P. 2
Friday 7 July 2017
Trump on Russian meddling: ‘Nobody really knows for sure’
By KEN THOMAS launch this week of a missile
DARLENE SUPERVILLE capable of reaching the
Associated Press U.S. He offered no details,
WARSAW, Poland (AP) but called on all nations
— Hours before a cru- to confront North Korea’s
cial meeting with Russian “very, very bad behavior.”
President Vladimir Putin, Trump also stated unequiv-
President Donald Trump ocally that the U.S. stands
stopped short Thursday of “firmly behind Article 5,”
condemning Moscow for the NATO provision requir-
meddling in the U.S. presi- ing members to defend
dential election — and each other if they come
refused to say if he would under attack.
raise the issue when the He had disappointed U.S.
leaders go behind closed allies by declining to affirm
doors. that commitment during his
Yet in a speech to a friend- first trip to Europe in May.
ly crowd of thousands As U.S. investigations into
who chanted his name in Russia’s interference con-
downtown Warsaw, Trump tinue, Trump is under in-
sought to demonstrate tense scrutiny over how
that he wasn’t overlooking he handles his first face-to-
Russian behavior that has face meeting Friday with
sparked global concern, U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel pose for a photograph Putin, a former Russian intel-
especially from Poland and prior to a bilateral meeting on the eve of the G-20 summit in Hamburg, northern Germany, ligence agent.
other eastern and central Thursday, July 6, 2017. The leaders of the group of 20 meet July 7 and 8. They will meet in Hamburg
European nations. (Michael Kappeler/pool photo via AP) on the sidelines of the sum-
“We urge Russia to cease mit of the world’s rich and
its destabilizing activities protests against the Group that Russia meddled in the sure,” Trump said. developing nations.
in Ukraine and elsewhere, of 20 summit. election to benefit Trump, Poland’s conservative gov- A group of senior Demo-
and its support for hostile On the eve of the two-day who has refused to em- ernment had promised the cratic U.S. senators served
regimes, including Syria meeting, German police brace the finding whole- U.S. president enthusiastic notice Thursday that Trump
and Iran, and to join the used water cannons and heartedly. crowds in its invitation to would be in “severe der-
community of responsible pepper spray to disperse During a news conference Trump, Polish media had eliction” of his presidential
nations in our fight against protesters in Hamburg af- before his speech praising reported, and it clearly de- duty if he fails to confront
common enemies and in ter being attacked with Poland for overcoming ad- livered. Putin over the issue, tell-
defense of civilization it- bottles and stones by some versity, Trump again ques- Opening his second over- ing Trump in a letter that
self,” he said from Krasinski marchers. tioned the reliability of U.S. seas trip since taking of- he must make clear that
Square. Trump’s critique of Russia intelligence on the election fice in January, Trump also Russia’s interference in U.S.
Trump then flew to Ham- did not appear to extend to issue and argued that Rus- warned North Korea that democracy will not be tol-
burg, Germany, where its actions during last year’s sia wasn’t the only country he’s considering “some erated.
more than 100,000 protest- presidential campaign. that might be guilty of inter- pretty severe things” in He insisted that other coun-
ers were expected to flood Multiple U.S. intelligence fering. response to the isolated tries could have been in-
the city to stage massive agencies have concluded “Nobody really knows for nation’s unprecedented volved, too.q
Trump welcomed by cheering, flag-waving supporters in Warsaw
By VANESSA GERA “We are here from our own against abortion, although
Associated Press convictions and belief,” he did not make abortion
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — said Stanislaw Niesyn, who rights a centerpiece of his
Donald Trump was wel- traveled from the city of presidential campaign.
comed Thursday by an Bydgoszcz, 270 kilometers Many in the crowd were
enthusiastic crowd in War- (165 miles) away. supporters of Poland’s rul-
saw that chanted his name In Poland, many people ing nationalist party, which
and waved U.S. and Polish hold Trump in genuine ad- is often at odds with its Eu-
flags when he delivered an miration for the way he ropean Union allies due
address — just as Poland’s seeks to preserve national to the party’s strong anti-
government had promised. traditions and close off bor- migrant policies and steps
Poland’s conservative gov- ders out of fear of Islamic that have weakened Po-
ernment had reportedly extremism. land’s system of checks
promised the U.S. president One Polish-American in the and balances.
enthusiastic crowds in its crowd, Lukasz Mellerowicz, Some in the crowd said
formal invitation — and it 67, said he was a Trump they like the way both
clearly delivered. People Poles hold a Unites States flag while waiting for U.S. President supporter above all be- Trump and their own lead-
chanted “Donald Trump! Donald Trump to deliver a speech in Krasinski Square, in Warsaw, cause he opposes abor- ers are trying to rebuild na-
Donald Trump!” before and Poland, Thursday, July 6, 2017. tion. tional industries.
after a speech in which (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz) Trump himself has shifted “The previous government
the U.S. leader honored War II. Many in the crowd, ies and towns in buses or- stances on abortion. He tried to sell off the coun-
Poland’s traditional patri- which Warsaw police esti- ganized by the country’s was once avidly in favor try,” said Zbigniew Bogda-
otic values and sacrifices mated at 15,000, said they populist ruling Law and Jus- of abortion rights but has nowicz, who took a day off
for freedom during World had come from distant cit- tice party. since declared himself work to welcome Trump.q