P. 13
LOCAL Friday 7 July 2017
Aruba’s Celebrity Chef
Serves Asian Family Style
to kick back with a cocktail or rolls, chicken and lettuce wraps,
their favorite wine in the Bar & braised beef buns or chicken corn
Lounge area. soup. The entrees are classics such
On a recent culinary trip Chef as Kung Pao chicken, ginger beef
Urvin felt inspired by his fam- and Chinatown Duck. Comple-
ily’s Asian heritage. He speaks ment your Asian experience with
fondly of childhood memo- fried rice, noodles or Chinese
ries of Sunday family dinners, broccoli, and let Chef Urvin take
around a dinner table groan- you on a nostalgic culinary jour-
ney into his family’s Asian heritage.
Highly recommended is also The
-Executive Chef Urvin from White Kitchen Table by White, headed
Modern Cuisine and The Kitchen by Chef Urvin as well The Kitchen
Table by White takes you on an Table by White offers a fixed menu
Asian culinary journey in Aruba. 8 course dinner experience that
can be enhanced with n optional
WEST PUNT - Chef Urvin Croes, born wine pairing. The upscale restau-
and raised in Aruba, graduated rant features Caribbean dishes,
from culinary school and went elevated to haute cuisine and has
on to gain experience in Michelin received many wonderful reviews
star restaurants in Europe. He re- since opening two years ago.
turned to Aruba because he had White Modern Cuisine is conve-
a dream to open Aruba’s first fine niently located at Gold Coast
dining, modern gourmet cuisine Luxury Villas. Reservations can be
restaurant. With the opening of made through their website white-
White Modern Cuisine in 2012, that, by calling (297) 280-
dream came true. 0280 or through your hotel con-
When Chef Urvin was offered a cierge. For more information on
unique opportunity to relocate to The Kitchen Table by White, please
the fabulous new clubhouse that poolside dining that offers romantic ing under the weight of a rich visit
was under construction at the luxu- views of the sunset. The gorgeous variety of traditional Asian If you are a foodie, and want an
rious Gold Coast Condo Resort he new facilities are any chef’s dream, dishes. evening where you can sit back,
had a vision. but they are most certainly a dream To honor these memories, if you like to relax and take your
A vision that came to life with a sexy come true for Chef Urvin. With the he now offers a shared style time enjoying the best cuisine and
Bar & Lounge area, an exclusive expanded facilities, WMC now offers dinner experience, with wines Aruba has to offer, White
Wine Room, an elegant, lush din- breakfast, lunch and dinner service, choices for starters such as Modern Cuisine is the place for
ing room and to top it off outdoor and guests also have the opportunity homemade chicken spring you.q