P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 7 July 2017

                  EU, Japan hail free trade deal: “A message to the world”

            By RAF CASERT                                                                                                       the  profits  from  their  deal
            Associated Press                                                                                                    —  from  carmakers  in  Ja-
            BRUSSELS (AP) — The lead-                                                                                           pan  to  Champagne  pro-
            ers of the European Union                                                                                           ducers in Europe.
            and  Japan  on  Thursday                                                                                            The  deal  eliminates  tariffs
            said  their  agreement  in                                                                                          on many goods and servic-
            principle  on  free  trade  is                                                                                      es so producers can com-
            the  best  antidote  to  the                                                                                        pete on a more level-play-
            protectionism  seen  to  be                                                                                         ing  field  in  each  other’s
            promoted  by  the  United                                                                                           markets.  For  consumers,  it
            States.                                                                                                             will  mean  some  products
            The leaders said in a state-                                                                                        will be cheaper.
            ment  that  the  EU  and  Ja-                                                                                       EU  exports  of  goods  and
            pan  “demonstrate  to  the                                                                                          services  total  some  87  bil-
            world - and to our citizens”                                                                                        lion  euros  ($99  billion)  a
            that  free  trade  remains                                                                                          year  to  Japan,  which  in
            vital  to  boost  living  stan-                                                                                     turn  exports  some  82  bil-
            dards.                                                                                                              lion euros to the 28-nation
            Countering  calls  for  pro-                                                                                        bloc.
            tectionism,   EU   Council                                                                                          EU  Commission  President
            President Donald Tusk said                                                                                          Jean-Claude  Juncker  esti-
            that  the  political  agree-  European Council President Donald Tusk, left, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, and   mated that EU winemakers
            ment  proves  that  “the     European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker greet each other prior to a meeting at the   would save 134 million eu-
            world  doesn’t  need  to  go   Europa building in Brussels Thursday, July 6, 2017.                                  ros a year and leather and
            back  100  years  back  in                                                           (AP Photo/Francois Walschaerts)  shoe  manufacturers  174
            time,”  when  open  trade    The deal, clinched Wednes-   Abe  and  Tusk  will  be  able  At  the  Hamburg  sum-    milion euros.
            was not as prevalent.        day  before  Abe’s  arrival,  to hold the deal up as evi-  mit,  U.S.  President  Donald   Cheeses  like  Gouda  and
            Japan’s    Prime   Minister   covers  regions  equivalent  dence  against  any  claims  Trump  and  his  “America   Cheddar  face  tariffs  of
            Shinzo  Abe  said  “it  sends   to  one  third  of  the  world  that major free trade deals  First” motto will be at odds   some  30  percent  to  enter
            a  strong  message  to  the   economy.                    are something of the past.   with many others.            the Japanese market.
            world”  and  both  lead-     Since  it  was  a  political  “Some are saying that the  If Trump decries former U.S.   And  the  special  name
            ers  will  be  able  to  make   agreement  —  meaning  time  of  isolationism  and  deals  with  international      status of EU foods, from Ti-
            that  point  when  they  are   some details have to still be  disintegration  is  coming  partners  as  disasters  that   roler Speck to Camembert
            at  Group  of  20  summit  of   filled in — the timing of the  again, we are demonstrat-  cost  American  jobs  and   cheese,  Munchener  beer
            world leaders in Hamburg,    deal after four years of talks  ing that this is not the case,”  money, the EU and Japan   and  Polish  vodka,  will  be
            Germany, on Friday.          was key.                     said Tusk.                   are  already  highlighting   protected. q

                EU parliament advises freeze of Turkey’s membership talks

            By SUZAN FRASER              referendum  in  April  that  decide whether or not it will  criticized  as  a  dispropor-  us,  we  will  return  it  to  the
            Associated Press             approved      constitutional  walk with Turkey,” he said.  tionate response.           (European      Parliament)
            ANKARA,  Turkey  (AP)  —  amendments  to  give  the  The  EU  has  been  con-          “This Parliament speaks with  without making any assess-
            The  European  Parliament  president  sweeping  new  cerned  by  declining  hu-        one  and  clear  and  loud  ments,” Celik told reporters.
            has  advised  the  European  powers.                      man  rights,  media  free-   voice  in  condemning  the  Before the vote, Celik said
            Union  to  freeze  acces-    The  parliament  called  on  doms and rule of law issues  Turkish  government’s  seri-  the  decision  would  go
            sion  talks  with  Turkey  amid  the EU’s 28 states to formally  in  Turkey.  Frequent  com-  ous  decline  in  democratic  down  in  history  as  a  “terri-
            growing concerns over the  suspend  the  talks  “without  ments  by  President  Recep  standards,”  said  Kati  Piri,  ble mistake” and that Euro-
            country’s human rights and  delay”  if  the  constitutional  Tayyip  Erdogan  vowing  to  who  prepared  Thursday’s  pean lawmakers should be
            democracy.  Turkey  reject-  reforms  are  implemented  re-instate  the  death  pen-   report. Omer Celik, the min-  standing  in  solidarity  with
            ed  Thursday’s  move,  call-  without change in Turkey.   alty have also raised alarm.  ister  in  charge  of  relations  Turkey  following  last  year’s
            ing it an attempt to “sabo-  Turkish  Prime  Minister  Binali  Turkey embarked on an un-  with  the  EU,  slammed  the  failed coup attempt.
            tage” relations with the EU.  Yildirim said what mattered  precedented  crackdown  report  as  “geared  toward  The minister also said Turkey
            The  legislature  voted  477-  was the opinion of EU lead-  in  the  aftermath  of  last  sabotaging  relations”  and  would  never  accept  any
            64  with  97  abstentions  to  ers  and  that  there  was  no  year’s  failed  military  coup  said Turkey would consider  proposal to reformulate EU-
            approve  a  non-binding  change in Turkey’s aim for  attempt,  arresting  some  it  “null  and  void”  as  it  has  Turkish ties through a series
            report  recommending  the  EU membership.                 50,000 people and dismiss-   done  with  equivalent  re-  of agreements on immigra-
            suspension  of  the  negotia-  “The  EU  should  determine  ing  tens  of  thousands  civil  ports in the past.     tion,  combating  terrorism
            tions  in  the  wake  Turkey’s  its  vision  for  its  future  and  servants, which the EU has  “When  the  report  reaches  and trade.q
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