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                                                                                                  business Friday 27 May 2022
            Big tech deals keep coming: Broadcom buys VMware for $61B

            By MICHELLE CHAPMAN AP                                                                                              includes  $8  billion  of  VM-
            Business Writer                                                                                                     ware net debt.
            Computer  chip  and  soft-                                                                                          Under  the  proposed  offer,
            ware maker Broadcom will                                                                                            VMware  shareholders  can
            spend  about  $61  billion  to                                                                                      choose  to  receive  either
            acquire  the  cloud  tech-                                                                                          $142.50  in  cash  or  0.2520
            nology company VMware,                                                                                              shares  of  Broadcom  com-
            one  of  the  biggest  deals                                                                                        mon  stock  for  each  VM-
            of the year despite an en-                                                                                          ware share.
            vironment of rising inflation                                                                                       VMware is already among
            and economic uncertainty.                                                                                           the  moving  parts  of  the
            The  proposed  deal  comes                                                                                          tech  sector  this  year,  with
            just  weeks  after  billionaire                                                                                     Dell Technologies Inc. spin-
            and  Tesla  CEO  Elon  Musk                                                                                         ning off its 81% equity stake
            offered to spend $44 billion                                                                                        in  company  only  about  6
            on Twitter and it is second                                                                                         months  ago.  Michael  Dell
            in  size  this  year  only  to  Mi-                                                                                 is  still  VMware's  chairman
            crosoft's  nearly  $70  billion                                                                                     and  he  owns  40.2%  of  the
            acquisition of Activision Bliz-                                                                                     company's     outstanding
            zard,  the  maker  of  Candy                                                                                        shares.
            Crush and Call of Duty.                                                                                             "If  Broadcom  plans  to  en-
            The  massive  buyouts  are                                                                                          ter  the  enterprise  soft-
            occurring  at  a  time  of   The Exterior view of VMware headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007.   ware  market  it  could  be
            heightened  anxiety  be-                                                                           Associated Press  a  boon  into  a  new  area
            cause  of  turmoil  on  the                                                                                         that  it  doesn't  have  much
            global  supply  chain,  war  spending.                    for  about  $19  billion  the  Broadcom's  infrastructure  presence  for  outside  of
            in  Europe  and  rising  prices  With  the  perceived  value  previous year.           software  solutions  address  CA  Technologies,"  wrote
            that  have  the  potential  of tech companies on the  Broadcom wants to estab-         different   but   important  Tracy  Woo,  senior  analyst
            to  cool  both  business  and  decline,  at  least  for  now,  lish  a  stronger  foothold  in  enterprise  needs,  and  the  with  Forrester  Research.  "It
            consumer activity.           more  buyouts  could  be  the cloud computing mar-        combined  company  will  could  extract  some  func-
            But  that  uncertainty  has  on  the  way  with  targeted  ket and VMware's technol-   be able to serve them more  tionality   from   VMware's
            also  created  opportunities  companies  appearing  rel-  ogy  allows  large  corpora-  effectively  and  securely,"  portfolio to pad CA's prod-
            for  companies  like  Broad-  atively cheap.              tions to blend public cloud  Tom  Krause,  president  of  uct  capabilities."  Dell  and
            com. The tech-heavy Nas-     And  Broadcom  CEO  Hock  access  with  internal  com-    the  Broadcom  Software  Silver Lake, which owns 10%
            daq  has  tumbled  more  Tan  has  been  among  the  pany  networks.  VMware  Group,  said  in  a  prepared  of  VMware's  outstanding
            than 26% this year.          most  aggressive  buyers,  has close relations with ev-   statement Thursday.          stock,  have  signed  sup-
            In  one  day  this  week,  so-  building  out  the  company  ery  major  cloud  company  The  Broadcom  Software  port  agreements  to  vote
            cial media companies had  with  big  acquisitions  in  re-  and  provider,  including  Group  will  rebrand  and  in favor of the transaction,
            about  $130  billion  in  mar-  cent  years  like  Symantec  Amazon,  Google  and  Mi-  operate  as  VMware  once  as long as VMware's board
            ket value erased over rising  for  close  to  $11  billion  in  crosoft.               the transaction closes. The  continues  to  recommend
            questions  about  advertiser  2019, and CA Technologies  "VMware's  platform  and  cash-and-stock  deal  also  the proposed deal.q

            Retailers' troubles sound the alarm for rest of economy

            By DAMIAN J. TROISE          various  businesses.  Com-   sumer confidence and real
            AP Business Writer           panies  had  already  been  incomes,  are  also  flashing
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The  raising  prices  on  goods  red.  "As  goes  the  consum-
            fastest  inflation  in  40  years  to  offset  higher  costs  and  er,  so  goes  the  economy
            squeezed  retailers  during  boost  their  profit  margins.  and ultimately the market."
            the  first  quarter,  alarming  Consumer  spending  re-   Target's profit tumbled 52%
            investors worried about the  mained resilient throughout  from  a  year  ago  as  costs
            broader  economy's  out-     2021,  despite  rising  costs.  piled up. Walmart, the na-
            look.                        But after Russia's invasion of  tion's  largest  retailer,  also
            Earnings    reports   from  Ukraine  sent  energy  prices  reported  weak  profit.  Both
            Walmart,  Target  and  Am-   skyrocketing,   companies  chains'  revealed  that  con-
            azon  this  month  showed  had  a  more  difficult  time  sumers'  spending  is  shift-
            higher  costs  are  hurting  offsetting the costs.        ing,  with  Walmart  execu-
            retailers'  operations.  While  Consumers   also   shifted  tives  highlighting  a  shift  to
            profits  for  all  companies  in  spending  from  high-priced  private-label  brands  from
            the  benchmark  S&P  500  discretionary items to nec-     national  ones,  particularly   In this July 21, 2021 photo, a consumer shops at a retail store in
            index  grew  by  about  9%  essary goods, or just pulled  in lunch meats.              Morton Grove, Ill.
            last  quarter,  retailers'  prof-  back  altogether  as  higher  Inflation is at a four-decade                                  Associated Press
            its  contracted  more  than  food and gas costs ate up  high  and  the  U.S.  econo-
            30% from a year ago. They  more of their incomes.         my  shrank  in  the  first  three  troubles  are  sounding  the  The  retail  sector's  recent
            blamed rising costs for raw  "The  consumer  suddenly  months of the year, the first  alarm for other areas of the  weight  on  the  broader
            materials,  shipping  and  la-  looked much more vulner-  decline  in  gross  domestic  economy too.                market  could  next  bleed
            bor for the slump.           able" last quarter, said Brad  product since the pandem-  The labor market's slow re-  through to overall hiring as
            The  weak  results  surprised  McMillan,  chief  investment  ic  hit.  The  latest  retail  re-  covery from the pandemic  employers  look  to  control
            investors  who  were  closely  officer  for  Commonwealth  ports have raised concerns  over the last two years has  costs, said Bill Adams, chief
            watching the sector to see  Financial  Network.  Other  about  more  weakness  to  left it still 1.2 million jobs be-  economist  for  Comerica
            how  inflation  is  impacting  trends,  like  declining  con-  come  this  year.Retailers'  low  pre-pandemic  levels.  Bank.q
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