Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13

                                                                                                                         Thursday 3 December 2015

As Part of the World’s Largest Chanukah Observance,
Nine-Foot Menorah to Light Up Aruba!

--This Chanukah, Jewish             which was part of the daily      Jewish unity and learn-    Jewish observance.           December 6th, will be lit
Community commemo-                  service in the temple, and       ing. Throughout the year,  Over the eight nights of     at the Hilton Aruba Resort
rates once-every-seven-             rendered them unfit for          Jewish synagogues and      Chanukah, Chabad Aru-        at 5.30pm. At each event,
years tradition.                    use. Upon recapturing the        organizations are hosting  ba will be organizing nu-    which is listed on our web-
                                    Temple, the Jewish people        communal gatherings for    merous Menorah lighting      site www.JewishAruba.
PALM BEACH - Chabad                 found one lone jar of un-        men, women and children    ceremonies all over the      com/Chanukah2015, hot
Aruba will ignite a public          defiled oil, enough to burn      dedicated to encouraging   Island. The first candle on  latkes and donuts will be
9 foot menorah erected              only one day, but it lasted                                                              served. All are welcome.
at the Playa Linda Plaza,           miraculously for eight days
followed by a community-            until new, pure olive oil                                                                EVENT RECAP:
wide celebration on the             was produced. Ever since,                                                                What: Grand Chanukah
last night of Chanukah,             in commemoration of this                                                                 Party
which falls out on Decem-           event, the Jewish people                                                                 Where: Playa Linda Plaza
ber 13th. Following the me-         celebrate Chanukah for                                                                   When: December 13th
norah lighting ceremony,            eight days by lighting an                                                                6pm
participants will enjoy hot         eight-branched candela-                                                                  All welcome
latkes and delicious jelly          bra known as a Menorah.
donuts, a variety of chil-          The Menorah is placed on                                                                 ABOUT CHABAD ARUBA:
dren’s activities with music        a window or a doorpost                                                                   Chabad Aruba offers
and entertainment for all           facing the outside in order                                                              Jewish education, out-
the family.                         to publicize the miracle,                                                                reach and social service
The public menorah light-           with its message of hope                                                                 programming for families
ing was organized by                and religious freedom, to                                                                and individuals of all ages,
Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi              all. Today, to people of all                                                             backgrounds and affilia-
Ahron Blasberg, who re-             faiths, the Chanukah holi-                                                               tions. For more informa-
marked, “The Menorah                day serves as a symbol and                                                               tion, contact Rabbi Ahron
serves as a symbol of Aru-          message of the triumph of                                                                Blasberg at 592-7613 and
ba’s dedication to pre-             freedom over oppression,                                                       
serve and encourage the             of spirit over matter, of light                                                          or visit www.JewishAruba.
right and liberty of all its citi-  over darkness.                                                                           comq
zens to worship G-d freely,
openly, and with pride.”            This year’s Chanukah cel-
Aruba’s menorah is one of           ebrations bring added sig-
thousands of large public           nificance as Jewish com-
menorahs sponsored by               munities worldwide cel-
Chabad throughout the               ebrate the year of Hakhel,
world, helping children             a once-every-seven-years
and adults of all walks of          opportunity to celebrate
life discover and enjoy the
holiday message.
Chanukah, the Festival
of Lights, recalls the vic-
tory more than 2,000 years
ago of a militarily weak
but spiritually strong Jew-
ish people, over the mighty
forces of a ruthless enemy
that had overrun ancient
Israel and sought to im-
pose restrictions on the
Jewish way of life, prohibit
religious freedom and
force the Jewish people
to accept a foreign reli-
gion. During the occupa-
tion of Jerusalem and the
Temple, the Syrian Greeks
desecrated and defiled
the oils prepared for the
lighting of the Menorah,
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