P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 7 July 2017
            Venezuelan soldiers jailed amid unrest, document says

            By JOSHUA GOODMAN                                                                                                   portation  of  food  and  key
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ministerial  posts.  He  now
            CARACAS,        Venezuela                                                                                           appears  almost  daily  on
            (AP)  —  Venezuela’s  secu-                                                                                         TV  decorating  top  officials
            rity forces have arrested at                                                                                        or  standing  for  hours  shak-
            least  102  members  of  the                                                                                        ing hands at ceremonies to
            armed  forces  for  alleged                                                                                         promote even mid-level of-
            crimes  such  as  rebellion                                                                                         ficers.
            and abandonment of duty                                                                                             But cracks have started to
            since  a  wave  of  protests                                                                                        appear,  and  many  lower-
            began  against  President                                                                                           ranking officers — and their
            Nicolas  Maduro’s  govern-                                                                                          extended  families  —  are
            ment in early April, accord-                                                                                        sharing  the  painful  conse-
            ing  to  apparent  military                                                                                         quences of triple-digit infla-
            documents  obtained  by                                                                                             tion and widespread short-
            The Associated Press.                                                                                               ages.
            The majority of the soldiers                                                                                        In  April,  a  lieutenant  in  a
            are  being  held  in  Ramo                                                                                          restive western state cut up
            Verde prison outside Cara-                                                                                          his official military ID card as
            cas,  according  to  the  lists                                                                                     supporters  cheered.  Then
            provided  by  an  army  offi-                                                                                       three  lieutenants  publicly
            cial on the condition of an-                                                                                        rejected  Maduro  as  com-
            onymity for fear of reprisals.                                                                                      mander in chief and fled to
            While  13,  including  two   Female soldiers march during a military parade in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, July 5, 2017.   Colombia.
                                         Venezuela’s  security  forces  have  arrested  at  least  102  members  of  the  armed  forces  since  a
            army  captains,  were  listed   wave of protests began in early April, according to apparent military documents obtained by The   “There’s  saber-rattling  in
            on  charges  of  rebellion   Associated Press.                                                                      the  barracks,”  one  of  the
            and treason, the large ma-                                                               (AP Photos/Ariana Cubillos)  lieutenants, Jose Alejandro
            jority were reportedly being  Venezuela’s crisis deepens,  All the soldiers were report-  The Defense Ministry didn’t  Mendez,  told  Blu  Radio  in
            held for less serious offenses  the  military  is  facing  grow-  edly  arrested  before  June  reply  to  an  email  request  an interview from exile.
            such  as  desertion,  aban-  ing  signs  of  doubt  among  14, and it’s impossible from  seeking comment.           “Different  cells  exist,  some
            donment of duty and theft  soldiers.                      the  registries  to  know  de-  Publicly,  there’s  been  little  independently  and  oth-
            of  military  property  that  Maduro  has  been  lean-    tails of any of the individual  sign  of  dissent  on  the  part  ers  working  in  a  more  co-
            nonetheless point to a larg-  ing  on  the  armed  forces  cases.                      of  the  top  military  brass.  ordinated   manner,   but
            er  problem  of  indiscipline  to  crush  almost-daily  pro-  The AP could not indepen-  Maduro since taking office  certainly  there’s  a  search
            within the armed forces.     tests that have left at least  dently verify the authentici-  in 2013 has greatly expand-  underway  to  resolve  the
            The  lists  appear  to  lend  90  people  dead  and  hun-  ty of the lists, but they came  ed the military’s power, giv-  conflict  the  country  is
            credence to claims that as  dreds injured or arrested.    from a well-placed source.   ing  it  control  over  the  im-  experiencing.”q

            28 dead after battle among rival

            gangs in Acapulco prison: report

            ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) —  than 2,000.
            Fighting  erupted  between  A brawl between rival drug
            rival  gangs  inside  a  state  gangs at an overcrowded
            prison  before  dawn  Thurs-  penitentiary  in  northern
            day, and 28 inmates were  Mexico in February resulted
            killed and three wounded,  in  49  inmates  being  killed,
            officials in the Pacific resort  Mexico’s  deadliest  prison
            said.                        melee  in  years.  That  clash
            Authorities  had  initially  re-  was   between   inmates
            ported five deaths, but lat-  aligned with the Zetas and
            er raised the toll more bod-  Gulf drug cartels.
            ies  were  found  scattered  In  June,  Mexico’s  govern-
            throughout the prison.       mental  rights  agency  is-
            Robert  Alvarez  Heredia,  sued  a  report  that  said
            the  Guerrero  state  secu-  many of the country’s pris-
            rity  spokesman,  said  in  a  ons are unsafe, overcrowd-
            statement that the fighting  ed  and  understaffed.  The
            broke out around 4 a.m. He  report  warned  of  insuffi-
            said security forces later re-  cient  staff,  unsafe  proce-
            gained  control  and  slowly  dures  and  poor  medical
            began  discovering  bodies  care at many facilities.
            in  a  kitchen,  a  cellblock  The National Human Rights
            and other areas.             Commission  said  it  sur-
            “The  incident  began  be-   veyed  conditions  at  over
            cause  of  the  constant  dis-  190 state, local and federal
            pute between rival groups  jails.  It  found  that  inmates
            inside  the  prison,”  Alvarez  often  controlled  some  ar-
            said.  State  police  said  the  eas of prisons or had con-
            prison  population  is  more  traband inside.q
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