8        man mingled with journal-       TIMESHARE FOR SALE                               Tel. 583-0877
                               ists standing near the sol-
Abbas condemned the            diers, who were firing tear     RENAISSANCE                         EMERGENCIA
arson as “irresponsible,” or-  gas at stone-throwers.
dered an investigation and     At one point, shouts were       Week room     price                      911
promised quick repairs. The    heard, followed by several
Palestinian leader has tried   gunshots. Troops rushed         wk 36 room 130 $2,250
to lower the temperature,      to the scene where one
telling his security com-      of the soldiers had been        wk 37 room 332 $2,750
manders that armed at-         stabbed, and adminis-
tacks on Israelis hurt Pales-  tered aid to the wounded        wk 38 room 529 $4,750
tinian interests. However,     soldier who was eventu-
he has also told his forces    ally taken away by ambu-        wk 40 room 336 $3,750
not to stop Palestinian        lance. The attacker, identi-
stone-throwers heading to      fied as Eyad Awawdeh, lay       wk 40 room 105 $5,000               POLICE            100
confrontations with Israeli    on the ground, clutching a
troops. Dore Gold, a senior    knife in his right hand. The    wk 42 room 103 $3,250               ORANJESTAD        527-3140
Israeli Foreign Ministry of-   incident heightened con-
ficial, said Joseph’s Tomb     cerns among journalists         wk 42 room 338 $4,000               NOORD             527-3200
was targeted “just because     about their safety. Groups
it is a place in which Jews    representing journalists, in-   wk 43 room 329 $3,250               STA. CRUZ         527-2900
pray.” Lt. Col. Peter Lerner,  cluding the Foreign Press
an Israeli army spokesman,     Association, said the im-       wk 49 room 144 $5,500               SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
said the attack violates       postor’s actions could fur-
freedom of worship and         ther endanger reporters,        wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750         POLICE TIPLINE 11141
that the military will “bring  photographers and cam-
the perpetrators of this de-   era operators.                  wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500         FIRE DEPT.        115
spicable act to justice.”      “Everybody is worried that                                          FIRE DEPT.
For centuries, the site has    it will be open season on       wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500         HOSPITAL          582-1108
been identified with the       reporters,” said Glenys                                                               527-4000
biblical Joseph but some       Sugarman, executive di-         wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000         DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Palestinians say it was a      rector of the group, which
sheikh’s grave or used as      represents journalists who      Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200        AMBULANCE         582-1234
a mosque. The tomb has         work for international news
become a popular prayer        outlets covering Israel, the                   CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
site in recent years among     West Bank and Gaza.             _______________________2_0_36_6_7_
some sects of religious        The Foreign Press Associa-
Jews. The site is located in   tion has complained of          Psychic Cilla Born                   PHARMACY
an area under Palestinian      harassment by both Israeli
self-rule and visits by Jews   and Palestinian forces, in-     second sighted to reunites          Oranjestad: Eagle Tel: 587-9011
are coordinated between        cluding cases in which re-
Palestinian security forces    porters were beaten and         loved ones and bring                San Nicolas: San Lucas Tel: 584-5119
and Israeli troops. In the     equipment smashed.q
West Bank city of Hebron,                                      happiness to you immediately.
meanwhile, a 26-year-old
Palestinian laborer posed                                      All readings are confidential       INFORMATION       118
as a journalist covering a                                                                         TAXI-TAS          587-5900
                                                               and all problems are solved         PROF. TAXI        588-0035
                                                                                                   TAXI D.T.S.       587-2300
                                                               individually                        SERVICE ARUBA     583-3232

                                                               Guaranteed Results

                                                               USA 001-817 584 3920

                                                               _____________________20_40_9_4      CRUISESHIP

                                                                                                                  October 20

                                                                                                   Aruba Aiport      524-2424
                                                                                                   American Airline  582-2700
                                                                                                   Avianca           588-0059
                                                                                                   Aruba Airlines    583-8300
                                                                                                   Jet Blue          588-2244
                                                                                                   Surinam           582-7896
                                                                                                   Tiara Air         588-4272
                                                                                                   Venezolana        583-7674

                                                                                                   Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                   For those Visually Incapasitated

                                                                                                   Tel: 582-5051


                                                                                                   (FADA) Tel: 583-2999


                                                                                                   Tel: 582-4433

                                                                                                    Centro Diabetic Arubano

                                                                                                     Tel: 524-8888

                                                                                                   Narcotics Anonymous

                                                                                                   Tel: 583-8989

                                                                                                   QUOTA Club

                                                                                                     Tel: 525-2672

                                                                                                   Women in Difficulties

                                                                                                   Tel: 583-5400

                                                                                                   Bloodbank Aruba

                                                                                                   Tel: 587-0002
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