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                                                                                                       sports Friday 27 May 2022
             Castroneves seeks historic fifth Indianapolis 500 victory

            By JENNA FRYER                                                                                                      Shank  puts  Castroneves  in
            AP Auto Racing Writer                                                                                               the  same  class  of  athletes
            INDIANAPOLIS  (AP)  —  He-                                                                                          as Tom Brady, who was 43
            lio  Castroneves  lost  his  first                                                                                  when  he  won  his  seventh
            battle  for  position  in  the                                                                                      Super Bowl.
            parking  lot  of  Global  Pre-                                                                                      "Exceptional  people  never
            paratory Academy, a dual                                                                                            die; there are certain peo-
            language  school  located                                                                                           ple  who  have  it  innately
            less  than  10  minutes  from                                                                                       in  them  to  exceed  all  ex-
            Indianapolis  Motor  Speed-                                                                                         pectations," Shank told AP.
            way.                                                                                                                "Now at some point, the vi-
            He'd  been  to  the  school                                                                                         sion is going to give away,
            before,  knew  he  was  sup-                                                                                        right? It is what it is, but in my
            posed  to  park  in  an  alley                                                                                      mind, Helio could probably
            around  back  and  knew                                                                                             go for the fifth another four
            he'd  lead  passenger  Ro-                                                                                          or five times without being
            main  Grosjean  through  a                                                                                          too affected by age."
            cafeteria door into their ap-                                                                                       Castroneves didn't get the
            pearance. But the carpool                                                                                           qualifying  run  he  hoped
            line  was  jammed,  so  Cas-                                                                                        and starts 27th on Sunday,
            troneves slowed his bronze                                                                                          and his goal is to have cut
            Acura  through  the  school                                                                                         the deficit in half and be in-
            parking lot to wind his way                                                                                         side the top 12 by the half-
            past the traffic.                                                                                                   way mark.
            A  speeding  hatchback                                                                                              "It's  not  going  to  be  easy,
            suddenly flashed past Cas-                                                                                          but it's not impossible," Cas-
            troneves  on  his  outside   Helio Castroneves, of Brazil, stands by his car during qualifications for the Indianapolis 500 auto   troneves said.
            and darted into the empty    race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Saturday, May 21, 2022, in Indianapolis.          He  is  the  second-oldest
            parking spot ahead of him.                                                                         Associated Press   driver  in  the  field,  five
            "Somebody's  in  a  hurry,"                                                                                         months younger than Tony
            Castroneves      chuckled.  of the club and you're go-    tion — elevated what was  out this year, then we're go-   Kanaan,  a  fellow  Brazilian.
            "Passing  only  counts  on  ing to be all by yourself. No-  a  one-car  program  into  a  ing to do it again."      Castroneves  recalled  the
            Sunday."                     body to hang out with. So  team  expected  to  chal-      Castroneves  is  in  a  one-  conversation  here  ayear
            He  will  have  to  pass  a  lot  be careful,'" Mears said.  lenge for wins every race.  year  deal  right  now  with  ago  centered  on  phasing
            of  cars  this  Sunday  when  Sorry, pal: Castroneves has  It helped MSR expand and  Shank that the team wants  out  veterans  in  IndyCar's
            Castroneves  attempts  to  every  intention  to  race  for  sign  Simon  Pagenaud,  an-  to find a way to extend.   changing of the guard.
            become  the  first  five-time  his  fifth  Borg-Warner  this  other Indianapolis 500 win-  Castroneves turned 47 ear-  Age  does  not  matter  at
            winner  of  the  Indianapolis  weekend. It will be his 22nd  ner and teammate of Cas-  lier  this  month  and  shows  Indy, though.
            500. The Brazilian joined A.J.  start  in  the  Indy  500,  more  troneves'  at  Penske,  and  no  signs  of  slowing  down.  "I  believe  that  a  lot  more
            Foyt,  Al  Unser  and  men-  than any other driver in the  Castroneves'   exuberant  He  led  the  students  at  his  people  understand  that
            tor  Rick  Mears  as  the  only  field,  and  that  experience  personality  has  raised  the  school  stop  in  calisthenics  this  place,  people  talking
            four-time  winners  of  "The  proved invaluable last year  worth  ethic  of  everyone  and  talked  about  the  im-  about  age,  that  was  the
            Greatest Spectacle in Rac-   as  Castroneves  predicted  within the organization.      portance of what stands in  theme  last  year  of  all  the
            ing"  last  May  in  a  raucous  traffic  patterns  to  use  the  "He has an undying spirit in-  front of him at Indy.  younger  generations  com-
            surprise that produced one  wake  from  lapped  cars  to  side him that drives him to  "There is a chance to make  ing  and  winning  races,"
            of  the  most  enthusiastic  hold off Alex Palou for the  do  this  and  he's  not  done  history and I want people to  Castroneves said. "Winning
            fence-climbing    celebra-   win.                         yet," team founder Michael  understand how important  last  year  shows  that  this
            tions in race history.       He  is  back  for  a  second  Shank  told  The  Associated  it is," Castroneves said. "The  place  is  not  about  age,  it
            It  took  30  years  between  time with Meyer Shank Rac-  Press. "When he springs out  people here in Indianapolis  is not about being brave. It
            Mears'  fourth  Indy  500  win  ing,  the  team  that  offered  of  that  motorhome,  that's  know,  because  they  know  is about having experience
            for Castroneves to join the  Castroneves  the  chance  not  (fake).  That's  how  he  what  the  Indy  500  means.  and  using  it  at  the  right
            club.  Mears  wants  him  to  to race Indianapolis again  feels.  He's  excited  to  get  I  don't  think  people  from  time.
            stick around for a bit.      when  his  20-year  career  the  day  going.  We  want  the  rest  of  the  motorsports  I feel after my win last year,
            "I said, 'You'd better be very  with  Team  Penske  ended.  our  group  to  be  tied  with  world  know  the  position  people  now  look  at  guys
            careful  what  you  wish  for  The Indy 500 win last year —  him in history. I want to be  I'm in and I'm here to show  with experience here a lot
            here.  If  you  win  that  fifth,  the  first  IndyCar  victory  for  the team that gets him the  them  just  how  important  different  than  maybe  they
            we're going to kick you out  Michael  Shank's  organiza-  fifth,  and  if  it  doesn't  work  this history is."     did."q

