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Saturday 26 auguSt 2017 BUSINESS

            LG breaks ground on $250M appliance plant in Tennessee

            By ERIK SCHELZIG             ity in Clarksville is projected  produce a fully assembled  by  U.S.  Commerce  Secre-  workers,” Ross said.
            Associated Press             to cost $250 million and cre-  washing machine every 10  tary  Wilbur  Ross  and  U.S.  Corker  praised  President
            CLARKSVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  ate 600 new jobs. Located  seconds.                         Sen. Bob Corker.             Donald Trump and his Cab-
            —  LG  Electronics  Inc.  on  about  50  miles  (80  kilome-  The  company  said  the  Ross  said  LG’s  decision  to  inet for fostering investment
            Thursday  broke  ground  at  ters) northwest of Nashville,  highly  automated  facility  build the plant in Clarksville  in the U.S.
            the site of the South Korean  the site was selected after  will also be able to shift pro-  will  bring  “family-sustaining  “The  Trump  administration
            appliance  manufacturer’s  a six-year national search.    duction  of  models  within  jobs to Tennessee.”          has  done  an  outstanding
            first washing machine plant  The  plant  is  scheduled  to  four minutes.              “This  is  exactly  the  kind  of  job, I think, of releasing the
            in the United States.        be  completed  by  the  first  Company  and  local  of-   job  creation  and  invest-  animal  spirits  in  our  nation
            The  1  million-square-foot  quarter  of  2019,  and  it  is  ficials  were  joined  at  the  ment  that  the  administra-  and  focusing  on  job  cre-
            (92,900-square-meter) facil-  designed  to  be  able  to  groundbreaking ceremony  tion is seeking for American  ation,” Corker said.q

