P. 25

BUSINESS                 Friday 7 July 2017

                   QVC parent buying HSN as shopping power shifts online

            By DAMIAN J. TROISE          unique, exclusive products
            Associated Press             at  a  compelling  value.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  QVC’s  Otherwise,  he  said,  com-
            parent  company  is  taking  petitors  including  Amazon
            control of the Home Shop-    and Walmart will be tough
            ping Network for about $2.6  to beat online.
            billion  in  stock  to  create  Liberty  Interactive  Corp.,
            what  they  say  will  be  the  which  owns  QVC  already
            third-largest  e-commerce  owned 38 percent of HSN.
            company  in  the  United  Integrating them will make
            States.  The companies long  them  “stronger  than  they
            known  as  bases  for  home  are  individually  and  stron-
            shopping on TV had been  ger  yet  as  a  stand-alone
            dealing  with  sluggish  sales  entity” in a “changing and
            as  Amazon dominates  on-    difficult market,” said Greg
            line. Both had long moved  Maffei,  Liberty’s  president
            beyond  cable  channels  and CEO.
            and  were  trying  to  refash-  Under  former  CEO  Mindy
            ion themselves for younger  Grossman, HSN had worked
            shoppers  buying  more  on  to  build  its  e-commerce
            their mobile phones.         presence and transform it-
            “They’re  a  little  bit  late  to  self into a lifestyle network.
            the  dance  of  the  online  It derives half of its revenue
            arena,  but  are  catching  from  e-commerce,  featur-
            up now,” said Craig John-    ing more than 50,000 prod-   This photo shows a sign outside of the headquarters of the Home Shopping Network on Thursday,
            son, president of Customer  ucts  on  its  website  along   July 6, 2017, in St. Petersburg, Fla. QVC’s parent company is taking control of the Home Shopping
                                                                      Network for about $2.6 billion in stock to create what they say will be the third-largest e-com-
            Growth Partners, a retail re-  with broadcasting to more   merce company in the United States.
            search consulting firm.      than 90 million households.                                                     (Scott Keeler/Tampa Bay Times via AP)
            The  combination  will  help  Grossman  departed  for
            give  QVC  and  HSN  the  Weight Watchers earlier this    overlapping     customers,  Zulily, which QVC bought in  tomers worldwide and ship
            scale  they  need  to  take  year.  Executives  on  Thurs-  their strength in video and  2015, to drive younger cus-  more than 320 million pack-
            on  more  established  on-   day highlighted the poten-   the  larger  reach  the  two  tomers to both brands.      ages every year, said Mike
            line competitors. A key fo-  tial  for  cost  savings,  com-  will  have.  The  companies  Combined, they’ll serve an  George,  QVC’s  president
            cus will have to be offering  plementary  but  not  wholly   also said they hope to use  estimated  23  million  cus-  and CEO.q

                Tesla, for now, loses spot as most valuable carmaker in US

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             car  market  shifted  a  bit
            (AP) - After three months as                                                                                        when  Volvo  announced
            the nation’s most valuable                                                                                          that  by  2019,  it  would  be
            automaker,  a  bad  week                                                                                            producing  only  electric
            in an otherwise stellar year                                                                                        and  hybrid  vehicles,  the
            has knocked Tesla from the                                                                                          first  traditional  automaker
            top perch.                                                                                                          to  make  that  leap.  Volvo,
            Over  the  first  six  months                                                                                       owned  by  Chinese  firm
            of  the  year,  Tesla  shares                                                                                       Geely, will launch five fully
            gained more than 50 per-                                                                                            electric cars between 2019
            cent  and  the  electric  car                                                                                       and 2021. q
            company passed General
            Motors  and  Ford  in  mar-
            ket  cap.  But  shares  have
            plunged almost 15 percent
            this week, translating to lost
            market value of $8.7 billion.
            GM  has  regained  the  top
            spot with a value of $52.67
            billion   compared    with
            $50.74 billion for Tesla.    A Tesla car recharges at a charging station at Cochran Commons shopping center in Charlotte,
            Tesla has been hit by a tri-  N.C. After three months as the nation’s most valuable automaker, a bad week in an otherwise
                                         stellar year has knocked Tesla from the top perch.
            fecta  of  bad  news,  start-                                                               (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)
            ing with a tweet from Tesla
            CEO  Elon  Musk.  Shares     per  month  in  December,
            are on track for their worst   which was below previous
            weekly  percentage  de-      estimates.  Tesla  also  said
            cline  since  early  2016  —   Monday that first-half deliv-
            they  fell  nearly  6  percent   eries of the Model S sedan
            Thursday alone.              and  Model  X  SUV  totaled
            On  Monday,  Musk  sent      about  47,100,  at  the  low
            out  tweet  saying  that  the   end of the company’s pro-
            Palo Alto, California, com-  jections.
            pany  anticipates  produc-   Then  on  Wednesday,  the
            tion of 20,000 Model 3 cars   dynamics  of  the  electric
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