P. 8

                        Friday 7 July 2017
                  German police clash with protesters before G-20 summit

            By DAVID RISING                                                                                                     G-20.”  A  small  group  on
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  roof  set  off  fireworks.
            HAMBURG,  Germany  (AP)                                                                                             Police  said  windows  at  a
            — German police clashed                                                                                             furniture store and a bank
            with   violent   protesters                                                                                         were damaged. There was
            Thursday  in  Hamburg  a                                                                                            no  immediate  word  on  a
            day  ahead  of  the  Group                                                                                          number  of  arrests  or  inju-
            of  20  summit,  using  water                                                                                       ries. Many other groups are
            cannons,  pepper  spray                                                                                             calling  for  peaceful  pro-
            and  batons  to  disperse                                                                                           tests  and  are  pushing  the
            marchers  after  some  at-                                                                                          G-20  leaders  for  action  to
            tacked  them  with  bottles                                                                                         fight  climate  change  and
            and other objects.                                                                                                  address economic dispari-
            The  skirmishes  came  hours                                                                                        ties in the world. Some are
            before  the  two-day  gath-                                                                                         even calling for the dissolu-
            ering  of  the  world’s  top                                                                                        tion of the G-20 itself so the
            economic  powers  gets                                                                                              United  Nations  becomes
            under way Friday morning                                                                                            the  platform  for  such  dis-
            in  Germany’s  second-big-                                                                                          cussions.
            gest city.                                                                                                          In  all,  more  than  100,000
            Its host, German Chancel-                                                                                           protesters  are  expected
            lor Angela Merkel, said she                                                                                         in  Hamburg  for  the  sum-
            hoped  the  leaders  would                                                                                          mit,  with  some  8,000  con-
            be  able  to  find  “compro-                                                                                        sidered  part  of  Europe’s
            mises  and  answers”  on  a   Police officers in operation during a protest against the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Ger-  violent left-wing scene, ac-
            wide range of issues — al-   many, Thursday July 6, 2017. The leaders of industrialized nations, G20, are holding a two day   cording to police.
            though  the  prospects  of   summit starting Friday in Hamburg.                                                     The  northern  port  city  has
            finding  common  ground                                                                    ( Bodo Marks/dpa via AP)  boosted  its  police  with  re-
            on  climate  change  and                                                                                            inforcements  from  around
            trade were uncertain.        ally got going.              Black-hooded     protesters  ing  down  the  street  with   the country and has 20,000
            Thursday evening’s protest   Police said they repeatedly  attacked  a  police  vehicle  two  water  cannons  while   officers  on  hand  to  patrol
            as the G-20 leaders arrived   asked some demonstrators  with  bottles  and  bricks,  being  pelted  with  bottles   Hamburg’s  streets,  skies
            in Hamburg was titled “G-    to  remove  their  masks,  to  breaking its window.       by  a  group  of  black-clad   and waterways.
            20: Welcome to Hell,” and    no avail. They then decid-   Organizers  quickly  called  people.                      Merkel  is  also  hoping  to
            a  standoff  between  hard-  ed  to  separate  the  group  an end to the march after  A nearby building was plas-   keep  things  under  control
            core anti-capitalist protest-  from the rest of the march,  the violence broke out, po-  tered with the slogan “Bor-  inside  the  city  congress
            ers and police developed     which  they  estimated  at  lice said. Skirmishes contin-  derless  solidarity  instead   center where the summit is
            before the march itself re-  12,000 people in total.      ued,  with  police  advanc-  of  nationalism:  attack  the   being held. q

                  EU leaders reaffirm Libya migrant policy despite criticism

            ROME  (AP)  —  European                                                                                             rican countries and select-
            Union  officials  on  Thurs-                                                                                        ed European partners.
            day  reaffirmed  the  need                                                                                          Amid  mounting  anti-immi-
            to tackle Europe’s migrant                                                                                          grant sentiment across Eu-
            crisis in Libya and surround-                                                                                       rope, Italy has increased its
            ing countries, amid contin-                                                                                         complaints  that  it  can  no
            ued  resistance  in  Europe                                                                                         longer shoulder the burden
            to welcome refugees. Italy                                                                                          of the migrant crisis alone.
            announced  some  30  mil-                                                                                           Faced  with  national  elec-
            lion  euro  (US$34  million)  in                                                                                    tions later this year or next,
            new investments aimed at                                                                                            the  Italian  government
            preventing  migrants  from                                                                                          has  recently  threatened
            ever  reaching  or  leav-                                                                                           to  close  its  ports  to  non-
            ing  Libya’s  lawless  shores                                                                                       Italian flagged rescue ships
            where    smugglers   oper-                                                                                          in  hopes  of  forcing  other
            ate.  And  EU  interior  min-                                                                                       European countries to take
            isters  warned  they  might                                                                                         migrants  in.  In  Rome,  For-
            sanction  migrants’  home                                                                                           eign  Minister  Angelino  Al-
            countries  with  visa  restric-                                                                                     fano  said  Italy  was  pledg-
            tions if they refuse to take                                                                                        ing 10 million euros to help
            their  people  back  when                                                                                           Libya’s southern neighbors
            their European asylum bids                                                                                          —  Niger,  Chad  and  Su-
            fail. Europe’s migration cri-                                                                                       dan — better control their
            sis  was  on  the  agenda  at   Men  sit  on  the  deck  of  the  rescue  vessel  Golfo  Azzurro  after  being  rescued  by  Spanish  NGO   borders  so  migrants  can’t
            two meetings Thursday: an    Proactiva Open Arms workers on the Mediterranean Sea Friday, June 16, 2017. Europeans have   reach  Libya.  Another  18
            informal  EU-wide  interior   made a wrong, and dangerous, turn on the Mediterranean as they try to slow the ever-growing   million  euros  is  slated  for
            ministers meeting in Tallinn,   number of migrants crossing the sea by looking for help from Libya, a country in chaos that is   the  voluntary  repatriations
            Estonia,  and  a  meeting  in   the jumping-off point for the hazardous journey, Amnesty International said in a report released   of migrants who reach Lib-
            Rome  of  foreign  ministers   Thursday, July 6, 2017.                                   (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)  ya and decide not to con-
            from Libya, surrounding Af-                                                                                         tinue  their  journeys  north.
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