P. 28

                        Friday 7 July 2017

                  Physicists find new particle with a double dose of charm

            AP Science Writer
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sci-
            entists have found an extra
            charming  new  subatomic
            particle that they hope will
            help  further  explain  a  key
            force that binds matter to-
            Physicists  at  the  Large
            Hadron  Collider  in  Europe
            announced  Thursday  the
            fleeting discovery of a long
            theorized  but  never-be-
            fore-seen type of baryon.
            Baryons are subatomic par-
            ticles  made  up  of  quarks.
            Protons  and  neutrons  are
            the  most  common  bary-
            ons. Quarks are even small-
            er particles that come in six
            types,  two  common  types
            that  are  light  and  four
            heavier types.
            The high-speed collisions at
            the  world’s  biggest  atom
            smasher created for a frac-
            tion of a second a baryon
            particle  called  Xi  cc,  said
            Oxford physicist Guy Wilkin-
            son, who is part of the ex-
            The particle has two heavy
            quarks  —  both  of  a  type
            that are called “charm”—
            and a light one. In the nat-
            ural world, baryons have at           In this image provided by CERN, a worker puts in the final touches on the collider equipment in this 2007 photo.
            most one heavy quark.
            It may have been brief, but   the dancing pair, Wilkinson  and  interesting  laboratory  near Chicago, who wasn’t  located  in  a  27-kilometer
            in  particle  physics  it  lived   said.                  to  give  us  an  interesting  part of the discovery team,  (16.8-mile)  tunnel  beneath
            for  “an  appreciably  long   “People have looked for it  new  angle  on  the  behav-  praised  the  discovery  and  the  Swiss-French  border,
            time,” he said.              for  a  long  time,”  Wilkinson  ior of the strong interaction  said “it gives us a lot to think  was instrumental in the dis-
            The two heavy quarks are     said. He said this opens up  (between particles), which  about.”                       covery of the Higgs boson.
            in  a  dance  that’s  just  like   a  whole  new  “family”  of  is  one  of  the  key  forces  in  The  team  has  submitted  a  It was built by the European
            the interaction of a star sys-  baryons for physicists to find  nature,” Wilkinson said.  paper to the journal Physi-  Organization  for  Nuclear
            tem with two suns and the    and study.                   Chris  Quigg,  a  theoretical  cal Review Letters.        Research,  known  by  its
            third  lighter  quark  circles   “It  gives  us  a  very  unique  physicist  at  the  Fermilab  The Large Hadron Collider,  French acronym CERN.q
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