P. 18

                        Friday 7 July 2017
            AP source: Mavs, Nowitzki

            agree on 2-year, $10M deal

                                                                                                   U.S. coach Bruce Arena, left, and assistant coach Dave Sara-
                                                                                                   chan watch team introductions for an international friendly soc-
                                                                                                   cer match between the United States and Ghana on Saturday,
                                                                                                   July 1, 2017, in East Hartford, Conn.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                                                    U.S. drops 12

                                                                                                    spots to 35th, near

                                                                                                    low in FIFA rankings

                                                                                                     ZURICH (AP) — The United States dropped 12 spots to
                                                                                                     35th in the FIFA rankings, one above the Americans’
                                                                                                     low in July and August 2012.
            In this March 7, 2017, file photo, Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki, of Germany, celebrates   Much of the drop is attributable to a devaluation of
            sinking a three-point basket early in the first quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Los   points  from  last  year’s  Copa  America.  Under  FIFA’s
            Angeles Lakers in Dallas.                                                                formula, a nation’s ranking is based on adding its av-
                                                                                  Associated Press   erage points from matches in the last 12 months to its
                                                                                                     average points in the three years before.
                                                                                                     Germany took over the top spot for the first time in ex-
            By SCHUYLER DIXON            $5 million deal is more in line  7-foot  German  is  also  the   actly two years, moving up two places Thursday after
            AP Sports Writer             with his role on a roster that  only  foreign-born  player   winning the Confederations Cup last weekend with
            DALLAS (AP) — Dirk Nowit-    has  become  significantly  with 30,000 career points, a    a second-string roster. Brazil dropped to second and
            zki has a deal with the Dal-  younger  since  the  start  of  milestone  he  reached  last   Argentina to third.
            las Mavericks that sets him  last season. The $25 million  season.                       Since Germany last led the rankings, exactly Brazil, Ar-
            up  to  join  Kobe  Bryant  as  salary from a year ago was  But  Nowitzki  wants  to  get   gentina and Belgium have held the top spot.
            the  only  players  to  spend  as much about Dallas pay-  back  into  playoff  conten-   Portugal, which finished third at the Confederations
            20  seasons  with  one  NBA  ing  Nowitzki  for  his  loyalty,  tion before he leaves after   Cup, rose four places to No. 4. Switzerland climbed
            franchise. Nowitzki and the  which  included  taking  less  the  Mavericks  missed  the   to No. 5 by beating the Faeroe Islands to extend its
            Mavericks  have  agreed  money to help acquire free  postseason for just the sec-        perfect record in World Cup qualifying.
            on  a  two-year,  $10  mil-  agents through the years.    ond time in 17 seasons.        Poland, also unbeaten in World Cup qualifying, rose
            lion  contract  that  carries  Bryant retired following the  Nowitzki  was  second  to   to No. 6, and Confederations Cup runner-up Chile fell
            a  team  option  in  the  sec-  2015-16  season,  his  20th  Harrison  Barnes  in  scoring   three places to No. 7. Colombia, France and Belgium
            ond season, a person with  with  the  Los  Angeles  Lak-  last  season  at  14.2  points   completed the top 10, though all fell three places.
            knowledge of the deal said  ers. He was the fifth player  per game and could drop        Mexico,  fourth  at  the  Confederations  Cup,  leads
            Thursday  on  condition  of  to spend at least 20 years in  further  with  Wesley  Mat-  CONCACAF at No. 16.
            anonymity because a deal  the NBA.                        thews  going  into  the  third   FIFA usually uses the rankings to decide seeding for
            hasn’t been announced.       Nowitzki  doesn’t  seem  to  year of his deal as the start-  World Cup draw, scheduled for Dec. 1 in Moscow.q
            The  agreement  is  similar  have  ruled  out  playing  ing shooting guard.
            to  the  one  the  Mavs  and  past the coming season. At  Dennis  Smith,  taken  ninth
            Nowitzki reached last year,  the  NBA  awards  show  last  overall in the draft, and Yogi
            although  for  significantly  week,  he  hinted  as  much  Ferrell are two young point
            less  money.  Last  year’s  during    his   acceptance  guards who will spend time
            contract was for two years  speech  for  the  teammate  running  the  pick-and-roll
            and  $50  million,  and  the  of the year award.          with  Nowitzki  and  23-year-
            club declined its option be-  Regardless  of  how  much  old center Nerlens Noel, a
            fore  free  agency  opened  longer  he  plays,  Nowitzki’s  restricted  free  agent  the
            this year.                   legacy is secure after lead-  Mavericks  are  expected
            The  39-year-old  Nowitzki  is  ing  the  Mavericks  to  their  to  keep  after  trading  for
            no  longer  the  primary  op-  only championship in 2011  him  at  the  deadline  last
            tion for the Mavericks, so a  as the NBA Finals MVP. The  season.q
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