P. 14
Thursday 24 augusT 2017
This Friday:
Open Air Festival with Local Artists and Local Tastings
PALM BEACH - More than 30 come on over and enjoy
local artists will show more this unique experience. Lo-
than 400 local products this cation is between the Bar-
coming Friday. You can in- celo Hotel and Hyatt Hotel,
dulge in the Aruban world it starts at 6pm. For more
of creativity and artisans, information:
of local tastings and enter-
tainment. This all during the Kenneth Giel
1st Taste Like& Buy Festival. Aruba’s Best / Event-orga-
Kenneth Giel, founder of Sabana liber 42A /Office
Aruba’s Best Organization, Appt.2
explains the importance of
the exposure of local art- Cell Phone: 563-0941
ists and farmers. The moti- Email: arubasbest1@gmail.
vation for this festival is to comq
connect with the visitors, so
Loyal Island Guests Honored by ATA
The symbolic honorary title
is presented in the name
of the Minister of Tourism
as a token of appreciation
to guests who visit Aruba
for 20-to-34 consecutive
years. The honorees were
Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Ma-
ria Milgaros Rodriguez, and
Mr. Felix Perez Ramirez and
Mrs. Maria E. Bustamante,
all celebrating 20-or-more
consecutive annual visits to
These special guests are
loyal members of La Ca-
bana Beach Resort and
they love Aruba very much
because of the friendly
people, fun in the sun, the
climate, the beaches, the
restaurants, and the many
natural and cultural attrac-
The certificate was present-
ed by Ms. Emely Riddersta-
at representing the Aruba
Tourism Authority together
EAGLE BEACH - Recently loyal and friendly visitors with family, friends and as-
the Aruba Tourism Author- of Aruba as Goodwill Am- sociates from La Cabana
ity had the great pleasure bassadors at La Cabana Beach Resort.q
of honoring a group of very Beach Resort.