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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
Baldwin revives Trump impression
for summer spinoff of ‘SNL’
NEW YORK (AP) — Alec date: Summer Edition” by was shown as the Grim
Baldwin has donned his satirizing Trump’s rally in Reaper, as he has been in
blond wig to reprise his im- Phoenix on Tuesday. In the earlier “SNL” episodes.
pression of President Don- skit , “SNL” announced on Twit-
ald Trump for NBC’s sum- Baldwin’s Trump gave a ter on Thursday night that
mer spinoff of “Saturday send-off to former presi- it will kick off its 43rd season
Night Live.” dential adviser Steve Ban- Sept. 30 with Ryan Gosling
Baldwin opened Thursday’s non, who left the adminis- hosting and Jay Z as musi-
episode of “Weekend Up- tration last week. Bannon cal guest.q
Jerry Lee Lewis doesn’t get In this Aug. 24, 2017, photo provided by NBC, Alec Baldwin per-
forms his impression of President Donald Trump on the set of
Country Music Hall of Fame snub “Weekend Update: Summer Edition” in New York.
Associated Press
Jerry Lee Lewis is one of the
early pioneers of rock ‘n’
roll music, but he doesn’t
understand why his con-
tributions to country music
haven’t been recognized
by the Country Music Hall
of Fame.
Now 81, Lewis said that
when he first came to
Nashville from Louisiana,
he was advised to pick up
a guitar instead of playing
the piano.
“I was trying to get a re-
cord out and get my start
in the business and they re-
ally didn’t any part of rock In this May 2, 2015 file photo, Jerry Lee Lewis performs at the
n’ roll,” Lewis said in an in- New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival in New Orleans.
terview Thursday in Nash- Associated Press
ville, where he was being
honored by artists such as Woke Me Up to Say Good- ing his rock stuff,” said Toby
George Strait, Kris Kristof- bye,” and “To Make Love Keith. “But I knew all of his
ferson, Chris Stapleton and Sweeter for You.” country songs. He’s an in-
Lee Ann Womack during Recently a petition was credible country singer.”
the live concert series Sky- started online to call atten- As to whether Keith thinks
ville Live. tion to his exclusion from Lewis belongs with coun-
He quickly found fame un- the Country Music Hall of try’s historical icons, Keith is
der the guidance of Sam Fame. Lewis was among positive: “I do. No question.
Phillips at Sun Records in the first inductees into the I’d vote for him tomorrow.”
Memphis, where he played Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Womack said that Lewis’
alongside Elvis Presley, Carl 1986. contributions to music, no
Perkins, and Johnny Cash “I don’t know why I am not matter the genre, should
in the now famous Million in it,” Lewis said. “I mean, make him eligible.
Dollar Quartet. His outra- they got it stirred up and “He’s one of the greatest
geous talent, energy and talking about it. I don’t artists that we have ever
ego were showcased on know why they don’t put had the pleasure of having
his early hits like “Great me in it. I don’t understand in country music,” Womack
Balls of Fire” and “Whole that.” said. “That’s my opinion
Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On.” Within Nashville’s music and I am sure that’s most
But his career was nearly community, there seems everybody’s opinion. I think
derailed over the scan- to be plenty of support for anybody that has made
dal of his marriage to his his inclusion in the genre’s that kind of impact de-
13-year-old cousin, Myra, most elite group. In fact, serves to be in the Hall of
and he spent several years many of today’s country Fame.”
blacklisted before mount- stars consider “The Killer” For Lewis, he just had to ap-
ing a return to the country more of a country singer proach music the only way
charts in the late ‘60s. He than a rock star. he knew how.
had top country singles like “You know, I was at the age “My style of country music
“What Made Milwaukee that I didn’t really know him is just me,” Lewis said. “I
Famous (Has Made a Loser as a rock ‘n’ roller until I got wouldn’t know how to do
Out of Me),” ‘’She Even in the bar and started play- anyone else’s.”q