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Friday 7 August 2015
What’s A Startup? ATECH Conference Set for August 28 & 29
ORANJESTAD - The term as a startup is a company in the Caribbean. It is also to attract local talents liv- take this opportunity to min-
‘startup’ has been used working to solve a problem one of the founding pillars ing abroad to contribute gle with other startups. AT-
with increasing frequency where the solution is not in creating a technology with their knowledge and ECH* Conference will take
over the past few years to obvious and success is not hub for startups in Aruba expertise and built a men- place on August 28 and 29
describe young ventures. guaranteed. It is a state of and with an acceleration torship community to new at the Hilton Aruba Carib-
Over the past months it mind. It is a business or un- of the regional ecosystem. and young entrepreneurs bean Hotel.
has been all over the local dertaking that has recently Its purpose will also serve on island without having to For more information and
news in connection with the begun operations. A com- to be an inspiration and of- return to Aruba. or purchasing your ticket
upcoming ATECH* Confer- pany five years old can still fer the resources to existing Are you a startup entrepre- please visit www.atechcon-
ence. But what is a startup be a startup. One thing we companies and to those neur and are you a fan of Up-
really? Why should you at- can all agree on is that the who are aspiring to start innovation and technol- dates and developments of
tend the ATECH* Confer- key to a startup is its ability their own business in Aruba. ogy? Come and share your the conference can be fol-
ence? to grow and is a compa- Additionally ATECH* would experiences and ideas with lowed on www.facebook.
When researching the term ny designed to scale very like to create a platform fellow entrepreneurs and com/ATECHConference.q
‘startup’ various defini- quickly. It is this focus on
tions can be found such growth which differentiates
startups from small business-
ATECH* Conference is the
first conference of its kind