P. 19
SPORTS Friday 7 July 2017
AL Capsules
Cashner cools Red Sox; Rangers avoid sweep with 8-2 victory
By The Associated Press home win following eight
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — consecutive losses at the
Andrew Cashner held a hot Coliseum.
Boston lineup hitless into Gray (4-4) allowed a two-
the sixth inning, Rougned run homer to Matt David-
Odor hit an early two-run son, the only blemish during
homer and Texas ended an otherwise strong outing.
the longest winning streak Todd Frazier also homered
in the majors at six games for the White Sox, a two-run
with a rain-delayed victory shot in the ninth.
over the Red Sox. White Sox starter Mike Pel-
Cashner (4-7) retired 10 frey (3-7) retired 10 batters
straight batters before first and allowed four runs, fall-
baseman Pete Kozma’s ing to 0-6 in six career starts
error on a dropped throw at Oakland.
kept the sixth going. The PADRES 6, INDIANS 2
next batter, Xander Bo- CLEVELAND (AP) — Cory
gaerts, ended the no-hit Spangenberg hit a two-run
bid with a two-run homer. homer, Luis Perdomo won
The right-hander allowed his third straight start and
three hits, three walks and San Diego got another rare
two unearned runs with road win, beating Cleve-
four strikeouts in seven in- land as the Indians played
nings. Boston, which had again without manager
at least 10 hits and six runs Texas Rangers starting pitcher Andrew Cashner throws to the Boston Red Sox during the first inning Terry Francona.
of a baseball game, Wednesday, July 5, 2017, in Arlington, Texas.
in every game during the Associated Press Perdomo (4-4) allowed one
winning streak, missed a league-leading 29th home tory and Kelvin Herrera ATHLETICS 7, WHITE SOX 4 earned run in five innings
chance to be the first team run, tying Joe DiMaggio’s threw the 10th for his 19th OAKLAND, California (AP) and continued his turn-
to sweep a season series Yankees rookie record set save. Minor had a scare — Sonny Gray pitched six around after a rough start
of more than three games in 1936, and Ji-Man Choi when Mike Zunino led off mostly sharp innings for this season. The right-hand-
against the Rangers since homered in his Yankees the ninth with a flyball to Oakland to beat Chicago er didn’t get his first win until
they moved to Texas in debut. deep left field that Gordon for the second time in two his 11th start and is 4-1 since
1972. The Red Sox won the Toronto took two of three caught one step in front of weeks. Jed Lowrie had June 12. Carlos Asuaje
first five meetings this year. from New York, which is the wall. three hits and two RBIs, drove in two runs and the
After a delay of nearly 90 0-6-1 in its last seven series. Kansas City won for the Bruce Maxwell doubled in Padres did just enough
minutes to start the game, Leading the AL East by four sixth time in seven games two runs and Jaycob Brug- against starter Trevor Bauer
Odor’s 16th homer put games on June 13 with a and handed Seattle its sev- man homered to help the (7-7) to improve to 14-26 on
Texas ahead 2-0 in the sec- 38-23 record, the Yankees enth straight loss at home. A’s to their second straight the road.q
ond. Carlos Gomez had a have lost 16 of their last 22.
solo shot in the third. Danny Barnes (2-2) threw
Odor scored three times 1 2/3 innings and Roberto Hernandez, who sued MLB,
before leaving with a Osuna pitched the ninth to
bruised left hand after the convert his 20th consecu-
fifth inning, when he was hit tive save chance and 21st among All-Star Game umpires
by a pitch. overall this season. Brett
Doug Fister (0-2) gave up six Gardner singled with two
runs — four earned — over outs, and Osuna struck out NEW YORK (AP) — Angel and Bruce Froemming. He
3 2/3 innings in his third start Judge. Hernandez, who sued Ma- worked third base for the
since Boston claimed him ROYALS 9, MARINERS 6, 10 jor League Baseball this 1987 All-Star Game at Oak-
off waivers from the Angels. INNINGS week alleging racial dis- land and was behind the
BLUE JAYS 7, YANKEES 6 SEATTLE (AP) — Salvador crimination, is among the plate for the 2005 All-Star
NEW YORK (AP) — Dellin Perez hit a two-run homer umpires for Tuesday’s All- Game at Detroit.
Betances forced in the go- in the 10th, Alex Gordon Star Game in Miami. The rest of the crew an-
ahead run with four walks added a two-out RBI sin- Hernandez will be at first nounced Thursday includes
in the eighth inning, and gle later in the inning and base as part of a crew Mark Carlson (second),
Toronto beat New York af- Kansas City completed a headed by Joe West. Her- Chris Conroy (third), Manny
ter wasting a five-run lead. three-game sweep with a nandez was at third base Gonzalez (left) and Mike Es-
Justin Smoak and Kendrys win over Seattle. for both the 1999 All-Star tabrook (right). The replay
Morales hit back-to-back Perez drove the second Game in Boston and the umpire in New York will be
home runs in the third off Mi- pitch from reliever James 2009 game in St. Louis. Doug Eddings.
chael Pineda, who also al- Pazos (2-2) out to right field Under the umpires’ labor The official scorers will be
lowed Kevin Pillar’s leadoff for his 17th homer. It was contract, MLB must notify Miami-based scorer Ron In this April 8, 2017 file
homer in the fourth. Russell the third home run of the umpires of All-Star Game Jernick, Patrick Saunders of photo, MLB umpire Angel
Martin tied the score at 6 game for Kansas City, add- assignments at least 30 The Denver Post and Clark Hernandez (55) is seen in the
with a seventh-inning hom- ing to earlier two-run shots days in advance of the Spencer of the Miami Her- first inning during a baseball
er against Chad Green, by Mike Moustakas and game. ald. Tampa Bay manager game between the Arizona
then walked to drive in the Lorenzo Cain. West last month became Kevin Cash will be among Diamondbacks and the
go-ahead run in the eighth Mike Minor (5-1) pitched the third umpire to work the AL coaches and Miami Cleveland Indians in Phoenix.
against Betances (3-4). the ninth to get the vic- 5,000 regular-season manager Don Mattingly Associated Press
Aaron Judge hit his major games, following Bill Klem among the NL coaches.q