P. 32

                    Tuesday 11 July 2017
                 Bad behavior is trending online, inspiring it in real life

            By SANDY COHEN                                                                                                      lion  Twitter  followers,  has
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             defended his social-media
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Young                                                                                            approach as “modern day
            children  know  that  name-                                                                                         presidential.”
            calling  is  wrong.  Tweens                                                                                         Cyber incivility, particularly
            are taught the perils of on-                                                                                        when practiced by cultural
            line  bullying  and  revenge                                                                                        leaders,  can  have  a  pro-
            porn:  It’s  unacceptable                                                                                           found  impact  on  human
            and potentially illegal.                                                                                            relations, North said.
            But  celebrities  who  en-                                                                                          Studies  show  that  young
            gage in flagrant attacks on                                                                                         people  who  witness  ag-
            social media are rewarded                                                                                           gressive behavior in adults
            with  worldwide  attention.                                                                                         model  and  expand  on
            President  Donald  Trump’s                                                                                          that behavior. She pointed
            most  popular  tweet  to                                                                                            to  Stanford  University  psy-
            date is a video that shows                                                                                          chologist  Albert  Bandura’s
            him fake-pummeling a per-                                                                                           famous  “Bobo  Doll  Experi-
            sonification of CNN. Reality                                                                                        ment,”  which  found  that
            TV star Rob Kardashian was                                                                                          kids  who  saw  adults  hit  a
            trending last week after at-                                                                                        doll  in  frustration  not  only
            tacking his former fiancée                                                                                          hit the doll as well, but at-
            on  Instagram  in  a  flurry  of                                                                                    tacked it with weapons.
            posts  so  explicit  his  ac-                                                                                       Social  media  is  an  atmo-
            count  was  shut  down.  He                                                                                         sphere  devoid  of  the  so-
            continued  the  attacks  on                                                                                         cial  cues  that  mitigate
            Twitter, where he has more                                                                                          behavior  in  real  life,  she
            than 7.6 million followers.                                                                                         said. When violating social
            While public interest in bad   In this combination photo, TV personality Rob Kardashian, left, appears in New York on Nov. 23,   norms in person, there’s im-
            behavior  is  nothing  new,   2011 and his former fiancee Blac Chyna appears at the BET Awards in Los Angeles on June 25,   mediate  feedback  from
            social  media  has  created   2017.                                                                                 others  through  body  lan-
            a vast new venue for inci-                                                                                          guage and tone of voice.
            vility  to  be  expressed,  wit-  On  some  middle-school   bonding  factors  in  human   ular,  according  to  a  new   No such indicators exist on-
            nessed  and  shared.  And    campuses,      “Trumping”    nature,” North said.         study  by  Ohio  State  Uni-  line, and retweets can feel
            experts  say  it’s  affecting   means to grab a girl’s rear   With   352,000   retweets,   versity  Professor  Jayeon   like validation.
            social  interactions  in  real   end, she said.           Trump’s  CNN-pummeling       “Janey” Lee.                 Cruel and humiliating posts
            life.                        And teenagers have killed    post  isn’t  in  the  realm  of   “Attacks  on  the  media   often  become  “an  instant
            “Over  time,  the  attitudes   themselves  over  the  kind   Ellen  DeGeneres’  Oscar   were   most    effective,”   hit  online,”  Steiner-Adair
            and  behaviors  that  we     of  slut-shaming  and  ex-                                                             said.  “It’s  one  of  the  best
            are  concerned  with  right   posure  of  private  images                                                           ways to become popular.”
            now  in  social  media  will   Kardashian leveled at Blac                                                           Viral  posts  then  get  main-
            bleed out into the physical   Chyna, with whom he has                                                               stream  media  attention,
            world,” said Karen North, a   an infant daughter.                                                                   spreading  digital  nastiness
            psychologist  and  director   “We  are  normalizing  be-                                                            into  everyday  conversa-
            of the University of Southern   haviors,  and  it’s  affecting                                                      tion. By not expressly reject-
            California’s  Digital  Social   some  kids,”  Steiner-Adair                                                         ing  cruel  or  hateful  online
            Media  Program.  “We’re      said.  “And  what’s  affect-                                                           behavior, “we are creating
            supposed  to  learn  to  be   ing kids that is profound is                                                          a bystander culture where
            polite  and  civil  in  society.   their  mistrust  of  grown-ups                                                   people think this is funny,”
            But  what  we  have  right   who are behaving so bad-                                                               she said.
            now is a situation where a   ly.  Why  aren’t  they  stop-                                                          “When  we  tolerate  lead-
            number of role models are    ping this?”                                                                            ers  —  in  the  popular  me-
            acting the opposite of that   Social media satisfies a hu-                                                          dia  like  a  Kardashian,  or
            ... And by watching it, we   man need for connection.                                                               a  president  —  behaving
            vicariously  feel  it,  and  our   Users  bond  over  common                                                        in  this  way,  we  are  creat-
            own attitudes and behav-     interests and establish digi-  Copies of the New York Post with an illustration of President Don-  ing  a  very  dangerous  pe-
            iors change as a result.”    tal  relationships  with  their   ald Trump as a professional wrestler on the front page are dis-  tri dish for massive cultural
            Catherine  Steiner-Adair,  a   favorite  public  figures,  fol-  played at a newsstand in New York City, Monday, July 3, 2017.   change,”   Steiner-Adair
            psychologist  and  author    lowing  and  commenting      On Sunday, Trump’s apparent fondness for wrestling emerged in   said.
            of  “The  Big  Disconnect:   on  their  lives  just  like  they   a tweeted mock video that shows him pummeling a man in a   Young  people,  who  may
                                                                      business suit with his face obscured by the CNN logo.
            Protecting  Childhood  and   do their friends’.                                                    Associated Press  be  the  most  plugged  in,
            Family  Relationships  in  the   Gossip  is  a  bonding  activ-                                                     are getting mixed messag-
            Digital Age,” said she’s al-  ity,  and  it  doesn’t  take  a   selfie (3.4 million retweets).   Lee said  of  her analysis  of   es as they form their moral
            ready seeing the effects.    Real  Housewife  to  know    And    Kardashian’s   rant   tweets  posted  during  the   concepts.
            She  said  she’s  been  con-  people  love  to  share  dirt   against  Chyna  paled  in   presidential   campaign.   “It behooves us all to ques-
            fronted by students across   about  others’  perceived    popularity  with  Beyonce’s   “Whenever    Trump   criti-  tion why we are participat-
            the country asking why ce-   misdeeds.  Collective  dis-  Instagram  pregnancy  an-    cized  or  mocked  the  me-  ing  in  this  mob  of  reactiv-
            lebrities and political lead-  approval creates a feeling   nouncement,  which  col-   dia, the message was more    ity,”   Steiner-Adair   said,
            ers are allowed to engage    of  community,  regardless   lected 8 million likes.      likely to be retweeted and   “and what are the charac-
            in name-calling and other    of  which  side  you’re  on.   Still, Trump’s attack tweets   ‘favorited.’ “           ter traits we need to model
            activities  for  which  they   Having a common enemy      have proven his most pop-    Trump,  who  has  33.4  mil-  for our children.”q
            would be punished.           is  “one  of  the  strongest
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