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                                                                                        PEOPLE&ARTS Friday 7 July 2017
            Music giant Jimmy Iovine in ‘Defiant’ alliance with Dr. Dre

            By FRAZIER MOORE                                                                                                    does really well, but all of a
            AP Television Writer                                                                                                sudden  another  company
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  “The                                                                                            comes and challenges it.
            Defiant Ones,” a new HBO                                                                                            “I never celebrated a suc-
            docuseries  about  two  gi-                                                                                         cess.  There  are  no  victory
            ants  in  the  entertainment                                                                                        laps.  There’s  no  rearview
            world,  takes  its  title  from  a                                                                                  mirror in my car. I’m always
            1958 film classic about two                                                                                         moving  forward.”  That’s
            prison escapees, one black                                                                                          the lesson he wants viewers
            and  one  white,  who  are                                                                                          to take from the film. “The
            shackled  together  as  they                                                                                        most important thing I ever
            make a break for freedom.                                                                                           learned:  No  matter  how
            Airing   Sunday    through                                                                                          ugly it gets, keep moving.”
            Wednesday at 9 p.m. EDT,                                                                                            Even  so,  his  career  reso-
            the  docuseries  tracks  the                                                                                        nates with other useful wis-
            lives  of  Dr.  Dre,  whose  up-                                                                                    dom.
            bringing in Compton, Cali-                                                                                          From  his  first  days  in  the
            fornia,  inspired  him  to  be-                                                                                     music  business,  sweeping
            come  a  pioneer  of  gang-                                                                                         up  the  studio  where  Len-
            sta rap, and Jimmy Iovine,                                                                                          non and Springsteen made
            a  working-class  kid  from                                                                                         magic,  “I  learned  how  to
            Brooklyn,  New  York,  who                                                                                          be  of  service.  OF  service.
            made  his  bones  as  a  re-                                                                                        And I took it from there all
            cord producer working with                                                                                          the  way  to  Apple  Music.  I
            John  Lennon,  Patti  Smith                                                                                         want Apple Music to be OF
            and Bruce Springsteen.        In this June 27, 2017, file photo, music mogul Jimmy Iovine, center, poses with rapper Dr. Dre,   service, not A service — not
            This four-part portrait differs   left, and producer Allen Hughes at the premiere of HBO’s “The Defiant Ones” at the Time Warner   just a utility.”
            markedly  from  the  origi-  Center in New York.                                                                    Told that his interviewer is a
            nal “Defiant Ones,” whose                                                                          Associated Press  Spotify  guy,  Iovine  fires  up
            fictional  heroes  are  liter-  tainment?”                les.  “We  had  a  rule  in  the  he insists just means “I love  his  Apple  Music  app  and
            ally  stuck  with  each  other.  With  remarkable  finesse,  editing  room:  ‘If  grandma  to shop and I liked the shirt,  demonstrates  a  few  of  its
            The  unlikely  kindred  spirits  the  film  laces  back  and  wouldn’t  understand  it,  it’s  so I bought it.”     bells  and  whistles,  includ-
            Dre  and  Iovine  are  bond-  forth  between  their  wildly  gotta go.’”               Only  days  earlier,  Iovine  ing a Favorites playlist that
            ed  not  by  chains  but  by  different  origins,  then  fol-  With  a  bounty  of  archival  previewed  “The  Defiant  Apple  Music  has  just  cu-
            a  mutual  passion  that  ce-  lows their implausible asso-  footage and scores of new  Ones,”  which,  despite  es-  rated for him: songs include
            mented  their  relationship  ciation culminating in their  interviews, the film was sev-  chewing  the  “he-did-this,  “Glory  Days,”  ‘’I  Wanna
            with Iovine’s Interscope Re-  2014 sale of Beats Electron-  eral years in the making.  he-did-that”  biopic  struc-  Be  Sedated,”  ‘’Just  Like  a
            cords,  which  soon  after  its  ics to Apple for more than  “I  kept  saying,  ‘This  thing  ture  Iovine  loathes,  inevi-  Woman,”  ‘’Brown  Sugar”
            1990 launch was swept up  $3 billion.                     won’t  go  away,’”  Iovine  tably lays out his career as  and  “Mambo  Baby,”  a
            in armed warfare between  “The biggest challenge was  laughs.  “I  didn’t  think  it  a  half-century  timeline  of  1950s release by R&B great
            rap  rivals,  not  to  mention  to blend these men, these  would  be  four  episodes,  popular  music.  Along  with  Ruth Brown.
            political and corporate as-  cultures,  these  genres,”  man! I kept saying, ‘ONE!’”   recalling  his  triumphs,  was  Iovine  says  he  left  the  re-
            sault.                       said Allen Hughes, who di-   Arriving for an interview last  there  anything  that  made  cord  business  for  digital
            “I  hate  to  use  the  word  rected “The Defiant Ones.”  week,  Iovine  is  sporting  a  him  squeamish  to  revisit  in  streaming because it made
            ‘scary,’  but  it  got  really  Hughes said his film is meant  white  baseball  cap  on  his  the  film?  “All  of  it,”  Iovine  sense  to  keep  moving:  “I
            weird,” he says before pos-  to  speak  to  all  audiences  shaved  head  and  a  de-  says, as if by reflex. “It was  didn’t  want  to  be  the  guy
            ing  a  rhetorical  question:  and musical tastes.        signer T-shirt with woodcuts  so painful, man. Even hav-  who sold the last CD.”
            “Why  did  these  two  guys  “We want to throw a gang-    of  owls,  which  might  have  ing  hit  records  is  painful,  He  feels  right  at  home  at
            stay  together  under  the  sta  party  that  everyone’s  symbolized  his  stature,  at  ‘cause you think you can’t  Apple,  where  he  has  no
            most  difficult  circumstanc-  invited  to,”  he  explained  age  64,  as  an  entertain-  do it again. Or Beats comes  title and “no one reports to
            es  in  the  history  of  enter-  by  phone  from  Los  Ange-  ment wise man, but which  out with a headphone that  me.q

            Patton Oswalt engaged to

            marry actress Meredith Salenger

             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Actor  McNamara,  died  in  April  his standup routine.
             and comedian Patton Os-     2016  from  a  combination  People  magazine  was  first
             walt  is  engaged  to  marry  of prescription medications  to  report  the  news  of  the
             actress Meredith Salenger.  and an undiagnosed heart  engagement.
             The  couple  recently  went  condition. She was a writer  Oswalt  played  Spence  on
             public  with  their  relation-  who  founded  the  website  the  sitcom  “The  King  of
             ship at the Los Angeles pre-  True  Crime  Diary,  which  Queens.”  He’ll  appear  in
             miere of “Baby Driver.” Os-  covered  breaking  stories  the  upcoming  NBC  com-
             walt’s  publicist  confirmed  and cold cases.            edy “A.P. Bio.”
             the  news  of  their  engage-  Oswalt  had  been  public  Salenger  has  appeared  in   This image taken from video on June 20, 2017 shows Meredith
             ment Thursday.              with his grief, writing about  numerous  TV  shows  and   Salenger, left, and Patton Oswalt at the premiere of AMC’s “The
             Oswalt’s   wife,   Michelle  it  and  incorporating  it  into  movies.q                                               Preacher,” in Los Angeles.
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