P. 20

                        Friday 7 July 2017

                Jay, Happ help Cubs rally for 7-3 win over Tampa Bay

            By The Associated Press                                                                for  two  months.  Greg  Hol-  with 15 RBIs in 31 at-bats.
            CHICAGO (AP) — Jon Jay                                                                 land  threw  a  shaky  ninth  Norichika  Aoki  doubled  to
            connected for his third ca-                                                            for his 28th save to help the  begin  the  three-run  sev-
            reer  pinch-hit  homer  and                                                            slumping  Rockies  win  for  enth  and  chase  Braves
            Ian Happ hit a tiebreaking,                                                            the third time in 14 games.  starter  Jaime  Garcia  (2-7).
            two-run  single  an  inning                                                            The  game-time  tempera-     Springer  followed  with  a
            later, helping the Chicago                                                             ture of 97 degrees tied for  single, Altuve with a double
            Cubs rally for a 7-3 victory                                                           the  second-hottest  home  and Gonzalez with a single
            over  the  Tampa  Bay  Rays                                                            contest in Rockies history.  to make it 7-4.
            on Wednesday.                                                                          Scott  Feldman  (7-6)  gave  Chris Devenski (6-3) earned
            The Cubs appeared to be                                                                up four runs in five innings.  the  win  after  walking  one
            headed  for  their  sixth  loss                                                        BREWERS 4, ORIOLES 0         and striking out two in 1 1/3
            in eight games before Jay                                                              MILWAUKEE  (AP)  —  Matt  innings.
            drove a 1-2 pitch from Eras-                                                           Garza pitched into the sev-  PIRATES 5, PHILLIES 2
            mo Ramirez (4-3)  over the                                                             enth inning and Keon Brox-   PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Ger-
            wall in left-center for a ty-                                                          ton hit a two-run homer to  rit  Cole  pitched  six  strong
            ing three-run shot with two                                                            lift  Milwaukee  to  a  three-  innings and drove in his first
            outs  in  the  sixth.  Jay  then                                                       game sweep of Baltimore.     runs  of  the  season  with  a
            popped out of the dugout                                                               Garza allowed five hits and  tiebreaking  two-run  single
            for  a  curtain  call,  obliging                                                       two  walks  with  four  strike-  to lead Pittsburgh over Phil-
            the  crowd  of  39,855  on  a                                                          outs  over  6  1/3  innings  for  adelphia.
            picturesque day at Wrigley                                                             his  first  scoreless  outing  of  Cole (7-7) rebounded from
            Field.                                                                                 the season.                  a poor outing Friday against
            Happ got his big hit in the                                                            Oliver Drake, Jared Hughes  San Francisco and a shaky
            seventh, driving in Kris Bry-                                                          and  Corey  Knebel  com-     first inning against the Phil-
            ant and Anthony Rizzo with                                                             pleted  the  shutout  with  2  lies, allowing two runs and
            a  bouncer  up  the  mid-                                                              2/3 innings.                 seven hits with eight strike-
            dle  against  Tampa  Bay’s   Chicago Cubs Jon Jay (30) hits a three run home run during the   Garza (4-4) ran into trouble  outs  and  one  walk.  The
            drawn-in infield.            sixth inning of a baseball game against the Tampa Bay Rays on   in  the  second  inning  after  right-hander struck out the
            Pedro  Strop  (3-2)  pitched   Wednesday, July 5, 2017, in Chicago.   Associated Press   the Orioles loaded the bas-  side in his final inning.
            a scoreless seventh for the                                                            es with no outs. The veteran  Felipe  Rivero,  pitching  on
            win.  Carl  Edwards  Jr.  and   2016 — a span of 13 starts.  farthest  by  any  Rockies   right-hander  escaped  by  his 26th birthday, recorded
            Koji  Uehara  worked  the    Wood  struck  out  10  and  player  this  season  —  and   striking  out  Ruben  Tejada  his fifth save by striking out
            eighth,  and  All-Star  Wade   walked two.                pitched effectively into the   and pitcher Jayson Aquino  the side in a scoreless ninth.
            Davis got three outs.        Kenley Jansen pitched the  sixth  inning  as  Colorado    (1-2)  before  getting  Seth  Cole’s big hit came in the
            DODGERS  1,  DIAMOND-        ninth for his 20th save in as  beat Cincinnati on a swel-  Smith to fly out to right field.  Pirates’  four-run  fourth  in-
            BACKS 0                      many chances. He put the  tering night.                   ASTROS 10, BRAVES 4          ning,  when  Pittsburgh  also
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Alex      potential tying run on with  Pat Valaika had a career-    ATLANTA  (AP)  —  George  got  some  help  from  Ben
            Wood  pitched  three-hit     a  two-out  single  to  Bran-  high three hits, including a   Springer  drove  in  the  go-  Lively (1-4).
            ball  over  seven  innings  to   don  Drury  before  striking  two-run  homer  and  a  run-  ahead  run  in  the  seventh  MARLINS 9, CARDINALS 6
            start  the  season  10-0  and   out Chris Herrmann to end  scoring single with two outs   inning,  Josh  Reddick  and  ST. LOUIS (AP) — Giancarlo
            NL  West-leading  Los  An-   the game.                    in the eighth.               Marwin  Gonzalez  each  Stanton  homered  twice,
            geles  beat  second-place    Arizona’s Zack Godley (3-3)  Gray’s two-run drive in the   had three RBIs and streak-  his 22nd career multihomer
            Arizona.                     gave up one run and three  second  was  the  longest      ing Houston beat Atlanta.    game, and Marcell Ozuna
            Wood  became  the  first     hits in 5 2/3 innings.       among pitchers since MLB’s   Houston  has  won  four  and  Justin  Bour  also  went
            Dodgers  starter  to  reach   Yasmani   Grandal’s    RBI  Statcast  began  tracking    straight and 12 of 15 to im-  deep  as  Miami  beat  St.
            10-0 since Don Newcombe      double  to  deep  center  distances  in  2015.  Gray      prove to 58-27 overall, best  Louis.
            in 1955, when the Brooklyn   field  in  the  second  scored  (2-0)  also  was  solid  on  the   in the majors. The first three  Stanton  went  3  for  4  with
            Dodgers won the first of the   Chris Taylor from first base.  mound, going 5 2/3 innings   batters — Springer, Jose Al-  a walk while driving in four
            franchise’s  six  World  Series   ROCKIES 5, REDS 3       and  allowing  three  runs,   tuve and Reddick — went  runs.  He  has  five  hits  in  his
            championships.               DENVER  (AP)  —  Jon  Gray  two  earned,  in  his  second   8  for  15  with  six  RBIs  in  this  last  two  games  after  start-
            The 26-year-old left-hander   hit his first career homer an  start  since  a  broken  bone   one  and  hit  a  combined  ing the Marlins’ road trip in
            hasn’t  lost  since  May  30,   estimated  467  feet  —  the  in his left foot sidelined him   .581 in the two-game series  a 1-for-17 funk.q

