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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Saturday 26 auguSt 2017

                 Studies: Automated safety systems are preventing car crashes

            By JOAN LOWY                 keeping  systems  cut  such   concerned  that  they  are
            Associated Press             crashes by half it would be   changing driver behavior.
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Safe-      significant,  she  said.  Cic-  A  separate  study  by  the
            ty  systems  to  prevent  cars  chino said about a quarter   insurance  industry-funded
            from  drifting  into  another  of traffic fatalities involve a   institute  and  the  Massa-
            lane or that warn drivers of  vehicle drifting into another   chusetts  Institute  of  Tech-
            vehicles in their blind spots  lane.                      nology’s  AgeLab  found
            are beginning to live up to  “Now  we  have  evidence     that  drivers  using  auto-
            their  potential  to  reduce  that  this  technology  really   mated  systems  that  scan
            crashes  significantly,  ac-  can save lives and has the   for parking spots and then
            cording  to  two  studies  re-  potential  to  prevent  thou-  park  the  car  spend  a  lot
            leased Wednesday.            sands  of  deaths  once  it’s   more time looking at dash-
            At the same time, research  on  every  vehicle,”  Cicchi-  board displays than at the
            by  the  Insurance  Institute  no said.                   parking  spot,  the  road  in
            for  Highway  Safety  raises  If  all  passenger  vehicles   front  or  the  road  behind.
            concern  that  drivers  may  had  been  equipped  with    That  was  true  even  when
            be less vigilant when relying  lane  departure  warning   the  systems  were  search-  In this May 22, 2012 file photo, professional test driver Dave Mc-
            on  automated  safety  sys-  systems  in  2015,  an  esti-  ing for a parking spot and   Millan demonstrates the dashboard warning signal at an auto-
            tems or become distracted  mated  85,000  police-re-      drivers were still responsible   mobile test area in Oxon Hill.
            by dashboard displays that  ported crashes would have     for steering.q                                                        Associated Press
            monitor  how  the  systems  been prevented, the study
            are performing.              found.
            The  two  institute  studies  A second institute study of
            found  that  lane-keeping  blind-spot  detection  sys-
            systems,  some  of  which  tems  —  usually  warning
            even  nudge  the  vehicle  lights in side mirrors — found
            back  into  its  lane  for  the  the  systems  lower  the  rate
            driver, and blind-spot moni-  of all lane-change crashes
            toring  systems  had  lower  by 14 percent and the rate
            crash rates than the same  of such crashes with injuries
            vehicles  without  the  sys-  by 23 percent.
            tems.                          If  all  passenger  vehicles
            The  lane-keeping  study  were  equipped  with  the
            looked at police crash data  systems  about  50,000  po-
            from  25  states  between  lice-reported  crashes  a
            2009  and  2015  for  vehicle  year  could  be  prevented,
            models  where  the  systems  the study found.
            were  sold  as  optional.  Lane-keeping,      blind-spot
            Lane-keeping systems low-    monitoring, and automatic
            ered rates of single-vehicle,  braking systems, which can
            sideswipe  and  head-on  prevent  rear-end  crashes,
            crashes  of  all  severities  by  are  some  of  the  building
            11 percent, and crashes of  blocks  of  self-driving  car
            those types in which there  technology.
            were  injuries,  by  21  per-  Greg  Brannon,  the  Au-
            cent, the study found.       tomobile  Association  of
            Because  there  were  only  America’s director of auto-
            40  fatal  crashes  in  the  motive engineering, called
            data,  researchers  used  a  the  institute’s  studies  “en-
            simpler  analysis  that  didn’t  couraging.”
            control  for  differences  in  But  he  cautioned  that  is
            drivers’  ages,  genders,  in-  “critical  that  drivers  un-
            surance risk and other fac-  derstand  the  capabilities
            tors for those crashes. They  and,   more   importantly,
            found  the  technology  cut  the limitations of the safety
            the  fatal  crash  rate  by  86  technology in their vehicle
            percent.                     before  getting  behind  the
            That’s  probably  high,  said  wheel.”
            Jessica  Cicchino,  the  in-  For  all  the  promise  tech-
            stitute’s  vice  president  for  nologies  hold  to  enhance
            research, but even if lane-  safety, researchers are also
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