P. 24

Friday 7 July 2017 BUSINESS

                Microsoft laying off thousands of workers in sales shakeup

            REDMOND,  Wash.  (AP)  —  layoff notices Thursday, but  worldwide. Nearly 71,600 of  growing  trend  known  as  annual revenue. More than
            Microsoft is laying off thou-  declined to provide further  them work in the U.S., with  “cloud computing.”         26  million  consumers  sub-
            sands  of  employees  in  a  specifics except that thou-  the remainder elsewhere.     That part of Microsoft’s op-  scribe to Microsoft’s Office
            shake-up  aimed  at  selling  sands  of  sales  jobs  will  be  The job cuts are part of Mi-  erations  has  been  playing  365 service that includes its
            more  subscriptions  to  soft-  cut.  “Like  all  companies,  crosoft’s shift away from its  an  increasingly  important  Word, Excel and other pop-
            ware applications that can  we  evaluate  our  business  traditional  approach  of  li-  role, especially among cor-  ular programs. That number
            be  used  on  any  internet-  on a regular basis,” Micro-  censing  its  Office  software  porate  and  government  has  more  than  doubled  in
            connected device.            soft  said  in  a  statement.  and  other  programs  for  a  customers,   since   Satya  the past two years.
            Most  of  the  people  losing  “This can result in increased  one-time fee tied to a single  Nadella  replaced  Steve  Meanwhile,  revenue  from
            their jobs work in sales and  investment in some places  computer. The company is  Ballmer  as  the  company’s  licensing      of   Microsoft’s
            are located outside the U.S.  and, from time-to-time, re-  now concentrating on sell-  CEO  in  2014.  Microsoft’s  Windows operating system
            The  Redmond,  Washing-      deployment in others.”       ing  recurring  subscriptions  “commercial  cloud”  seg-  has  been  increasing  by  5
            ton,  company  confirmed  Microsoft  Corp.  employs  for  software  accessible  on  ment is on a pace to gen-       percent  or  less  in  the  past
            that  it  began  sending  the  about   121,500   people  multiple  devices,  a  rapidly  erate  about  $15  billion  in  three quarters.q
                     Stocks skid on worries about slower hiring and growth

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       The  Standard  &  Poor’s
            AP Markets Writer                                                                                                   500  index  dropped  22.79
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                            points,  or  0.9  percent,  to
            stocks   took   their   big-                                                                                        2,409.75.  The  Dow  Jones
            gest  loss  in  more  than  six                                                                                     industrial   average   fell
            weeks  Thursday  as  inves-                                                                                         158.13  points,  or  0.7  per-
            tors  reacted  to  mounting                                                                                         cent, to 21,320.04. The Nas-
            evidence  that  hiring  has                                                                                         daq composite sank 61.39
            slowed down. Energy and                                                                                             points,  or  1  percent,  to
            health care companies fell                                                                                          6,089.46.
            sharply,  and  so  did  retail-                                                                                     The  Russell  2000  index,
            ers.                                                                                                                which  is  comprised  of
            Stocks slumped after ADP,                                                                                           smaller,  more  U.S.-focused
            a payroll processing com-                                                                                           companies,  shed  19.33
            pany,  said  private  busi-                                                                                         points,  or  1.4  percent,  to
            nesses  added  fewer  jobs                                                                                          1,400.81.
            in  June  than  investors                                                                                           ADP’s  survey  showed  that
            had  expected.  The  losses                                                                                         private U.S. businesses add-
            deepened  in  afternoon                                                                                             ed  158,000  jobs  in  June,
            trading.                                                                                                            and  the  firm  lowered  its
            Bond prices fell and yields                                                                                         estimates for job growth in
            jumped,  which  hurt  com-                                                                                          April and May. The unem-
            panies that pay large divi-                                                                                         ployment rate is at 40-year
            dends, such as major drug    Traders Michael Milano, right, and Kevin Lodewick work on the floor of the New York Stock Ex-  lows,  but  there  isn’t  much
            companies  and  real  es-    change, Thursday, July 6, 2017. Retailers and technology stocks are leading U.S. indexes lower in   evidence that wage gains
                                         early trading on Wall Street.
            tate  investment  trusts.  Re-                                                              (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  and economic growth are
            tailers  sank  after  L  Brands,                                                                                    speeding up.
            the  parent  company  of     hiring  has  slowed  down  in  and  rates  are  already  ris-  it  will  end  up  hampering   “We  were  expecting  a
            Victoria’s  Secret,  reported   recent  months.  That  has  ing in the U.S. Higher inter-  growth expectations,” said   significantly  higher  growth
            weak sales in June.          investors  worried,  because  est rates tend to slow down  Krishna  Memani,  chief  in-  rate  in  the  second  quar-
            The ADP survey was the lat-  the European Central Bank  economic growth.               vestment officer at Oppen-   ter,” said Memani. “It’s not
            est piece of evidence that   may start raising rates soon  “If  rates  rise  meaningfully,  heimer Fund.            panning out that way.”q

                 Survey: US companies add a modest 158,000 jobs in June

            By CHRIS S. RUGABER          businesses  added  a  mod-   hiring has decelerated but  just  121,000  from  March  Job  gains  have  averaged
            AP Economics Writer          est  158,000  jobs  in  June,  a   remains healthy enough to  through  May,  according  162,000  through  the  first
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  survey found — a sign that     lower  the  unemployment  to government data. Most  five  months  of  this  year,
                                                                      rate over time.              economists chalk it up to a  according  to  the  Labor
                                                                      Payroll  processor  ADP  said  dwindling supply of workers  Department,  a  solid  total
                                                                      Thursday that the strongest  as the unemployment rate  that  has  pulled  the  unem-
                                                                      job  gains  were  in  services,  falls.                   ployment  rate  down  from
                                                                      such  as  education,  health  Analysts  predict  that  the  4.7  percent  in  December
                                                                      care,  hotels  and  restau-  government’s  jobs  report,  to 4.3 percent in May, the
                                                                      rants.  Manufacturers  add-  to  be  released  Friday,  will  lowest in 16 years.
                                                                      ed 6,000 jobs, but construc-  show  179,000  jobs  were  That has left many business-
                                                                      tion firms and mining com-   added last month, accord-    es struggling to find the peo-
                                                                      panies,  which  include  oil  ing  to  data  provider  Fact-  ple  they  need  to  fill  open
                                                                      and gas drillers, cut 6,000.  Set.                        jobs.  There  are  more  than
                                                                      The data echoes other fig-   The  ADP  covers  only  pri-  6  million  open  positions,  a
                                                                      ures  that  show  hiring  has  vate  businesses  and  often  record  level,  according  to
                                                                      slowed  over  the  spring,  diverges  from  official  fig-  a separate report from the
                                                                      with  job  gains  averaging  ures.                        Labor Department.q
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