                                                                      Tom Brady to offer secret

                                                                      to success in debut book

                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — Five-time  Lifetime  of  Sustained  Peak  pick  calls  himself  “a  great
                                                                      Super Bowl champion Tom  Performance”  is  described  case  study”  on  how  the
                                                                      Brady is adding the title of  by the publisher as an “ath-  methods  described  in  the
                                                                      author to his resume.        letes’ Bible” that will reveal  book  can  transform  an
                                                                      Simon    &   Schuster   an-  Brady’s  methods  for  suc-  athlete.  Brady  and  New
                                                                      nounced  Thursday  that  cess. The book will explore  England  won  their  fifth  Su-
               In this Feb. 5, 2017, file photo, New England Patriots’ quar-  it  will  publish  the  Patriots  Brady’s path to his unusual  per Bowl title in February by
               terback Tom Brady raises his helmet after scoring a touch-  quarterback’s  debut  book  training  and  exercise  regi-  overcoming a 25-point def-
               down  during  overtime  of  the  NFL  Super  Bowl  51  football   in  September.  “The  TB12  men.  In  a  statement,  the  icit late in the game to de-
               game against the Atlanta Falcons.
                                                   Associated Press   Method: How to Achieve a  former  sixth-round  draft  feat the Atlanta Falcons.q
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