P. 10

                        Friday 7 July 2017
            Iraqi commanders say IS families have joined Mosul fight

            By SUSANNAH GEORGE           largest  city,  and  the  com-  Another officer in the com-  “For a child, even if his fa-  forces  on  their  “big  vic-
            Associated Press             manders’  frustration  was  mand  post  suggested  us-    ther is a criminal, what has  tory”  in  Mosul  on  Tuesday,
            MOSUL,  Iraq  (AP)  —  Iraqi  on display as they watched  ing  Iraqi  artillery,  which  he done?” al-Aridi said. “At  as  they  appeared  to  be
            commanders  say  female  surveillance  footage  from  would not require approval  the same time, my men are  on  the  verge  of  driving
            Islamic  State  militants  are  the front lines.          from  the  U.S.-led  coalition.  still  taking  casualties.  We  the  militants  from  their  last
            firing  on  their  forces  and  “The  women  are  fighting  “They’re  all  Daesh,  just  kill  had 14 wounded today al-  stronghold,  but  the  grind-
            using  children  as  human  with their children right be-  them  all,”  the  command-  ready.”                      ing,  house-by-house  fight-
            shields  as  the  extremist  side them,” Lt. Gen. Sami al-  er  said,  referring  to  the  IS  Women  have  also  car-  ing continues.
            group defends its last sliver  Aridi said as he was briefed  group  by  its  Arabic  acro-  ried  out  suicide  bombings  It’s unclear how many civil-
            of Mosul’s Old City.         by  an  officer  holding  a  nym.                         against  Iraqi  forces.  Three  ians remain in the militants’
            The  militants’  use  of  hu-  tablet  computer  showing  “There  are  civilians  there,  female  suicide  bombers  last  enclave,  which  is  less
            man  shields  has  repeat-   drone imagery. “It’s making  but  they  are  Daesh  fami-  hiding among fleeing civil-  than  one  square  kilome-
            edly  slowed  Iraqi  advanc-  us hesitant to use airstrikes,  lies,”  said  another  officer.  ians killed at least three sol-  ter (mile), but the U.N. says
            es  throughout  the  nearly  to advance. If it weren’t for  Neither  would  agree  to  diers over the past week.    some  2,000    to  3,500  peo-
            nine-month offensive to re-  this we could be finished in  speak on the record, in line  Prime  Minister  Haider  al-  ple have been fleeing on a
            take  the  country’s  second  just a few hours.”          with military regulations.   Abadi  congratulated  his  daily basis.q

