Page 17 - Financial Statements 2014, 2015 & 2016
P. 17

Financial Statements                                                 AGS Aviation Ground Services N.V.
  1. Statement of financial position                                             Financial statements 2014

                    Statement of financial position
                    (Before profit appropriation)

                                                    December 31, 2014           December 31, 2013
                    Assets                                in AWG                      in AWG

                     Fixed assets
                      Tangible fixed assets                  3,000                     21,460
                                                                            3,000                      21,460

                     Current assets
                      Accounts receivable             1,146,394                      793,313
                      Due from related parties            224,713                     92,595
                      Other receivables                    89,748                      61,099
                      Cash and banks                     109,833                      39,883
                                                                     1,570,688                      986,890

                     Total assets                                 1,573,688                   1,008,350

                                                    December 31, 2014           December 31, 2013
                    Equity & liabilities                  in AWG                      in AWG

                      Share capital                       178,000                    178,000
                      Share premium                      919,307                     819,307
                      Retained earnings              (3,489,659)                 (2,955,198)
                      Current year result                962,360                    (534,461)
                                                                     (1,429,992)                 (2,492,352)

                     Current liabilities
                      Loan facility                        52,490                      88,021
                      Credit institutions                635,990                     924,935
                      Accounts payable                   384,531                     717,139
                      Due to related parties           1,048,451                    690,389
                      Taxes and premiums                 762,154                    989,368
                      Other liabilities                   120,064                      90,850
                                                                     3,003,680                    3,500,702

                     Total equity & liabilities                   1,573,688                   1,008,350

                     The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

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