Page 10 - Minister Mike De Meza
P. 10

Taking care of our natural
treasures contributes to a

    cleaner environment

           According to Minister Mike de Meza

EVERY project that contributes to making Aruba’s           ect will prove to be                                      leadership of his counterpart and the Director of ATA.
                                                           one of the best de-
environment a safer one is extremely important. It is      cisions the current                                       The project currently taking place starts from the
not only important because of the development and          Government has                                            Surfside Beach till the old governors’ house on the L.G.
growth of tourism which happens to be our most impor-      ever made, which                                          Smith Boulevard and the project is to take dirty sand
tant source of income but it is also essential to improve  is creating a desti-                                      or mud out of the sea and replace it with clean sand
the quality of life on our island so the entire Aruban     nation tax that the                                       and dropping more sand in certain parts of the beach
community can enjoy a safe and clean environment.          Government pays                                           to make the beach wider.
                                                           to ATA for invest-                                        The goal is to keep our beaches clean using its own
“One of the most important and interesting projects        ments beneficial to                                       resources and to expand the project to other beaches
that will contribute to preserving, maintaining and tak-   our tourism.                                              on the island starting in 2016.
ing care of our environment initiated a few days ago at
the Surfside Beach area, which is currently referred to    This tax will pro-
as Nikky Beach.” according to Minister Mike de Meza.       vide ATA with the
                                                           funds necessary to be able to operate in a more sustain-
Wednesday morning Minister de Meza along with              able way and to continue contributing to bettering the
minister of Tourism Otmar Oduber, Director of Aruba        tourism and community in general; their hard work
Tourism Authority (ATA) Ronella Tijn Asjoe-Croes and       is seen through all the positive advancements in the
representative of Dienst Openbare Werken(DOW) Mr.          tourism sector according to Minister Mike de Meza.
Francis Gomez visited the beach to witness the beach
cleaning and subsurface cleaning project that is taking    The beaches are Aruba’s’ most important treasures
place. The project will take about 3 to 4 months and is    and biggest resources and have been in need of proper
financed by ATA and executed by DOW and Varadero           maintenance for more than 10 years already. The
Caribe.                                                    Minister added that he is very happy that positive
                                                           changes and improvements are taking place under
Minister de Meza remarked that completing this proj-

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Friday, July 17 2015                                                                               5LOCAL
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