            Modi caps Netanyahu bromance with barefoot beach stroll

                                                                                                   increased trade and coop-    said Wednesday at a joint
                                                                                                   eration.                     press conference highlight-
                                                                                                   Modi  and  Netanyahu  on  ing  water  and  agricultural
                                                                                                   Thursday  paid  their  re-   technology.
                                                                                                   spects  to  Indian  soldiers  Netanyahu  touted  Israel’s
                                                                                                   killed  fighting  with  the  Brit-  ties  with  the  world’s  most
                                                                                                   ish Army during World War  populous democracy as a
                                                                                                   I  before  taking  a  spin  on  “marriage  made  in  heav-
                                                                                                   the beach in an Israeli-de-  en,” while Modi proclaimed
                                                                                                   signed mobile desalination  that their goal was “to build
                                                                                                   buggy.                       a  relationship  that  reflects
                                                                                                   The two sipped water pro-    our  shared  priorities  and
                                                                                                   duced  by  the  machine,  draws  on  enduring  bonds
                                                                                                   served in wine glasses, be-  between our peoples.”
                                                                                                   fore  Modi  hitched  up  his  Though  India  kept  a  frosty
                                                                                                   pants  and  waded  ankle-    distance from Israel during
                                                                                                   deep into the surf.          the Cold War, aligning itself
                                                                                                   Netanyahu  did  not  roll  with the Soviets and favor-
                                                                                                   up  his  slacks,  which  got  ing  the  Palestinian  cause,
                                                                                                   soaked.                      the  past  two  decades
                                                                                                   Israeli  agriculture  and  wa-  have seen New Delhi forge
                                                                                                   ter   technologies   have  ever closer diplomatic and
                                                                                                   been a major draw for Indi-  trade  relations  with  the
            Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attend   an investment and the sub-  Jewish state.
            an Innovation conference with Israeli and Indian CEOs in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, July 6, 2017.   ject of several deals signed  Bilateral trade has skyrock-
                                                                       (AP Photo/Oded Balilty, Pool)  during Modi’s visit.      eted  from  $200  million  in
            By ILAN BEN ZION             Thursday  with  a  barefoot  The  two  leaders’  exuber-  “India admires the success  1992, when India and Israel
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Indian  stroll  along  the  Mediter-  ance for warming bilateral  of people of Israel in over-  established diplomatic ties,
            Prime  Minister  Narendra  ranean  shore  with  Israeli  ties  has  taken  the  form  of  coming  adversity  to  ad-  to $4.16 billion in 2016, ac-
            Modi  capped  a  historic  counterpart  Benjamin  Ne-     bear hugs, greetings on so-  vance, innovate and flour-   cording  to  the  Indian  Em-
            three-day  visit  to  Israel  on  tanyahu.                cial media and pledges for  ish  against  all  odds,”  Modi  bassy in Tel Aviv. q

            Bereaved parents of slain US soldier attend trial in Jordan

            By REEM SAAD                 thew  C.  Lewellen  of  Kirks-  never get back. I can’t say  According   to   previous  Marik al-Tuwayha, said in his
            Associated Press             ville,   Missouri,   attended  I’m angry. I just see a future  descriptions  of  a  security  testimony this week that he
            AMMAN,  Jordan  (AP)  —  court  hearings  this  week,  that was taken away by his  camera video by Moriarty’s  opened fire after hearing a
            The  father  of  one  of  the  sitting  meters  away  from  hands.”                    father, the first vehicle in a  pistol shot coming from the
            three  U.S.  military  trainers  the  defendant,  who  stood  Lewellen was killed instantly  four-car  convoy  passed  direction  of  the  American
            shot  dead  at  a  Jordanian  quietly  in  a  cage  in  the  when  three  vehicles  car-  through an outer and an in-  convoy,  saying  he  feared
            air base in November said  courtroom. The parents will  rying U.S. troops came un-     ner gate, entering the base  his  colleagues  were  com-
            Thursday he will honor any  stay in Jordan until the ver-  der  fire  at  the  gate  of  an  safely. Three more vehicles  ing  under  attack.  He  has
            decision made by the mili-   dict.                        air base in southern Jordan  carrying  U.S.  troops  stood  pleaded “not guilty.”
            tary court trying the alleged  “It doesn’t faze me to see  in  November.  The  other  between  the  outer  and  Other  witnesses  have  also
            killer,  but  that  no  punish-  him behind the cage,” said  victims  were  30-year-old  inner  gate  when  Jorda-  said  they  heard  a  pistol
            ment can compensate for  Charles Lewellen. “I look at  Staff  Sgt.  Kevin  J.  McEn-   nian gate guards said they  shot.  Some  of  the  gate
            the loss of his son.         him as a guy that took my  roe  of  Tucson,  Arizona,  heard a low sound, possibly  guards said they held their
            Charles     and    Cynthia  son  and  his  life  from  us  ...  and  27-year-old  Staff  Sgt.  a pistol shot, from the direc-  fire because they couldn’t
            Lewellen,  the  parents  of  someone  that  took  some-   James  F.  Moriarty  of  Ker-  tion of the convoy.        identify the exact source of
            27-year-old  Staff  Sgt.  Mat-  thing  from  us  that  we  will  rville, Texas.        The  defendant,  1st  Sgt.  the sound. q
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