Page 13 - KPA 7 OCT 2015
P. 13


U.S. NEWSWednesday 7 October 2015

Texas:                                                                                                                               Judge tosses
                                                                                                                                     conviction in
Inmate set for execution for killing man in $8 robbery                                                                               ‘90 NY killing 

MICHAEL GRACZYK                  Death row inmate Juan Garcia is photographed in a visiting           coming weeks.                  JENNIFER PELTZ
Associated Press                                                                                      Evidence at Garcia’s 2000      Associated Press
HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) —         cage at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Polunsky Unit       trial and testimony from a     NEW YORK (AP) — A man
A Texas inmate set to die                                                                             companion identified him       imprisoned for a quarter-
Tuesday for killing another      near Livingston, Texas. 		            (AP Photo/Mike Graczyk)        as the ringleader of four      century in a notorious tour-
man in a Houston robbery                                                                              men involved in the shoot-     ist killing was granted a new
that yielded just $8 has not     “If it’s God’s will, it’s his will,”  ville would be the 11th this   ing and robbery. The slay-     trial Tuesday when a judge
had any late appeals filed       Garcia, 35, told The Associ-          year in Texas, which car-      ing and string of other vio-   overturned his conviction in
on his behalf.                   ated Press last month in a            ries out capital punishment    lent crimes tied to Garcia,    a case that helped crystal-
Juan Martin Garcia was           prison interview near Liv-            more than any other  U.S.      who was 18 at the time,        lize an era of crime and fear
convicted of capital mur-        ingston.                              state. Three more execu-       convinced a jury he should     in the nation’s biggest city.
der for the September 1998       His lethal injection in Hunts-        tions are scheduled in up-     be put to death.               Johnny Hincapie, a Colom-
killing and robbery of Hugo                                                                           Garcia, his two cousins        bian immigrant, broke into
Solano, a Christian mission-                                                                          and another man had al-        sobs as he heard the deci-
ary from Mexico who had                                                                               ready carried out a car-       sion to throw out his convic-
moved his family to Texas                                                                             jacking when they spotted      tion in a subway-platform
just weeks earlier so his chil-                                                                       Solano early on Sept. 17,      mugging that killed Utah
dren could be educated in                                                                             1998, getting into his van to  tourist Brian Watkins as Wat-
the U.S.                                                                                              go to work. Solano’s rela-     kins defended his parents.
Garcia acknowledges                                                                                   tives said the 36-year-old,    State Supreme Court Jus-
shooting Solano but denies                                                                            who did Christian mission-     tice Eduardo Padro cited
the robbery, an accompa-                                                                              ary work in Guadalajara,       new evidence; Hincapie’s
nying felony that made it a                                                                           Mexico, had moved with         lawyers had presented
capital case. The inmate,                                                                             his wife to Houston weeks      new testimony from two
who was linked to at least                                                                            earlier so their children      witnesses saying he wasn’t
eight aggravated robber-                                                                              could get an education in      involved in the crime. Pa-
ies and two attempted                                                                                 the  U.S. Eleazar Mendoza,     dro stopped short of de-
murders in the weeks be-                                                                              who was sentenced to 55        claring Hincapie innocent,
fore and after Solano’s                                                                               years in prison for aggra-     as he and his lawyers had
death, also insists that ju-                                                                          vated robbery, testified       hoped the judge might,
rors unfairly penalized him                                                                           that Garcia approached         but agreed to release him
because he didn’t take                                                                                Solano and pointed a gun.      on $1 bail while awaiting
the witness stand in his own                                                                          Mendoza said Garcia or-        a retrial. “After 25 years of
defense at trial.                                                                                     dered Solano to surrender      suffering, after 25 years of
The U.S. Supreme Court re-                                                                            his money then shot him        injustice, after 25 years of
fused to review Garcia’s                                                                              when he refused.               sleepless nights, God just
case in March. The Texas                                                                              Garcia said Mendoza            revealed his justice,” said
Board of Pardons and Pa-                                                                              came up with the idea to       Hincapie’s father, Carlos.
roles, in a 5-2 vote, refused                                                                         rob Solano and that Sola-      His son couldn’t immediate-
a clemency request from                                                                               no escalated the confron-      ly be freed because of an
Garcia last week.                                                                                     tation by resisting.q          immigration complication,
                                                                                                                                     which his lawyers are work-
Police:                                                                                                                              ing to resolve.
                                                                                                                                     Prosecutors said they were
 Boy, 11, mistakenly kills brother, 12, in gun outing                                                                                weighing whether to ap-
                                                                                                                                     peal the ruling and were
CARROLLTON, Ohio (AP) —          iff Dale Williams said.               newspaper that an autop-       ly 100-acre (40-hectare)       committed to retrying the
An 11-year-old boy fatally       The sheriff said the men              sy would be conducted.         property called the emer-      case, if necessary.
shot his 12-year-old brother     had three loaded weap-                Williams said Tuesday that     gency dispatcher after the     “We regret the fact that re-
during a target-shooting         ons on a picnic table Fri-            the shooting appears ac-       shooting and was inter-        trying the case would sub-
outing in eastern Ohio, the      day afternoon and were                cidental and no criminal       viewed by investigators, as    ject the family of Mr. Wat-
local sheriff said Tuesday.      discussing one when the               charges had been filed,        were the other man and         kins to testifying at another
The shooting occurred            younger boy picked up                 but authorities confiscated    the 11-year-old boy.           trial, reopening old wounds
while the boys from Moore,       one of the guns and it fired.         all the weapons.               Investigators were told the    and forcing them to relive
South Carolina, were with        The older boy was struck in           “It’s accidental at this       boys were adopted, but         the horror of that night 25
a man visiting a friend’s        the head and died at the              time, but we’re not done       Williams said he couldn’t      years ago,” Manhattan
property in rural Lee Town-      scene. No one else was                with the investigation,” Wil-  confirm if or how they were    district attorney’s office
ship, roughly 50 miles (80       hurt.                                 liams said.                    related to the adult visitor,  spokeswoman Joan Vollero
kilometers) west of Pitts-       The county coroner told               He said the Akron-area         who also was from South        said in a statement.q
burgh, Carroll County Sher-      The (Canton) Repository               man who owns the near-         Carolina.q
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