P. 14
Friday 7 July 2017
Loyal Guests Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently ed in the name of the Min- Pinsky, Ms. Amanda Pin- sented by Ms. Emely Rid- Member Relations Manag-
the Aruba Tourism Authority ister of Tourism as a token of sky and Ms. Isabella Pinsky. derstaat representing the er Miriam Rodriguez, and
had the great pleasure of appreciation to guests who The honorees for Good- Aruba Tourism Authority to- Member Relations Assistant
honoring a large group of visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and will Ambassadors were Mr. gether with Resort Manag- Manager Gloria Janga
loyal and friendly visitors of 20-to-34 consecutive years. Alana and Mrs. Claire Fire- er Luigi Heredia, Front Desk from the Costa Linda.
Aruba as Distinguished Visi- The honorees for Distin- stone, Mr. Neil and Mrs. Jo- Manager Lina Asaytuna,
tors and Goodwill Ambas- guished Visitors were Mr. ann Campbell, and Mr. Ra-
sadors at the Costa Linda Paty and Mrs. Linda Rit- fael Alberto Olivella Guer-
Beach Resort. The symbolic acco, Mr. David and Mrs. rero and Mrs. Ana Maria
honorary titles are present- Tracy Pinsky, Ms. Madeline Vives de Olivella.
These special visitors are
loyal members of the Costa
Linda and they love Aru-
ba very much because of
the friendly people, fun in
the sun, the climate, the
beaches and the restau-
rants. They say that being
on Aruba and staying at
the Costa Linda is like being
at their vacation ‘home-
The certificate was pre-