P. 22

A22     SPORTS
                        Friday 7 July 2017
                   Without Sagan and Cavendish, Kittel eases to Tour stage win

            By  ANDREW  DAMPF  and                                                                                              go. Otherwise, the only in-
            JOHN LEICESTER                                                                                                      cident of note came when
            AP Sports Writers                                                                                                   a  beach  umbrella  floated
            TROYES,  France  (AP)  —                                                                                            across the pack with about
            Marcel Kittel had little trou-                                                                                      90  kilometers  left  prompt-
            ble winning the sixth stage                                                                                         ing  Froome  and  his  Sky
            of the Tour de France in a                                                                                          teammates  to  veer  out  of
            mass  sprint  finish  Thursday                                                                                      the way.
            with Peter Sagan and Mark                                                                                           “There  was  a  bit  of  wind
            Cavendish both no longer                                                                                            and  the  parasol  took  off
            in the race.                                                                                                        and ended up in the road,”
            Chris  Froome  held  on  to                                                                                         he said. “That’s the Tour.”
            the  leader’s  yellow  jersey                                                                                       Froome  remained  12  sec-
            after  a  sultry  but  unevent-                                                                                     onds  ahead  of  Sky  team-
            ful day in the peloton.                                                                                             mate Geraint Thomas and
            It  was  Kittel’s  second  vic-                                                                                     14 seconds ahead of Fabio
            tory in this year’s race and                                                                                        Aru of Italy.
            11th overall in his Tour ca-                                                                                        Richie  Porte  in  fifth  place
            reer.                                                                                                               overall  and  other  riders
            As  the  other  contenders                                                                                          eyeing  victory  in  Paris  on
            bunched  together  on  the                                                                                          July 23 were simply pleased
            right side of the road, Kittel                                                                                      to get the long, hot stage
            burst forward around them                                                                                           over without incident.
            on the left and easily cre-                                                                                         “It  was  such  a  long  day.
            ated  a  comfortable  gap    Germany’s sprinter Marcel Kittel celebrates as he crosses the finish line to win the sixth stage of   Probably, you know, could
            allowing  him  to  celebrate   the Tour de France cycling race over 216 kilometers (134 miles) with start in Vesoul and finish in   have  had  the  same  re-
            as he crossed the line.      Troyes, France, Thursday, July 6, 2017.                                                sult  with  half  the  distance
            “I  was  really  confident  in                                                                     Associated Press  but  it’s  a  nice  one  to  get
            my team,” Kittel said. “I was                                                                                       done,” Porte said.
            also really confident in my-  abandoning the race with  said.  “The  level  that  we  Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises,    On  such  days,  Porte  said,
            self today. There was just a   a broken shoulder.         have here for the sprints is  the hometown of France’s    “there’s  nothing  to  gain
            moment when I broke free     Kittel  said  the  absence  of  still very, very high.”   wartime  hero  and  former   but there’s so much to lose.
            and started to go ahead.”    Cavendish and Sagan has  Kittel required slightly more  president,  Gen.  Charles      ... It was quite a frantic fin-
            Stage 4 winner Arnaud De-    altered  the  racing  in  that  than  five  hours  to  ride  the  de  Gaulle,  and  ended  in   ish.”
            mare finished second and     their  teams  are  no  longer  mostly  flat  216-kilometer  champagne country.         The  Tour  remains  in  Troyes
            Andre Greipel was third.     battling  out  the  sprint  fin-  (134-mile)  leg  from  Vesoul  A  three-man  breakaway   for the start of Stage 7 on
            Sagan,  the  world  cham-    ishes.                       to  Troyes,  and  then  bent  rode  out  front  for  most  of   Friday,  a  213.5-kilometer
            pion,  was  disqualified  for   He  was  repeatedly  asked  down over his handlebars,  the  stage.  Perrig  Queme-  (133-mile)  leg  that  again
            elbowing  Cavendish  to      after his win about their ab-  close to tears, as he took in  neur,   Frederik   Backaert   sets  up  well  for  sprinters
            the ground two days ago.     sence.                       the victory.                 and  Vegard  Stake  Laen-    with a finish in the Burgundy
            The fall resulted in Caven-  “It’s  a  bit  sad  that  it’s  all  The  route  in  northeastern  gen  were  caught  by  the   wine  town  of  Nuits-Saint-
            dish, who has 30 Tour wins,   about  this  decision,”  he  France  passed  through  peloton with 3 kilometers to    Georges.q