              Sugar Bowl moved to Dec. 31 to avoid conflict with NFL game

              The Associated Press        and  the  Cure  Bowl  in  Or-  day,  the  games  usually  has  scheduled  the  final  Bowl  was  played  before
              The  Sugar  Bowl  has  been  lando,  Florida,  and  end  played on New Year's Day  Monday       regular-season  Jan.  1  was  1995  when  it
              moved off its usual prime-  with College Football Play-  were  moved  to  Jan.  2,  game for that night, which  was  a  Dec.  31  game  be-
              time spot to noon EST Dec.  off championship on Jan 9  when the national holiday  forced a relocation by the  tween  Virginia  Tech  and
              31 to avoid a conflict with  at the NFL stadium in Ingle-  is observed.             New Orleans-based Sugar  Texas.
              a Monday night NFL game.    wood, California.           The move to Monday, Jan.  Bowl on the schedule.          The  Orange  Bowl  will  be
              The bowl schedule for the  The  CFP  semifinals  will  be  2  is  common  in  college  The Rose Bowl is scheduled  played  the  night  of  Dec.
              upcoming  season  was  re-  held  Dec.  31,  a  Saturday,  football  to  avoid  conflict-  for a 5 p.m. EST start Jan. 2  30  and  the  Cotton  Bowl
              leased Thursday.            at  the  Peach  and  Fiesta  ing with the NFL.          on ESPN, and will precede  will also be played on Jan.
              The games begin on Dec.  bowls.                         But ESPN found itself with a  the Bills at Bengals game.  2, with at 1 p.m. EST kickoff
              16 with the Bahamas Bowl  With Jan. 1 falling on Sun-   conflict  that  day:  The  NFL  The  last  time  the  Sugar  scheduled.q
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