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                         Friday 27 May 2022
             Rival Libya leader says he has no plans to rule from Tripoli

            By RAMI MUSA                                                                                                        not command enough loy-
            SIRTE, Libya (AP) — One of                                                                                          alty outside of the capital.
            Libya's  rival  prime  ministers                                                                                    "He will only be able to hold
            told  The  Associated  Press                                                                                        them  in  Tripoli,"  he  said,
            that  he  has  no  immedi-                                                                                          adding  that  his  own  gov-
            ate  plans  to  rule  from  the                                                                                     ernment is looking at hold-
            capital  of  Tripoli,  after  his                                                                                   ing  nationwide  elections
            attempted move there last                                                                                           within 14 months.
            week sparked clashes and                                                                                            The impasse worsened over
            fears  of  a  return  to  wide-                                                                                     the past two months, result-
            spread civil strife.                                                                                                ing in the closure of oil fa-
            In   an    interview   late                                                                                         cilities  —  including  Libya's
            Wednesday, Prime Minister                                                                                           largest  oil  field  —  in  areas
            Fathi  Bashagha  said  that                                                                                         controlled by Hifter's forces.
            his  government  will  work                                                                                         Bashagha said he was not
            from  its  headquarters  in                                                                                         behind  the  stoppage  of
            Sirte, a city on the Mediter-                                                                                       oil  production,  but  that  lo-
            ranean  coast  about  half-                                                                                         cal  tribes  had  decided  to
            way between the country's                                                                                           take matters into their own
            east and west. Rival admin-                                                                                         hands, not wanting to fund
            istrations from each end of                                                                                         Dbeibah's government.
            Libya  claim  to be  its  legiti-  Fathi Bashagha, one of Libya’s rival prime ministers, gives an interview to The Associated Press, in   Bashagha   said   Abdel-
            mate  rulers  until  elections   Sirte, Libya, Wednesday, May 25, 2022.                                             Ghani al-Kikli, a Tripoli militia
            are held.                                                                                          Associated Press  leader, was part of the ef-
            Describing    last   week's                                                                                         fort to attack him after he
            events,  Bashagha  said  he  been  split  between  rival  since  2020,  when  east-    Both     Dbeibah      and  entered  Tripoli.  Al-Kikli  was
            had entered Tripoli in a ci-  administrations  in  the  east  based commander Khalifa  Bashagha  hail  from  the  previously  implicated  in
            vilian  car  and  that  those  and west, each supported  Hifter and his forces waged  western  city  of  Misrata,  a  war crimes by global rights
            escorting  him  were  un-    by different militias and for-  a yearlong campaign to try  base of influential militias.  groups, but has headed a
            armed.  A  young  man  was  eign  governments.  The  es-  to take the city with back-  Lawmakers  have  argued  nebulous  body  called  the
            killed  during  the  incident.  tablishment  of  Bashagha's  ing from Russian mercenar-  that  Dbeibah's  mandate  Stability  Support  Authority
            Bashagha identified him as  government in Sirte is likely  ies.  They  eventually  failed  expired  after  Libya  failed  that  reports  to  the  Tripoli
            Ahmed Alashabab, calling  to further cement the politi-   to do so, after Tripoli forces  to  hold  presidential  elec-  government since 2021.
            him  a  supporter  who  was  cal divide.                  were  bolstered  by  Turkish  tions on schedule. The fail-  Bashagha  also  addressed
            defending him from militia-  Bashagha, a former interior  military  help.  Since  then,  ure  was  a  major  blow  to  criticism  that  in  areas  un-
            men.                         minister and air force pilot,  U.N.  mediators  have  tried  international efforts to end  der  his  control  when  he
            "We  do  not  blame  our-    was  named  prime  minis-    to  get  the  country  on  a  a decade of chaos in Lib-   was  interior  minister  under
            selves  for  having  entered  ter  by  the  country's  east-  path towards elections.  ya.  The  country  reverted  a  previous  Tripoli-based
            the city," he said. "I had said  based parliament in Febru-  Dbeibah's   appointment  to  its  long-running  political  government,  the  situation
            that  I  would  not  enter  the  ary. But his rival, Prime Min-  last  year,  as  part  of  the  impasse,  with  rival  govern-  remained  abysmal  for  mi-
            capital  unless  conditions  ister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah,  U.N.-led    process,    was  ments    claiming   power.  grants setting out from Lib-
            were 100% favorable."        based in Tripoli in the coun-  clouded  by  allegations  of  Dbeibah  has  repeatedly  ya on Mediterranean cross-
            Oil-rich  Libya  has  been  try's  west,  has  refused  to  corruption  and  bribery.  As  promised to hold elections  ings to Europe.
            wracked  by  conflict  since  step  down,  insisting  he  will  an  interim  prime  minister,  soon.                After  being  intercepted,
            a  NATO-backed  uprising  hand  over  power  only  to  Dbeibah  was  to  have  led  Bashagha  said  he  doubts  many  are  kept  in  squalid
            toppled  and  killed  long-  an elected government.       the  country  through  elec-  his rival can unite the coun-  detention  centers  where
            time  dictator  Moammar  Last week's fighting in Tripoli  tions in December, but the  try and organize orderly vot-  they   face   torture,   as-
            Gadhafi  in  2011.  It  has  was the most serious there  vote never took place.        ing, claiming Dbeibah does  sault,  and  deprivation.q

             Thai leader: Asia is gaining strategic, economic importance

                                                                      TOKYO  (AP)  —  Thai  Prime  pact that will help the Unit-  crease  economic  growth
                                                                      Minister   Prayuth   Chan-   ed States work more close-   by  keeping  markets  open
                                                                      ocha  said  Thursday  that  ly  with  Asian  economies  and  inclusive  as  the  world
                                                                      a  new  U.S.-backed  eco-    on  issues  including  supply  faces  disruptions  such  as
                                                                      nomic pact is further proof  chains, digital trade, clean  the  coronavirus  pandemic
                                                                      of  how  important  and  rel-  energy  and  anticorruption  and  Russia's  invasion  of
                                                                      evant Asia is today.         efforts.                     Ukraine.
                                                                      "Asia  is  still  expanding  and  The  signatories  are  Austra-  "Sustainable   economic
                                                                      gaining  more  influence  in  lia,  Brunei,  India,  Indone-  growth  is  only  possible
                                                                      terms of strategic and eco-  sia,  Japan,  Malaysia,  New  when we are able to adopt
                                                                      nomic  importance,"  Pra-    Zealand,  the  Philippines,  to  any  disruption,"  Prayuth
                                                                      yuth said.                   Singapore,  South  Korea,  said.
                                                                      U.S. President Joe Biden and  Thailand, the United States  Thailand is the host of next
                                                                      Japanese  Prime  Minister  and  Vietnam.  Together  year's        Asia-Pacific   Eco-
                                                                      Fumio  Kishida  announced  they  represent  40%  of  the  nomic  Cooperation  forum
            Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, left, shakes hands with   earlier  this  week  during  a  world's GDP.       summit. Prayuth said APEC
            Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the start of their meet-  visit by Biden to Japan that  Prayuth is in Tokyo to attend  is at a critical juncture, with
            ing at the Prime Minister's official residence in Tokyo, Thursday,   13  countries  have  joined  the "The Future of Asia" or-  a need to achieve peace
            May 26, 2022.
                                                     Associated Press  the  Indo-Pacific  Economic  ganized by Nikkei Inc.      and    drive    economic
                                                                      Framework,  a  new  trade  He stressed the need to in-    growth.q
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