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                                                                                        PEOPLE&ARTS Tuesday 11 July 2017
            Holt is a steadying force for NBC as anchor

            By DAVID BAUDER              turn to the job.                                                                       tions, including calling one
            AP Television Writer         His  first  challenge  was  sift-                                                      statement  “divorced  from
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Watch-   ing  through  all  manner  of                                                          reality.”  Holt  doesn’t  think
            ing a White House briefing  advice.                                                                                 Pelley  was  out  of  line  but,
            in his office, Lester Holt said  “It  was  all  of  this  ‘make  it                                                 again,  it’s  not  Holt’s  style.
            he had to walk away when  your own’ and ‘you’re the                                                                 He’s conscious of not want-
            exasperated reporter Brian  guy at the helm’ and ‘act                                                               ing  to  appear  to  be  piling
            Karem recently confronted  like  you  own  it,’”  he  re-                                                           on.
            Sarah  Huckabee  Sanders  called. “That’s easy for peo-                                                             “Sometimes you lean back
            about  the  Trump  adminis-  ple to say. But under the cir-                                                         and  think,  ‘how  am  I  go-
            tration’s hostility toward the  cumstances, you’re inherit-                                                         ing to write this?’” he said.
            press.  Their  exchange  al-  ing a successful broadcast,                                                           “But my first duty is to make
            most  made  him  physically  you’re working with a staff                                                            people  understand  why
            ill.                         that has taken an emotion-                                                             something is unusual, why it
            Holt’s no fan of press bash-  al hit and there’s this whole                                                         might be provoking a lot of
            ing,  but  fighting  back  that  confidence  thing.  I’ve  al-                                                      discussion or outrage.”
            way  is  decidedly  not  his  ways been confident in my                                                             Evening newscasts haven’t
            style.                       abilities, but this was an ex-   In this Oct. 28, 2015 file photo, “NBC Nightly News” anchor Les-  seen the “Trump bump” in
            “I  understand  his  frustra-  traordinary  challenge.  All   ter Holt arrives at the 9th Annual California Hall of Fame induc-  ratings their cable counter-
            tion, but I thought that we  these  things  were  coming   tion ceremonies at the California Museum in Sacramento, Calif.   parts have. Holt suggested
            just  can’t  be  trapped  into  together  and,  oh,  by  the                                       Associated Press  it’s  because  the  shows
            that sort of thing,” the NBC  way, you want to maintain  said.                         knows that comes with the  have to serve a wider audi-
            “Nightly News” anchor said.  the ratings. I’d never been  “I  was  fearful  that  I  would  territory  and  there’s  news  ence.
            “We can take the hits.”      under that kind of pressure  not  be  accepted,”  Holt  to be made — but what re-      “We’re not tempted to go
            Holt,  58,  exudes  an  aura  before.”                    said, “that I had to earn my  ally gets his blood flowing is  down the road of ‘all poli-
            of  calm  on  the  set,  so  Since  Williams  was  the  right to sit there and put my  the travel to places where  tics, all the time,’” he said.
            much  so  that  it’s  surprising  same  age  and  had  been  foot down and say no, we  people’s  lives  are  on  the  “MSNBC does that extraor-
            to  hear  him  talk  candidly  atop  the  ratings  for  a  de-  need  to  do  the  story  this  line.”              dinarily  well.  To  the  extent
            about how tough it was to  cade,  Holt  had  reasoned  way or I don’t feel comfort-    After leaving NBC to teach  that  it  has  cost  us  some
            replace  Brian  Williams  as  that he’d hit his career ceil-  able  with  that.  For  a  long  at  the  University  of  Mary-  viewers, c’est la vie. ... Not
