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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ keeps focus on art, not its impact
By JOSEPH LONGO move the gay movement
Associated Press forward.”
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A He’s also become a spring-
deafening, auto-tuned board for drag queens’
voice screeches “Gentle- careers. Past contestants
men, start your engines,” have hosted their own TV
while a lipstick, a rearview comedy specials, sold out
mirror and a crown speed international tours and re-
by illuminated in pink and leased albums.
blue hues. Just as the inten- Viceland announced last
sity becomes all too much, week it will air a talk show
it abruptly stops. Suddenly, by “Drag Race” alums
a blonde beauty arrives Trixie Mattel and Katya
carrying a racing flag in Zamolodchikova.
each hand. The voice Yet for all the cultural fan-
now has a face, and the fare, RuPaul said in a re-
screech turns soothing, as- cent interview that “Drag
pirational even, “May the Race” has never tried to
best woman win.” effect change or impart
This dazzling intro signals knowledge.
just one thing: “RuPaul’s “Our goal is first and fore-
Drag Race “ is on. most to do a show that cel-
The reality TV competition’s ebrates drag,” he said.
color and energy are hard In this Aug. 8, 2017 photo, RuPaul, host of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” poses for a portrait at Allied Stu- Politics and history are in-
to ignore and impossible dios in Simi Valley, Calif. herent to telling drag art-
to forget. It’s why “Drag Associated Press ists’ stories, often ones of
Race” in its ninth season last September, winning his Drag Superstar.” Since ed by past contestants. courage and learning how
is nominated for seven first Emmy in the best reality March, “Drag Race” re- Kelsey Jacobsen is a de- to shine in darkness, he
Emmy Awards, including show host category. He’s ceived a highly-coveted voted fan who routinely at- said.
best reality competition. up for the award again in a “SNL” parody, found a big- tends viewings at Micky’s However, not everyone is
It’s the most nominations few weeks. ger stage on VH1 and gar- West Hollywood. Like many on board with the stories
for a show that was once This year’s batch of Emmy nered its best ratings yet. fans at gay bars and night- being told.
a DIY favorite on a little- nods is the latest success The impact is apparent in clubs throughout the coun- Drag performer Land-
known network, but is now for the show, which fol- the LGBT community. Dur- try, Jacobsen comes for on Cider doesn’t see
competing against heavy- lows drag artists with vi- ing the season, gay bars the sense of community. her community of drag
weights “Top Chef” and brant personalities, heart- in West Hollywood are “It’s one of the biggest gay, kings on screen. She said
“Project Runway.” wrenching backstories and packed at 8 p.m. sharp iconic things of our genera- that’s problematic as the
RuPaul kicked off the witty retorts competing to on Fridays for “Drag Race” tion,” Jacobsen said. “Ru- show champions LGBT
show’s breakthrough year become “America’s Next viewing parties, often host- Paul has done so much to “herstory.”q
Sue Grafton’s alphabet series appears to be near its end
By OLINE H. COGDILL Yesterday” revolves around a tony private high school her case has everything: almost imperceptibly al-
Associated Press the murder of a high school and who were, in one way “Youth, sex, money, be- lowed her to grow. She’s
“Y is for Yesterday” is Sue senior by a classmate who or another, involved in the trayal.” She is also worried opened herself up a bit to
Grafton’s projected penul- was egged on by another shooting and the making that serial killer Ned Lowe is relatives she didn’t know
timate novel in her alpha- student. That incident hap- of the tape. As Kinsey says, still at large and has target- she had. She still is close to
bet series about intrepid pened in 1979, but that de- ed her as his next victim. her landlord, Henry, who
California private investi- cade-old crime seems like Grafton skillfully delves into also is her surrogate father.
gator Kinsey Millhone. And it happened yesterday to the psyche of this band And “Y is for Yesterday”
if the series does end with those who were involved, of friends, many of whom finds Kinsey embracing, al-
“Z’’ — and there’s no rea- all of whom have been peaked in high school, most, a cat and a dog. (It’s
son to believe that it won’t “marked by the tragedy.” showing how the acts of a start.) When “Z’’ comes
be the finale — it’s going Kinsey is hired by the par- teenagers affect their lives out — planned for 2019 —
out with even deeper plots ents of Fritz McCabe, newly as adults. Kinsey will be approaching
and more intense char- released from prison for From “A’’ to now “Y,” Kin- her 40th birthday — and
acterizations than when shooting classmate Sloan sey is still the same “single Grafton drops a few hints
it debuted 35 years ago. Stevens when he was 15. and cranky-minded” pri- about what might await
Despite clocking in at 496 Because of his age, Califor- vate detective she always her. Meanwhile, savor “Y is
pages, “Y is for Yesterday” nia law requires that Fritz be has been. But Grafton has for Yesterday.”q
briskly moves Kinsey’s story released. He receives a de-
forward. mand for $25,000, with the
Set in 1989, the theme of threat that a 10-year-old
this 25th outing with Kinsey tape showing Fritz and an-
could, with a few varia- other student sexually abus-
tions, be set in 2017 with ing a drunken freshman will This cover image released by
bullies, sex tapes, a cheat- be released to police if the G.P. Putnam’s Sons shows “Y
ing scandal and a sense demand isn’t paid. Kinsey’s is for Yesterday,” by Sue Graf-
of entitlement among high investigation follows the ton.
school students. “Y is for lives of those who attended Associated Press