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A4   U.S. NEWS
                         Friday 27 May 2022
             U.S. education chief seeks action to prevent school shootings

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Edu-                                                                                           President Joe Biden, who in
            cation  Secretary  Miguel                                                                                           an emotional address said
            Cardona     said   Thursday                                                                                         Tuesday,  "When  in  God's
            he  is  ashamed  the  United                                                                                        name  are  we  going  to
            States  is  "becoming  de-                                                                                          stand up to the gun lobby?"
            sensitized to the murder of                                                                                         Biden previously had called
            children"  and  that  action                                                                                        for  a  ban  on  assault-style
            is  needed  now  to  prevent                                                                                        weapons,    tougher   fed-
            more  lives  from  being  lost                                                                                      eral  background  check
            in school shootings like the                                                                                        requirements   and    laws
            one in Uvalde, Texas.                                                                                               aimed at keeping guns out
            Cardona spoke at a House                                                                                            of the hands of people with
            Education and Labor Com-                                                                                            mental health problems.
            mittee hearing two days af-                                                                                         The  fight  over  guns  has
            ter  a  gunman  armed  with                                                                                         been  split  largely  on  party
            an AR-15-style rifle stormed                                                                                        lines.  Senate  Republicans
            into  an  elementary  school                                                                                        on  Thursday  blocked  a
            and  killed  19  children  and                                                                                      domestic  terrorism  bill  that
            two  teachers.  The  massa-                                                                                         would  have  opened  de-
            cre, which followed the fa-                                                                                         bate on gun safety.
            tal of shootings of 10 peo-                                                                                         Rather than regulate guns,
            ple this month at a Buffalo,                                                                                        some  Republicans  have
            New  York,  grocery  store,                                                                                         proposed arming teachers
            has  revived  the  debate    Education Secretary Miguel Cardona speaks during the 2022 National and State Teachers of the   to deter school shootings.
            over gun control.            Year event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, April 27, 2022.          Cardona rejected that.
            On  Thursday,  the  commit-                                                                        Associated Press  "And  the  solution  of  arm-
            tee chairman,  Rep.  Bobby                                                                                          ing  teachers,  in  my  opin-
            Scott,  D-Va.,  opened  the  other massacres, we as ed-   tion tools and more secure  that  he  would  be  "failing  ion,  is  further  disrespect  to
            hearing  by  holding  a  mo-  ucators did our best to look  building entrances and pe-  you as secretary of educa-  a  profession  that's  already
            ment of silence in memory  parents  in  their  eyes  and  rimeters  —  "are  no  match  tion if I didn't tell you I was  beleaguered and not feel-
            of  those  who  had  died  in  assure  them  that  we'll  do  for what we're up against."  ashamed, I am, that we as  ing the support of so many
            Texas.                       everything  to  protect  their  Providing  no  specifics,  he  a  country  are  becoming  folks," he said.
            While  the  hearing  was  on  babies," Cardona said, ref-  said, "we need action now"  desensitized to the murder  Scott,  in  his  opening  re-
            the   Education    Depart-   erencing  school  shootings  to  protect  America's  chil-  of  children.  I'd  be  failing  marks, called school shoot-
            ment's  budget  and  pri-    in  Colorado,  Connecticut  dren.  "Let's  not  normalize  you as secretary of educa-  ings  "too  common  of  an
            orities, Cardona started his  and Florida.                this," he said. "Let's use ev-  tion if I didn't use this plat-  occurrence" in America.
            testimony  by  addressing  But  he  said  all  the  actions  ery ounce of influence that  form  to  say  that  students  "We could have prevented
            the shooting.                taken in response to those  we have to get something  and  teachers  and  school  a  lot  of  these  if  elected
            "After   Columbine,   after  earlier  school  shootings  —  done  to  help  prevent  this  leaders are scared."     leaders  valued  children
            Sandy Hook, after Parkland,  including  active  shooter  from happening again."        The  Cabinet  member  did  and  families  more  than
            after  each  of  these  and  drills,  online  early  detec-  Cardona  told  lawmakers  not  go  as  far  as  his  boss,  guns," he said. q
             Planned Parenthood workers in 5 Midwest states seek union

                                                                      ing  majority  support  for  Biden  administration  has  turnover due to exhaustion
                                                                      unionization, and on Thurs-  been  supportive  of  efforts  and burnout, and a feeling
                                                                      day  they  formally  filed  for  to  expand  unions,  and  or-  that  management  doesn't
                                                                      a  union  election  with  the  ganizers  have  worked  to  always listen to worker con-
                                                                      National  Labor  Relations  establish  unions  at  com-   cerns.
                                                                      Board, said Ashley Schmidt,  panies  including  Amazon,  "Unfortunately,   I   have
                                                                      a  training  and  develop-   Starbucks,  outdoors  retail-  seen  many  of  these  peo-
                                                                      ment specialist for Nebras-  er  REI  and  Google  parent  ple  move  on  after  their
                                                                      ka and western Iowa.         company Alphabet.            ideas  and  concerns  went
                                                                      They  plan  to  join  SEIU  The  Planned  Parenthood  unheard  by  the  execu-
                                                                      Healthcare  Minnesota  &  workers seeking to join the  tive  team  for  far  too  long.
                                                                      Iowa,  an  affiliate  of  the  union  in  the  Midwest  in-  Across  our  affiliate  both
                                                                      Service  Employees  Inter-   clude  nurses,  education  clinical  and  administrative
                                                                      national  Union  that  has  outreach workers, commu-      staff  are  overworked,  un-

            Demonstrators hold a vigil against Planned Parenthood in Oma-  about  1  million  members  nity  organizers  and  other  derpaid and undervalued,"
            ha, Neb., April 14, 2011.                                 in 29 states, including doc-  nonmanagement  employ-      said  Sadie  Brewer,  a  regis-
                                                     Associated Press   tors,  nurses  and  laboratory  ees at 28 clinics in the five  tered  nurse  who  provides
                                                                      technicians. SEIU locals rep-  states.  They  provide  ser-  abortion  services  at  a  St.
            By DAVID PITT                tions  may  become  illegal  resent Planned Parenthood  vices such as reproductive  Paul, Minnesota, clinic.
            Associated Press             if  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court  workers in other regions, in-  care,  cancer  screening  Molly  Gage,  a  human  re-
            DES  MOINES,  Iowa  (AP)  overturns      the   landmark  cluding  those  serving  Ore-  and abortions.              sources   vice   president
            —  About  400  workers  at  1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.      gon and Washington, New  On  a  call  with  reporters  for  Planned  Parenthood
            Planned  Parenthood  offic-  Workers for Planned Parent-  York, and Washington, D.C.   Thursday,  employees  dis-   North  Central  States,  said
            es  in  five  states  said  Thurs-  hood  North  Central  States  Union  organizing  in  a  vari-  cussed  concerns  about  the  organization  prioritizes
            day  they  plan  to  unionize  in  Iowa,  Minnesota,  Ne-  ety of fields has gained mo-  unequal  pay  for  similar  autonomy  and  choice  in
            as their employer deals with  braska,  North  Dakota  and  mentum  recently  after  a  positions  in  different  loca-  people's personal lives and
            the  potential  loss  of  busi-  South  Dakota  said  they  decades of decline in union  tions, lower pay than other  respects that same right for
            ness  in  states  where  abor-  have  signed  cards  show-  membership in the U.S. The  health care providers, high  workers.q
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