                       Wayde van Niekerk

                                         The  Pontaise  stadium  fell                                                           record at 68.43 meters with
                                                                                                                                her final throw.
               Continued from Page 17    silent  for  Lasitskene’s  third                                                       “People  in  Croatia  have
                                         and  final  attempt  but  the                                                          high  expectations  and  I
            “I didn’t come with a spe-   bar  was  sent  crashing  by                                                           want to live up to that,” Ko-
            cific time in mind, but I am   the Russian. She competes                                                            lak said. Two Ethopian run-
            pleased  with  this  result,”   as  a  neutral  athlete  while                                                      ners also set world-leading
            said  Van  Niekerk,  who  is   her  country  is  suspended                                                          times:  Genzebe  Dibaba’s
            favored to retain his world   from  competition  due  to                                                            4  minutes  16.05  seconds
            title in London next month.  extensive doping.                                                                      in  the  women’s  mile,  and
            Van Niekerk was 0.07 faster   Van  Niekerk  has  sparkled                                                           Muktar  Edris  with  12:55.23
            than the previous best 400   this  season  despite  skip-                                                           in the men’s 5,000. The first
            this season set by Fred Ker-  ping  his  main  event  since                                                         three finishers all were fast-
            ley of the United States. He   some low-key home meet-                                                              er than Olympic champion
            set a world record of 43.03   ings.                                                                                 Mo Farah’s previous world-
            in taking Olympic gold last   The  South  African  star  set                                                        leading time set in Eugene,
            August.                      a  world  best  of  30.81  in                                                          Oregon, in May.
            Four  other  world-leading   the  seldom-raced  300  last   Justin  Gatlin,  left,  from  the  US  and  Akani  Simbine,  from  South   World  champion  Dafne
            performances  were  set,     week.  He  took  Michael     Africa compete in the men’s 100m race at the Athletissima IAAF   Schippers  of  the  Nether-
            and  the  30-year-old  world   Johnson’s    17-year-old   Diamond  League  international  athletics  meeting  in  the  Stade   lands won the 200 in 22.10
            record  in  women’s  high    mark  by  0.04  in  Ostrava,   Olympique de la Pontaise in Lausanne, Switzerland, Thursday,   for  her  fastest  time  of  the
                                                                      July 6, 2017.
            jump  was  threatened  by    Czech Republic.                                                       Associated Press  season.  Olympic  800  silver
            world champion Maria Las-    Van  Niekerk  also  has  a                                                             medalist  Francine  Niyon-
            itskene.                     world-leading  200  time  of   Olympic 100 champion, has  American  clocked  9.96  to   saba  of  Burundi  was  just
            Lasitskene  cleared  a  sea-  19.84,  set  in  Jamaica  last   a best 0.01 slower than Van  edge Ben Youssef Meite of   outside  Caster  Semenya’s
            son-best  2.06  meters  be-  month,  and  a  9.94  in  the   Niekerk this season, and he  Ivory Coast by 0.02.      world-leading  time  to  win
            fore taking aim at the 2.09   100 that has him seventh in   was unable to beat it Thurs-  Olympic  javelin  champion   in 1:56.82. Runner-up Char-
            set in 1987 by Stefka Kosta-  the world list this season.  day as he ran into a slight  Sara  Kolak  set  a  world-  lene Lipsey of the U.S. ran a
            dinova of Bulgaria.          Justin  Gatlin,  the  former   headwind. The 35-year-old  leading mark and national    career-best 1:57.38.q
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