P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 7 July 2017

                  Startling screams as Mattek-Sands injures knee at Wimbledon

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  ers of the U.S. in three sets.
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    “It’s  just  about  her  being
            LONDON      (AP)   —   The                                                                                          healthy.”
            screams were startling.                                                                                             Mattek-Sands  —  who  was
            Bethanie     Mattek-Sands,                                                                                          born in Minnesota, lived in
            a  32-year-old  American                                                                                            Wisconsin  and  now  calls
            who  came  to  Wimbledon                                                                                            Arizona  home  with  her
            eyeing  a  fourth  consecu-                                                                                         husband  Justin  —  thought
            tive  Grand  Slam  doubles                                                                                          about quitting tennis years
            title, fell to the grass when                                                                                       ago after a series of injuries.
            her  right  knee  buckled  as                                                                                       There  was  hip  surgery  less
            she moved toward the net                                                                                            than a week after her wed-
            in  a  second-round  singles                                                                                        ding  in  late  2008,  a  torn
            match Thursday.                                                                                                     shoulder in 2011, a broken
            She  immediately  clutched                                                                                          right  big  toe  in  2012.  Her
            her knee and, down on the                                                                                           ranking  dropped  outside
            turf,  wailed  loudly,  implor-                                                                                     the  top  250  in  singles  and
            ing  for  someone  to  “Help                                                                                        doubles in 2014, when she
            me! Help me!”                                                                                                       missed six months after an-
            Her opponent, Sorana Cirst-                                                                                         other hip operation.
            ea,  immediately  climbed                                                                                           “I’m just, like, really hurt for
            over  the  net  to  check  on                                                                                       her,” Safarova said.
            Mattek-Sands,  who  after                                                                                           There  was  no  indication
            about  20  minutes  was  re-  Bethanie Mattek-Sands of the United States returns the ball to Romania’s Sorana Cirstea during   that  the  condition  of  the
            moved  from  Court  17  on   their  Women’s  Singles  Match  on  day  four  at  the  Wimbledon  Tennis  Championships  in  London   grass  on  the  court  had
            a stretcher and taken to a   Thursday, July 6, 2017.                                                                anything  to  do  with  Mat-
            hospital.                                                                                                           tek-Sands’  fall,  but  play-
            “Her  knee  was  in  a  very   ing  game,  was  not  imme-  “It’s the peak of her career  and  a  total  of  five.  Safa-  ing  surfaces  around  the
            weird  position.  I’ve  never   diately  known.  But  word  right now,” said Bob Bryan,  rova  heard  about  Mattek-  All  England  Club  were  a
            seen  anything  like  this,   quickly spread around the  whose  twin  brother  Mike  Sands on TV and ran to her     source  of  complaints  by
            probably,  except  in  the   grounds,  generating  con-   won the 2015 French Open  court,  then  stood  nearby     others Thursday. In particu-
            movies.  And,  yeah,  I  pan-  cern among players. She’s  mixed-doubles  title  with  and  wiped  away  tears  as   lar,  the  areas  near  many
            icked  a  little  bit,  as  well,”   popular on tour, known for  Mattek-Sands.   “She’s   a  she  saw  her  friend  and   baselines  are  brown  and
            Cirstea said. “Then I called   her  gregarious  personal-  fun-loving  girl.  She  doesn’t  playing partner in distress.  worn, with little or no grass
            for  help,  but  no  one  was   ity, loud laugh and original  have  any  enemies  in  the  “Just  terrible  what  hap-  in spots — looking the way
            coming. Then tried to com-   fashion  choices,  including  locker room.”               pened. Obviously, I’m very   Wimbledon’s courts usually
            fort her as much as I could.   the  stars-and-stripes  knee-  She’s  also  quite  a  doubles  sad  for  her.  Doesn’t  mat-  do  by  late  in  Week  2,  not
            But, I mean, you could feel   high  socks  she  wore  while  player,  ranked  No.  1  right  ter  about  whatever  goals   as soon as Day 4 — some-
            the pain.”                   teaming with Jack Sock to  now after teaming with Lu-     we  had,”  Safarova  said,   thing  players  said  they
            The  extent  of  Mattek-     win  a  mixed-doubles  gold  cie Safarova of the Czech  her  voice  barely  above  a   were  told  was  a  result  of
            Sands’ injury, which came    medal  for  the  U.S.  at  last  Republic  to  win  the  past  whisper, after losing her sin-  unusual  heat  and  lack  of
            in  the  third  set’s  open-  year’s Rio Olympics.        three major championships  gles match to Shelby Rog-      rain in recent weeks.q
                                                                      Rahm upstages McIlroy, shoots

                                                                      65 at Irish Open

                                                                      PORTSTEWART, Northern Ire-   Daniel  Im  of  the  United   breakthrough  season,  to
                                                                      land (AP) — Rising Spanish  States,  ranked  No.  542,    play  in  Europe  ahead  of
                                                                      star  Jon  Rahm  upstaged  and  Benjamin  Hebert  of      the  British  Open  at  Royal
                                                                      tournament  host  Rory  Mc-  France,  ranked  No.  254,   Birkdale from July 20-23. He
                                                                      Ilroy  at  the  Irish  Open  by  held  the  lead  after  shoot-  tied for 10th at the French
                                                                      shooting  a  7-under  65  to  ing bogey-free 64s. McIlroy,   Open last week and is now
                                                                      move  one  stroke  off  the  the  defending  champion     in  contention  in  Ireland,
                                                                      first-round  lead  on  Thurs-  and part of a heavyweight   another  event  in  the  Eu-
                                                                      day. Rahm, ranked No. 11,  group  containing  Rahm        ropean  Tour’s  Rolex  Series
                                                                      showed  impressive  form  and  Hideki  Matsuyama,         with a prize fund of $7 mil-
                                                                      on the links two weeks out  parred his last 11 holes and   lion. He holed a long birdie
                                                                      from  the  British  Open,  roll-  was  even  par  at  a  tour-  putt on No. 1 and followed
                                                                      ing in six birdies and an ea-  nament   which   benefits   up a bogey and two bird-
                                                                      gle on a low-scoring day at  his  own  foundation.  The   ies  by  rolling  in  a  20-foot
                                                                      Portstewart. He was tied for  No.  2-ranked  Matsuyama    eagle  putt  on  the  7th.  He
                                                                      third place with Englishmen  shot 67. Rahm has taken a    birdied  both  par  fives  on
                                                                      Matthew  Southgate  and  break  from  the  PGA  Tour,     the back nine before a fi-
                                                                      Oliver Fisher.               where  he  is  enjoying  a   nal birdie on the 15th.
                                                                                                                                “My attitude was probably
                                                                                                                                the best it’s been all year,”
                                                                      Jon  Rahm  of  Spain  tees  off  during  the  first  day  of  the  French
                                                                      Open Golf tournament at Paris National course in Guyancourt,   said  Rahm,  who  is  known
                                                                      west of Paris, France, Thursday, June 29, 2017.           for  his  fiery  temperament.
                                                                                                              Associated Press  q
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