            NBC  News’  chief  anchor.  ing  as  the  anchor  of  “To-  time, I think I was a bit more  land,  Bettag  and  his  stu-  everybody   is   interested
            Two  years  removed  from  day”  and  “Nightly  News”  passive than I should have  dents studied how the NBC,  in  the  latest  presidential
            that drama, he’s in a tight  on  the  weekends,  along  been.”                         ABC  and  CBS  evening  tweet,  or  at  least  not  15
            battle  for  supremacy  with  with as “Dateline NBC.”     The  feeling  that  “Nightly  news  programs  covered  minutes on it.”
            ABC’s David Muir for view-   “I don’t want to say that in  News”  was  now  his  show  the  presidential  campaign  Holt maintained the “Night-
            ers  and  advertising  dollars  a bitter way, it was just, this  crept  up  on  him.  “I  can’t  and the early days of Presi-  ly  News”  ratings  lead,  at
            in the dinner hour.          is probably as far as I’m go-  even  tell  you  what  day  it  dent  Trump’s  administra-  least at first. Between Sep-
            There  were  moments  af-    ing to go, and this isn’t half-  happened,” he said.      tion.  They  found  Holt  the  tember  2014  and  2015,
            ter   replacing    Williams,  bad,”  he  said.  “There  was  Holt loves to take the show  most even-handed anchor,  NBC averaged 8.66 million
            Holt  conceded,  “when  I  no  sense  of  regret.  I  had  out  of  the  studio  and  has  one  most  aware  that  he’s  viewers  to  ABC’s  8.29  mil-
            thought, ‘Is this really what  stopped on the rung of the  made  those  journeys  his  speaking  to  people  with  lion,  the  Nielsen  company
            I want to do?’”              ladder  I  was  on  and  was  “Nightly  News”  signature.  differing views, Bettag said.  said.  So  far  this  year,  the
            To rewind, Holt was elevat-  enjoying the view.”          He’s  traveled  to  South  Ko-  That was almost to a fault;  broadcasts  are  essentially
            ed after Williams was found  Most    people    at   NBC  rea,  Israel  and  England  NBC could be criticized for  tied (ABC has 8.43 million to
            to have misrepresented his  felt  Holt  was  a  decent,  so far this year, along with  not  being  more  aggres-    NBC’s 8.41 million), but ABC
            role in covering some news  thoughtful  man  and  were  multiple trips within the U.S.  sive  in  fact-checking  po-  clearly  has  momentum.
            stories. Holt filled in during a  rooting  for  him,  said  veter-  “Lester  likes  that  human  litical  claims,  Bettag  said.  Lack  said  he’s  more  con-
            limbo period when Williams  an television producer Tom  contact  at  the  root  level,  Holt has certainly not been  cerned with ratings among
            was  suspended,  earning  Bettag, who was working at  in  the  trenches,”  said  NBC  as biting as CBS’ since-de-   younger   viewers   where
            the role permanently when  NBC with Ted Koppel at the  News       Chairman     Andy  parted  Scott  Pelley,  who  NBC leads, since those are
            it was decided in June 2015  time. That helped the staff  Lack.  “He  can  interview  attracted notice with blunt  used  for  most  advertising
            that Williams would not re-  navigate a painful time, he  presidents  and  kings  —  he  assessments of Trump’s ac-  sales.q

            Get enthusiastic for ‘Curb Your

            Enthusiasm’ returning Oct. 1

            NEW YORK (AP) — You can  This      long-awaited    ninth  stars  David  in  a  fictional-
            curb  your  skepticism.  HBO  season  was  announced  in  ized version of himself as he
            has locked down Oct. 1 to  June  2016  for  some  time  stumbles  through  socially
            start  a  new  season  of  the  in  2017.  The  eighth  season  awkward situations.
            Larry David comedy “Curb  had  aired  in  2011,  and,  Among  David’s  projects
            Your Enthusiasm.”            until a year ago, David re-  since  curbing  this  series:  a
            HBO said Monday that the  mained  tight-lipped  about  hit  Broadway  play,  “Fish  in
            10 episodes will bring back  whether  there  would  ever  the  Dark,”  and  repeated
            regulars  Jeff  Garlin,  Susie  be more.                  appearances on “Saturday
            Essman  and  JB  Smoove,  Premiering  in  2000,  the  se-  Night  Live”  impersonating    In this Feb. 28, 2016, file photo, Larry David arrives at the Vanity
            among others.                ries  was  created  by  and  Sen. Bernie Sanders.q        Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif.
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