Page 15 - KPA 7 OCT 2015
P. 15


WORLD NEWSWednesday 7 October 2015

Yacht missing with 2 Britons, American, Canadian, Filipino 

JIM GOMEZ                     Tuesday.                       to confirm if they were from    “We are liaising urgently         Bay northwest of Manila
Associated Press              A coast guard search           the yacht Europa, coast         with the local authorities        not later than Monday.
MANILA, Philippines (AP)      team on a plane Tuesday        guard spokesman Cmdr.           concerning search and             An emergency position-
— A yacht carrying two        spotted what appeared to       Armand Balilo said. Hong        rescue operations and pro-        indicating radio beacon
Britons, an American, a       be a floating body, orange     Kong and the Philippines        viding support to the fami-       on the boat was activated
Canadian and a Filipino       objects and an oil slick in    have dispatched planes          lies,” it said in a statement.    Saturday, indicating the
disappeared while sailing     the high seas about 400 ki-    and alerted ships in the        The 18.2-meter (60-foot)          vessel was experiencing
in waters that were lashed    lometers (250 miles) west of   area. The British embassy in    yacht left Hong Kong on           difficulties, the Royal Hong
by a storm last week, the     the northwestern Philippine    Manila confirmed two of its     Thursday and was sup-             Kong Yacht Club said in a
Philippine coast guard said   city of Laoag, but it has yet  nationals were on board.        posed to arrive in Subic          statement.q

Taliban attack police HQ in embattled Afghan city 

RAHIM FAIEZ                   Afghan security forces and volunteer militias rest on their way to Kunduz, Afghanistan to fight  sertions that the bombing
Associated Press                                                                                                               of the hospital was deliber-
KABUL,  Afghanistan  (AP)     against Taliban fighters. Fighting erupted anew in Kunduz on Tuesday after the Taliban attacked  ate.
— Fighting erupted anew                                                                                                        “Statements from the  Af-
in the embattled northern     a police headquarters overnight and officials warned that food and other emergency aid           ghanistan  government
Afghan city of Kunduz on                                                                                                       have claimed that Taliban
Tuesday after the Taliban     cannot get through to the city.					                           (AP Photos/Naim Rahimi)           forces were using the hos-
attacked a police head-                                                                                                        pital to fire on coalition
quarters overnight and offi-  duz operated by Doctors        stances that led to the         continued the charity’s           forces. These statements
cials warned that food and    Without Borders — in which     prominent medical charity       harsh criticism of the U.S.       imply that Afghan and U.S.
other emergency aid can-      at least 22 people were        being hit in a U.S. airstrike.  and Afghan military and           forces working together
not get through to the city.  killed — has raised wider      Joanne Liu, the president       civilian authorities with a       decided to raze to the
The clashes and the dire      questions as to the circum-    of Doctors Without Borders,     statement reiterating as-         ground a fully functioning
warnings underscored the                                                                                                       hospital, which amounts
tenuous hold authorities                                                                                                       to an admission of a war
have on Kunduz, a strate-                                                                                                      crime,” Liu said in a state-
gic city whose brief fall to                                                                                                   ment Tuesday.
the Taliban last week was                                                                                                      At least 12 staff and 10
an embarrassing blow to                                                                                                        patients, including three
President Ashraf Ghani.                                                                                                        children, were killed in the
The Afghan government                                                                                                          bombing, and 37 people
has also been criticized for                                                                                                   were injured, including 19
ignoring warnings of the                                                                                                       staffers, the group has said.
city’s vulnerability to Tal-                                                                                                   The incident is being inves-
iban attack.                                                                                                                   tigated, with preliminary
The bombing early Satur-                                                                                                       results expected in the
day of a hospital in Kun-                                                                                                      coming days.q

Indian cleric aims to stop Muslim youth from joining IS 

NIRMALA GEORGE                city’s Jamia Masjid, said he   from Bangalore.                 India’s       approximately       lims. Last month, more than
Associated Press              is urging Muslim clerics to    “Many young people to-                                            1,000 Muslim clerics in  In-
NEW DELHI (AP) — The chief    alert young men and their      day are going astray. It is     180 million Muslims gener-        dia ratified a religious edict
cleric of Bangalore’s main    families about attempts        our duty to prevent them                                          condemning the Islamic
mosque said Tuesday that      by groups such as Islamic      from being misled,” he          ally hold moderate views          State group, calling its ac-
he has advised the heads      State to recruit them.         said.                                                             tions un-Islamic.
of hundreds of mosques        Imran said he wants Muslim     In his letter, written in the   and have opposed the              Over the past few months,
in  India’s  technology hub   leaders to caution people      Urdu language, Imran said                                         Indian authorities have
to actively counter propa-    about the agenda of Is-        the Prophet had warned          extreme practices of the          stopped around two dozen
ganda by extremist Islamic    lamic State extremists.        against the killing of wom-                                       young people from leav-
groups by reaching out to     “The message we want to        en, children, old people        Islamic State group and al-       ing the country allegedly
young people in colleges      convey is that Islam stands    and unarmed men. “Then                                            to join Islamic State fight-
and on social media.          for humanity and not vio-      how can the bombing and         Qaida. Muslims constitute         ers. Officials say they have
Mohamed Maqsood Im-           lence and intolerance,”        killing of innocent people                                        evidence that 17 Indians
ran, chief cleric of the      Imran said by telephone        be justified?”                  about 14 percent of  In-          have joined the group.q

                                                                                             dia’s  population of about

                                                                                             1.3 billion.

                                                                                             However, in recent months,

                                                                                             there have been concerns

                                                                                             that extremist groups are

                                                                                             trying to recruit fighters

                                                                                             from among Indian Mus-
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