P. 15
LOCAL Friday 7 July 2017
Loyal Guests Honored at the Barcelo Resort and Casino
PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tour-
ism Authority had the great pleasure of
honoring a very nice couple who are
loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the
Barcelo Resort and Casino as Distinuished
Visitors. The symbolic honorary title is pre-
sented in the name of the Minister of Tour-
ism as a token of appreciation to guests
who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive
The honorees were Mr. Joseph Zambuto
and Mrs. Rose Mansuco.
Joseph and Rose are regular guests of
the Barcelo Resort and Casino, and they
love the island very much because of the
friendly people, the safety, the weather,
the beaches, the restaurants and the
diversity of the island. Aruba feels like a
second home to these special guests
and the people here are like a family to
them. The certificate was presented by
Mr. Ricardo Cores representing the Aru-
ba Tourism Authority together with Jenny
from the Barcelo Resort and Casino.