Page 31 - ATD 17OCT,2015
P. 31

                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday 17 October 2015

                                                                                      Listen up, NBC: Gwen Stefani’s
                                                                                         not done with ‘The Voice’ 

In this Sept. 4, 2015, photo, Kevin Olusola, from left, Kristie
Maldonado, Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi and Avi Kaplan of the
group Pentatonix pose for a portrait at Sony Music Nashville in
Nashville, Tenn., to promote their latest album, “Pentatonix” 

                                                                    Associated Press

Grammy winners
Pentatonix finally

  getting airplay 

KRISTIN M. HALL                   sounds and also crafting                            In this May 16, 2015 file photo, Gwen Stefani arrives at An Evening with Women benefiting the Los
Associated Press                  a catchy pop melody, all
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) —           without instruments. “Origi-                        Angeles LGBT Center in Los Angeles. 					                          Associated Press
Pentatonix already has a          nal music a vulnerable
Grammy, millions of fans on       thing, we have learned,”                            LEANNE ITALIE                      “The Voice.”                    rell and joined Eminem on
social media and platinum         said Hoying. “We have so                            Associated Press                   “I can’t wait to get back       a rap-rock turn, “Kings Nev-
album sales, but there was        much to say, but we are so                          NEW YORK (AP) — Gwen               on set and do the lives. It’s   er Die,” for the soundtrack
still something missing for       nervous because how are                             Stefani is leaving “The            so fun. It’s the funnest thing  of the film “Southpaw.” She
the five-part vocal group.        people going to receive                             Voice” this winter, when           I think I’ve ever done, and     also has put in some writing
With the release of their         it. Because we have just                            Christina Aguilera returns,        so inspiring,” Stefani said.    and studio time on a new
new single, “Can’t Sleep          done covers for so long. So                         but she’s not done with the        She’s going through a           solo album but hasn’t an-
Love,” the a cappella             this is the moment for sure.”                       NBC show yet.                      phase, of sorts.                nounced its timing.
group is finally getting air-     The band is made of a                               She said in an interview           “I don’t have any plans         “Kingston (her 9-year-old
play for a song they wrote.       trio of lead singers, Hoy-                          Friday she’d love to re-           for the future. In fact, my     son) said, ‘Mom you bet-
“I feel like that is the miss-    ing, Mitch Grassi and Kirstin                       turn. Now about halfway            whole thing right now is not    ter get a hit,’ so I’m gonna
ing piece,” said Avi Ka-          Maldonado, with Kaplan                              through Season 9, Stefani          thinking about the past or      try to do that for him,” she
plan, the group’s bass            and beatboxer Kevin “K.O”                           already misses her show            the future and, like, being     said.
singer. “That’s always been       Olusola providing the bass                          family.                            right here, right this sec-     Meantime, she’ll continue
something that’s very, very       and percussive sounds.                              “They’re all so smart,             ond, because it’s so great      to juggle family and mu-
far away. And it’s like that      They won NBC’s “The Sing-                           they’re all lovely. They all       right now. It’s such a great,   sic and TV, acknowledg-
would be really cool, but         Off” in 2011, but it was their                      got my back. I love them,”         amazing time,” Stefani ex-      ing that the latter as far as
now it’s actually happen-         YouTube covers of Daft                              she said. As for the rest of       plained.                        “The Voice” is concerned
ing.” The group’s members         Punk, Imagine Dragons                               her life, she’s trying to live in  So if she were a contes-        has become less about
co-wrote all but one song         and Beyonce that saved                              the here and now and en-           tant rather than a judge on     finding the next superstar
on their first full-length self-  their recording careers.                            joy a few “priceless surpris-      “The Voice,” who would          and more about helping
titled album, out on Oct. 16.     Olusola said the videos                             es,” a hashtag she’s taken         she pick as a mentor?           out young talent.
But even with their success       gave fans something they                            on for a private concert           “Impossible to answer, and      “How many Michael Jack-
of their previous releases,       hadn’t gotten before.                               Saturday night for Master-         I will not,” she laughed. “But  sons are there in a life-
including two Christmas           “They want to see me do-                            Card cardholders.                  I would say, I know that I’ve   time, or in generations?
albums and three EPs, put-        ing the beatbox thing, and                          The California native and          worked with Pharrell before     They come along when
ting out an album of origi-       they want to see (Kaplan)                           mom of three oozed joy             and I know what that feels      they come along,” Stefani
nal a cappella songs is still     hitting those crazy low                             backstage ahead of the             like. I’ve worked with Adam     said. “It’s just a platform.
somewhat of a gamble.             notes,” Olusola said. “They                         exclusive appearance, so           and I know what that feels      There’s so many talented
“With a cappella, it’s like       want to see the trio doing                          what’s got Stefani so hap-         like. I’ve never worked with    people but there has to be
a tightrope,” said Scott          their runs and everything.                          py?                                Blake so I don’t know what      magic and things, destiny
Hoying, one of the group’s        We have kept to that for-                           “Everything. It’s exciting.        that would be like, but I do    and fate, and God, and
lead singers. “Because            mula in most of our videos,                         I’m in New York. Just that         know that me and Blake          all these things have to
people are already ner-           so that people can actual-                          alone. ... I mean, I never         have a lot of similar tastes    happen for a superstar to
vous about playing an a           ly see that we are actually                         went anywhere when I was           in people, in voices, which     emerge.”
cappella song, cause they         doing this with our voices,                         a little girl,” she smiled.        is a shock.”                    Would she survive the gru-
don’t know if it is going to      with our mouths.”                                   And there’s also the birth         Stefani’s band, No Doubt,       eling competition?
work or not.” “Can’t Sleep        But they had to throw in                            of her third child, Apollo,        last put out an album in        “I can’t imagine doing
Love,” which has gotten           one cover on the new al-                            about 19 months ago, and           2012, but she’s recorded        what they do. I couldn’t do
to No. 25 on Billboard’s          bum, a version of Shia’s ‘90                        the rest of this season on         solo, made music with Phar-     it,” she said.q
Adult Contemporary chart,         R&B classic, “If I Ever Fall in
shows off their skills at ar-     Love” featuring guest vo-
ranging their unique vocal        cals from Jason Derulo.q
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