             Amazon to cut prices on Whole Foods staples like eggs, beef

                                                                                                   organic, Amazon said. The  Charlie O’Shea, lead retail
                                                                                                   company also said certain  analyst  at  Moody’s  Inves-
                                                                                                   Whole  Foods  products  will  tors Service.
                                                                                                   be  available  through  Am-  “Amazon can come in and
                                                                                         ,    AmazonFresh,  price  items  very  low,”  he
                                                                                                   Prime  Pantry  and  Prime  said.  “Its  shareholders  are
                                                                                                   Now.                         agnostic  about  profit,  and
                                                                                                   Amazon’s  announcement  seem  more  interested  rev-
                                                                                                   comes  a  day  after  Whole  enue  and  market  share.
                                                                                                   Foods  shareholders  gave  That’s  a  competitive  ad-
                                                                                                   their approval and the Fed-  vantage.”
                                                                                                   eral Trade Commission said  Rivals  have  been  scram-
                                                                                                   it would not block the pur-  bling  to  catch  up  with
                                                                                                   chase. Amazon will pay $42  the  e-commerce  giant.
                                                                                                   per Whole Foods share, an  Walmart,  which  has  the
                                                                                                   18  percent  premium  from  largest  share  of  the  U.S.
                                                                                                   its  price  the  day  before  grocery market, is expand-
                                                                                                   the tie-up was announced  ing its grocery delivery ser-
                                                                                                   June  16.  The  stock  edged  vice  with  ride-hailing  ser-
                                                                                                   up to $41.98 on Thursday.    vice Uber and announced
                                                                                                   By  buying  Whole  Foods,  Wednesday  that  it  will  join
                                                                                                   Amazon  is  taking  a  bold  forces  with  Google  to  let
                                                                                                   step  into  brick-and-mor-   shoppers  order  goods  by
             In  this  May  3,  2017  photo,  customers  shop  at  a  Whole  Foods  Market  in  Upper  Saint  Clair,  Pa.   tar,  with  its  more  than  460  voice on Google devices.
             Amazon is moving swiftly to make big changes at Whole Foods, saying it plans to cut prices on   stores  and  potentially  very  But  Walmart’s  shares  were
             bananas, eggs, salmon, beef and more as soon as it completes its $13.7 billion takeover.   lucrative  data  about  how  off  2  percent,  and  shares
                                                                         (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)  shoppers  behave  offline.  of  other  big  grocery  busi-
            By BERNARD CONDON            ucts  elsewhere  —  possibly  markets  fell  sharply  on  the   The  grocery  chain,  which  nesses fell more. The Kroger
            AP Business Writer           at a lower cost — fits Ama-  news.                        has fought the “Whole Pay-   Co. dropped nearly 8 per-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon  zon’s track record of keep-       “Rivals should be under no   check”  reputation,  had  cent,  and  Supervalu  Inc.
            plans to use its deep pock-  ing  prices  low  to  lock  in  illusion  that  they  are  now   been  under  shareholder  fell  more  than  6  percent.
            ets  to  make  big  changes  customer  loyalty.  Looking  dealing  with  a  competitor   pressure  to  improve  results  Costco  lost  5  percent  and
            at  Whole  Foods,  saying  it  ahead,  Amazon  hopes  to  that  is  not  afraid  to  dam-  as  customers  moved  on  Target fell 4 percent.
            will cut prices on bananas,  give  members  of  its  Prime  age  profits  and  margins  if   and  discount  chains  like  While  Whole  Foods  ac-
            eggs,  salmon,  beef  and  program  special  savings  it creates long-term gains,”     Lidl  and  Aldi  expanded  in  counts  for  less  than  3  per-
            more  when  it  completes  and other in-store benefits.   Saunders said in an analyst   the  U.S.  Whether  Amazon  cent  of  U.S.  grocery  and
            its  $13.7  billion  takeover  It’s  an  “opening  salvo”  in  note.  Among  other  Whole   will succeed in the fiercely  supermarket   sales,   the
            next  week.  Helping  Whole  the grocery wars, said Neil  Foods  items  getting  dis-  competitive  grocery  seg-   purchase  gives  Amazon  a
            Foods win back customers  Saunders, managing direc-       counts Monday: avocados,     ment  is  unclear,  but  cus-  foothold  in  a  fragile  indus-
            who found “good enough”  tor  of  GlobalData  Retail,  tilapia,  baby  kale,  apples   tomers  are  going  to  ben-  try that can ill-afford more
            organic  and  natural  prod-  and  shares  of  other  super-  and rotisserie chicken — all   efit  from  the  attempt,  said  price cutting.q

             Georgia manufacturer is expanding, creating 211 jobs

            By CHEVEL JOHNSON            day announced that Meg-      of  Georgia’s  ability  to  re-  Meggitt  currently  employs  tanks, fuel systems and ad-
            Associated Press             gitt Polymers & Composites  tain  dynamic  manufactur-    1,000  people  at  the  Polk  vanced  composite  struc-
            A  manufacturer  that  de-   will  invest  $30  million  in  its  ing  companies  with  our  County  facility.  The  new  tures,  including  radomes
            signs and develops engine  expansion.                     business-friendly   environ-  jobs  will  include  positions  for in-flight satellite commu-
            and  aerodynamic  seals,  “Georgia  values  Meggitt’s  ment  and  highly  skilled  in  production,  supervision,  nications.
            flexible fuel tanks and other  steadfast  commitment  to  workforce.  We  are  looking  management,     engineer-   David  Horner,  president  of
            engine  components  is  ex-  creating jobs and investing  forward to growing our re-   ing, inspection and techni-  Meggitt  Polymers  thanked
            panding its facility in Rock-  in  Polk  County,”  Deal  said  lationship with Meggitt and  cal roles.              Deal and the Georgia De-
            mart, Georgia, creating an  in  a  news  release.  “Meg-  seeing  the  company  con-   Meggitt  designs  and  man-  partment of Economic De-
            additional 211 jobs.         gitt’s  decision  to  expand  tinue  to  succeed  here  in  ufactures   military   and  velopment  for  their  work
            Gov. Nathan Deal on Thurs-   its workforce is a reflection  Georgia.”                  commercial  aircraft  fuel  and collaboration.q
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