Page 12 - Financial Statements 2014, 2015 & 2016
P. 12

Airport Groundhandling &
  Financial Statements                                                   Equipment Leasing Services N.V.
  6. Notes to the financial statements                                           Financial statements 2014

                    General expenses

                                                                         2014               2013
                    General expenses                                    in AWG             in AWG

                     Management fees                                             100,000                    -

                     Total general expenses                                 100,000               -

                    Depreciation/amortization expenses

                                                                         2014               2013
                    Depreciation / amortization expenses                in AWG             in AWG

                     Equipment                                                  232,313             219,800
                     Other assets                                                       -                4,158

                     Total depreciation / amortization expenses             232,313         223,958

                    Financial income / (expenses)

                                                                         2014               2013
                    Financial expenses / (income)                       in AWG             in AWG

                     Interest loans                                               70,956               77,099
                     Exchange gains/losses                                          7,831                4,330
                     Bank charges                                                   1,233                 2,082
                     Interest related parties                                    (39,669)             (34,545)

                     Total financial expenses / (income)                     40,351            48,966

                    As a result of the compensable losses the Company has no profit tax due.

                    Signing of the financial statements

                    Aruba, ………………….. 2015

                    Mr. R.J. Helder
                    On behalf of AVSERMA Aviation Services & Management Co. N.V.
                    Managing Director

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